Miller Jeep trail camp & ride Aug. 19th-20th

Looks like Bagman isn't going to make this one, sending the second string.

Miller Jeep trail camp & ride Aug. 19th-20th<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #191919; COLOR: #191919" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->1. Trukndave (Camping 8/19 – 8/21)
2. Jim and Melissa - (Camping)
3. Grumpysrzr4
4. Mike B. (Teryx, Camping)
5. John RZRS(in spirit)
6. Rich, Cheryl, Max and the cat (Camping)
7. George, Kathy and Lucky (Camping) Arriving 6am Friday:)
8. Vbosch02 (Ryan) (Camping) RZRS
9. Cisco Kid (Camping 8/19 - 8/21)
10.Simi Dude & Zac (Camping)
11. Sand Shark and son (Camping?)
12. RZRGIL (Camping 8/19 - 8/21)
13. rzrcsi (Camping)
14. Dev's rzr
15. Timmys Hat (Filling in for the Big Guy)
16. scott425(camping 8/19-8/21)
17. Speedypumpkin
18. Itstoolate
19. Prudence12
20. Japinthebox
21. PB with his XP nuevo!!
22. 66cummins
23. RZR$David
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We'll miss ya Bagman, see ya on the next ride:)
At least Timmy's Hat is coming, I bet he can stay up and party with us past 9pm:D

Is Scott still planning on coming?
BBQ Saturday night Pot-Luck
Stay and join us if you are a "day rider" for some La Familia style dining....
1. Trukndave: Hawaiin Sliders & Weiners", buns, mustard, ketchup, plates, plastic ware, table, BBQ
2. George & Kathy: BBQ Beef, Buns & Something Sweet!
3. SpeedyAngie: Salad, Watermelon, Margaritas & Some Marley:eek:
4. RZRCSI: "Jakes Tex-Mex" World Famous cake
5. J&M - Chilli for dogs and chips.
6. strawberry pizza...mmm yummy ;)
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I'm sooooooo excited I get to go on this ride and Ol Baggy Pants Man won't be there to cramp my style.......

Margaritas and strawberry pizza - Yummy

You boys better be well rested cuz I'm comin to party :p
Frazier Mountain weather for the day of the ride is forcast as follows:

Saturday, Aug 20
Daytime temp: 77
Night time low: 61

I know,......this is horrible news!! Who wants to ride in such perfect weather....Crap!!!

Here's the plan for the ride:
8:20 a.m. - Drivers meeting in middle of dirt area
8:30 a.m. - Line up at gate to "Frazier Gold Mine Trail", then....we're off!!
12:00 - 1:00 - We should be at the top of Alamo and have lunch
1:00 - 1:30 - Head back

**We will take several break stops along the way to refresh and water the local vegetation

**We will be sharing the trail with mostly other 4-wheel drive vehicles, dirt bikes, and snakes!! I haven't seen a rattler up there yet, only King and Gopher snakes on the road. But the Rattlers are there.

Trail schedule:
Frazier Goldmine Trail
Lockwood Creek Trail
Gate Keeper
Yellowjacket crossing
Cottonwood junction
Marble Madness
Sunset Campground (Piru Creek crossing)
"Miller Jeep Trail" (3000ft climb in under 3 miles)
Alamo Peak (8000ft) Lunch, views, pictures (Pit toilets)
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Friday Carne Asada Dinner/Pot-Luck

Please post your name and what time you will arrive on Friday:D

1. George & Kathy--6am ( I also will have a grill)
2. Jim & Melissa - Not sure what time but in the a.m.
3. Trukndave--I should be there about 10:00am (I have a gas grill Cisco)
4. 66cummins--Friday Evening
5. Ryan (Vbosch02) - Friday Evening, shooting for between 7 - 8 pm
6. Cisco Kid-Friday a.m. -bringing all my new RZR parts ;-)
7. Scott425-- Friday Afternoon
8. SpeedyAngie--Friday A.M.?
Friday Carne Asada Dinner/Pot-Luck

Please post your name and what time you will arrive on Friday

1. George & Kathy--6am (Gas Grill)
2. Jim & Melissa - Not sure what time but in the a.m.
3. Trukndave--I should be there about 10:00am (Gas Grill)
4. 66cummins--Friday Evening
5. Ryan (Vbosch02) - Friday Evening, shooting for between 7 - 8 pm
6. Cisco Kid-Friday a.m. -bringing all my new RZR parts ;-)
7. Scott425-- Friday Afternoon
8. SpeedyAngie--Friday A.M.?
9. Rzrgil--Friday noonish (Gas Grill)
Friday Carne Asada Dinner/Pot-Luck

Please post your name and what time you will arrive on Friday

1. George & Kathy--6am (Gas Grill)
2. Jim & Melissa - Not sure what time but in the a.m.
3. Trukndave--I should be there about 10:00am (Gas Grill)
4. 66cummins--Friday around 8-9 pm
5. Ryan (Vbosch02) - Friday Evening, shooting for between 7 - 8 pm
6. Cisco Kid-Friday a.m. -bringing all my new RZR parts ;-)
7. Scott425-- Friday Afternoon
8. SpeedyAngie--Friday A.M.?
9. Rzrgil--Friday noonish (Gas Grill)

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