January 18th - SOPA, Protect IP **PLEASE READ**


We make it a point to have no official opinion or involvement in politics but today is a rare exception.

Today January 18th, 2012 many websites try to raise awareness of an imminent danger to the existents of the internet as we know it today and we at UTVUnderground.com join the movement. You may noticed a splash-screen upon your entry of UTVUnderground.com. If not this is what you missed. Stop American Censorship — a campaign from Fight for the Future

What is this all about?
After thinking long and hard on how to write this post choose to link to a blog post on reddit that explains the cause of todays protest best in our opinion. blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: A technical examination of SOPA and PROTECT IP

What can I do to help the cause?
Please familiarize yourself with the issue by reading this links. If you like websites like youtube, forums like UTVUnderground then follow to action by making your voice heard.
1. Inform yourself
2. Spread the message
3. Contact your representative and let them know how to represent you.

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