Is Cory Sappington and the UTVRA relevant?

These look a lot alike.


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Word on the streets is Cory isn't planning to change ANYTHING in terms of how this class is ran no matter what the results are from the questionnaire Bill passed around..... not surprised.

Not at all. I can honestly say I never saw anyone thumb their nose at a whole group like that in my entire life. It's incredible and do able because no one will take a real stand and he knows it. But still it's no excuse to show such disrespect for so many people's views. If that's what happens I hope that's not the case.
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Reality is Cory is the man to do the job until the class rally's. Shitting on Cory with no resolution is pointless. At this point it's the classes problem, not Corys.
You finally figured it out the end.

It has nothing to do with figuring it out..

"It's often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."- Albert Einstein

It leads me to another old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink...
This is my suggestion for BITD classes

1) Pro Production N/A- Rules remain basically as they are right now, (Note: All involved Oem's still offer a high performance N/A model and the majority of the existing class racers are currently racing these models.)

2) Open Production Pro- this would replace the "unlimited Class" However make changes to bring this class back to a more production oriented class. Factory and aftermarket turbos allowed but no motorcycle/snowmobile engine swaps or complete chassis. Make all other rules basically the same as pro production. Existing "unlimited" cars who have raced in 2015 could be grandfathered for one or two years. (there are really only four or five of these cars and they have not proven to be competitive)

3) Sportsman- "Run what ya brung" Under 1000cc and utv body, must pass safety tech. If you want to creat some crazy buggy with a UTV body, or you just want to come out and see what it's all about in your near stock UTV this is your class.

with this plan the entire pro class is "production" based and you have not slapped the existing N/A racers in the face. The OEM's can enjoy seeing both of their Performance models (turbo and non turbo) competing on a level playing field. Sure there are going to be new models from other OEM's coming in the future (or now for that matter) At this point I think you put them into one of these classes. Turbos in open class and N/A in Pro N/A. The current rules do not exclude any type of transmission. it just states that you have to use the stock transmission so right now the new Yamaha is legal in the Pro class by all rule definitions.

I think this would be a better plan than what is being proposed right now which is basically telling N/A racers that if you don't want to race against cars with 40% more horsepower then you can go race in "unlimited" . Seems kinda dumb.
This is my suggestion for BITD classes

1) Pro Production N/A- Rules remain basically as they are right now, (Note: All involved Oem's still offer a high performance N/A model and the majority of the existing class racers are currently racing these models.)

2) Open Production Pro- this would replace the "unlimited Class" However make changes to bring this class back to a more production oriented class. Factory and aftermarket turbos allowed but no motorcycle/snowmobile engine swaps or complete chassis. Make all other rules basically the same as pro production. Existing "unlimited" cars who have raced in 2015 could be grandfathered for one or two years. (there are really only four or five of these cars and they have not proven to be competitive)

3) Sportsman- "Run what ya brung" Under 1000cc and utv body, must pass safety tech. If you want to creat some crazy buggy with a UTV body, or you just want to come out and see what it's all about in your near stock UTV this is your class.

with this plan the entire pro class is "production" based and you have not slapped the existing N/A racers in the face. The OEM's can enjoy seeing both of their Performance models (turbo and non turbo) competing on a level playing field. Sure there are going to be new models from other OEM's coming in the future (or now for that matter) At this point I think you put them into one of these classes. Turbos in open class and N/A in Pro N/A. The current rules do not exclude any type of transmission. it just states that you have to use the stock transmission so right now the new Yamaha is legal in the Pro class by all rule definitions.

I think this would be a better plan than what is being proposed right now which is basically telling N/A racers that if you don't want to race against cars with 40% more horsepower then you can go race in "unlimited" . Seems kinda dumb.

Best idea I have read.

In a recent exchange with Cory via text it has been made clear to me that he has NO conflict of interest, he sees no need to change anything in terms of how this class is run, and is hurting the sport more than it is helping.

I am at a loss with this situation. I am close to running out of F's to give if racers don't find a way to band together and help Cory understand that the majority does not agree with him.

I think everyone shares my sentiment that what Cory has done for 10 years is commendable and appreciated. But times change and you either adapt or you get left in the dust.
This is my suggestion for BITD classes

1) Pro Production N/A- Rules remain basically as they are right now, (Note: All involved Oem's still offer a high performance N/A model and the majority of the existing class racers are currently racing these models.)

