Miller Jeep trail camp & ride Aug. 19th-20th

I always have it but mostly use it in the winter. Worth a shot. I don't see why the rangers should mind. No flying sparks and no smoke smell. :cool:

I think we'll be good with that:D I have an extra 20lb tank it ya think we will need it? You're awesome Jimmy, just another goodie out of your bag of tricks:D
I think we'll be good with that:D I have an extra 20lb tank it ya think we will need it? You're awesome Jimmy, just another goodie out of your bag of tricks:D

Depnds on how late the dancing goes on. Probably a good idea to bring it. We have carne and weenies to cook also. :cool:
and have are light up dog collars on, man I cant beleave I didnt get a pic of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Rich, I did snap off a couple pics on the last trip of George and his blue, flashing collar. Anyone want me to post up?:eek:
Well Rich, I did snap off a couple pics on the last trip of George and his blue, flashing collar. Anyone want me to post up?:eek:

No you should not do that , I'm not sure if he remembers that, so just let it be .Don't want any more embarrassing pix like the one George had got of Bag man .
Yeah, I got one too, but all you can see are the blue lights.. LOL!!!:D

Well at least you didn't start barking and licking your crotch!!! (Although you did let it go on a tree.... :eek:WOW!!! Yeah I know TMI, huh?)
fun times everyone ...we had a geat time and look forword to the trip as well got the ax. installed this week see you all fri morning .
what time is everyone getting therre fri. ?
Here is the Friday show-up and Carne Asada list:D

Friday Carne Asada Dinner/Pot-Luck

Please post your name and what time you will arrive on Friday

1. George & Kathy--6am ( I also will have a grill)
2. Jim & Melissa - Not sure what time but in the a.m.
3. Trukndave--I should be there about 10:00am (I have a gas grill Cisco)
4. 66cummins--Friday Evening
5. Ryan (Vbosch02) - Friday Evening, shooting for between 7 - 8 pm
6. Cisco Kid-Friday a.m. -bringing all my new RZR parts ;-)
Yeah, I got one too, but all you can see are the blue lights.. LOL!!!:D

Well at least you didn't start barking and licking your crotch!!! (Although you did let it go on a tree.... :eek:WOW!!! Yeah I know TMI, huh?)

I just spit my coffee on my pug.......LOL.....Dan, you're crazy!!
No problem! Love U 2 Baby:D
Do you want me to bring my Floor Jack and Stands for changing out those parts?

No, I am just taking them as spares ;-)

But thank you ;-)

BTW I may need your help on my Radio / Antenna setup, I will bring wire and connector
I am going to try and fix that at home, but if not another set of eyes or La Familia group
may fine a fix ;-)

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