LOORRS 2010 RD1 Las Vegas - Pics, Results, Stories, Links -

You know what's really cool? When we were all up there, I looked around at everyone sharing the podium between the two classes and thought "I couldn't be in better company". Everyone is really cool, fun to race with and share the track with, and just good people. Makes all the hard work and money spent worth it!! :)
I would like to thank the guys at XMF for making my RZR handle so much better than last year. I cant tell you how big of a difference it has made. Not only that but to finish the race without part failures for the first time since Pomona 08. Now if I can only find some of that power that RJ has :rolleyes: Also thanks to lucas for treating us like pro's, and all the UTV racers in both classes.
Big Jump /''''''''''''''''''''''''''\ Dan Kelly

required for all racers now.....the idea is to keep rocks fom flying into the trailing racers faces.....keeps the mud down to "alegedly"
I think the drivers look at it as a rule they have to conform to but they also look at it as another increase in weight so they get the lightest rubber they can! Hence the "floatation"
Actually, I love them, and the other drivers I have talked to wonder why we haven't done this sooner! Until you are directly behind the wheels of 70-120 HP, you don't know what it feels like to have sh*t-tons of mud and rocks flying into your face while you are trying to race. It's a safety factor for LOORRS, but I personally like them. And yes, they definately help. :)

PS - light mudflaps break off. I used belted rubber - works awesome!
Awesome pictures guys. I enjoy seeing all the races on here that you guys do out west its almost like being there sometimes when Joey and everyone giving updates as the races are going on thanks for covering the races and congrads to all the racers. I kind of like the way the mud flaps are on there even thaw some see it as more weight

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