Life On the Inside: Wes Miller In-Car Video *CRASH/PASS*

Cool video. That S3 car passed them like they were standing still. I know they slowed, but damn the S3 car was moving.
Cool video. That S3 car passed them like they were standing still. I know they slowed, but damn the S3 car was moving.

I was wide open when he caught me. Kind of surprised me. I felt like we were moving pretty good. I had just ran down and passed 3 cars and then out of nowhere, I hear a siren and a tap from behind. I never saw him coming. He then pulled away like I was standing still. That car definitely is fast.
I was wide open when he caught me. Kind of surprised me. I felt like we were moving pretty good. I had just ran down and passed 3 cars and then out of nowhere, I hear a siren and a tap from behind. I never saw him coming. He then pulled away like I was standing still. That car definitely is fast.

I bet that will get the heart going seeing a car from the dust out of nowhere. I did see on the tracker they were hitting 80+mph a few times.

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