Hey everyone! We literally just walked in the door from our Utah trip....wow, that's a long drive!! MMP is an amazing facility, and the fans in Utah are awesome!
We had a very busy weekend....with some bad luck and good times all thrown in! Mostly, we had a great time being out there with everyone - I want to give a huge shoutout to my fellow SR1 racers for not only making that long drive out there, but for taking the abuse that track was dishing out all weekend! I don't think a single one of us came away from that track unscathed! Thanks to everyone who helped us with parts on Saturday...Tyler for the bearings, Mittags for the wheel (it's coming back to you shortly!!), etc!
Congrats to Austin for sweeping the Unlimited Podium! And big congrats to Greg Frantz for his first WIN in the SR1 class!
As always, it was just great sharing the track with all of you.....we had some great racing going on, and that is what makes all of this worth it!
Glen Helen should be off the hook - expect a much larger SR1 turnout, if everyone who says they will be done with their cars by then actually gets done!
It was great meeting my fellow UTVUnderground peeps over the weekend! Thanks so much for coming out to watch - I hope you had a great time!
I'm gonna go lay down for a bit...got a little whiplash that is buggin me today!

Congrats again everyone! Can't wait to see the pics and videos soon!