2) Open Production Pro- this would replace the "unlimited Class" However make changes to bring this class back to a more production oriented class. Factory and aftermarket turbos allowed but no motorcycle/snowmobile engine swaps or complete chassis. Make all other rules basically the same as pro production. Existing "unlimited" cars who have raced in 2015 could be grandfathered for one or two years. (there are really only four or five of these cars and they have not proven to be competitive)

3) Sportsman- "Run what ya brung" Under 1000cc and utv body, must pass safety tech. If you want to creat some crazy buggy with a UTV body, or you just want to come out and see what it's all about in your near stock UTV this is your class.

with this plan the entire pro class is "production" based and you have not slapped the existing N/A racers in the face. The OEM's can enjoy seeing both of their Performance models (turbo and non turbo) competing on a level playing field. Sure there are going to be new models from other OEM's coming in the future (or now for that matter) At this point I think you put them into one of these classes. Turbos in open class and N/A in Pro N/A. The current rules do not exclude any type of transmission. it just states that you have to use the stock transmission so right now the new Yamaha is legal in the Pro class by all rule definitions.

I think this would be a better plan than what is being proposed right now which is basically telling N/A racers that if you don't want to race against cars with 40% more horsepower then you can go race in "unlimited" . Seems kinda dumb.

Bill, everyone except for one person gets this's beyond dumb!

Joey, Cory knows that very few agree with him and he doesn't care.

Your either in one of two camps.

1. You don't care or you agree Cory should continue in this manner.
2. You don't agree and your wiling to express this directly to Casey however is decided by those is camp 2.

No need to debate this further it's been near to death and then some. Everyone knows what's going on and it's time to shit or get off the pot. Both Bill, Joey, Justin, and others have stuck their necks out and it's time to actually so something besides sitting on the sidelines.

I'm firmly in Camp 2 and would sign a petition. Call Casey directly and express changes determined in advance by the all of us in advance. Will not be productive for 50 different people going to him with 50 different ideas. I'd stand by whatever the group decided. It's become a matter of principle now and a a community will we just sit back and be ignored while doing nothing? I'm in...... Starting to think Cory needs to go not sure at this point he can even be a part of a committee.
Best idea I have read.

In a recent exchange with Cory via text it has been made clear to me that he has NO conflict of interest, he sees no need to change anything in terms of how this class is run, and is hurting the sport more than it is helping.

I am at a loss with this situation. I am close to running out of F's to give if racers don't find a way to band together and help Cory understand that the majority does not agree with him.

I think everyone shares my sentiment that what Cory has done for 10 years is commendable and appreciated. But times change and you either adapt or you get left in the dust.

Agreed, The thing that really gets me, is the blatant disregard for the facts at hand, the racers opinions and the refusal to apply some simple logic to this problem. There are many teams that will be able to compete no matter the class designation but there are a large number of very dedicated teams who's programs are being punished because of this. If I were a privateer with a newer car , Faced with this situation I'm not sure I could continue knowing I could not be competitive with my current platform.
This is my suggestion for BITD classes

1) Pro Production N/A- Rules remain basically as they are right now, (Note: All involved Oem's still offer a high performance N/A model and the majority of the existing class racers are currently racing these models.)

2) Open Production Pro- this would replace the "unlimited Class" However make changes to bring this class back to a more production oriented class. Factory and aftermarket turbos allowed but no motorcycle/snowmobile engine swaps or complete chassis. Make all other rules basically the same as pro production. Existing "unlimited" cars who have raced in 2015 could be grandfathered for one or two years. (there are really only four or five of these cars and they have not proven to be competitive)

3) Sportsman- "Run what ya brung" Under 1000cc and utv body, must pass safety tech. If you want to creat some crazy buggy with a UTV body, or you just want to come out and see what it's all about in your near stock UTV this is your class.

with this plan the entire pro class is "production" based and you have not slapped the existing N/A racers in the face. The OEM's can enjoy seeing both of their Performance models (turbo and non turbo) competing on a level playing field. Sure there are going to be new models from other OEM's coming in the future (or now for that matter) At this point I think you put them into one of these classes. Turbos in open class and N/A in Pro N/A. The current rules do not exclude any type of transmission. it just states that you have to use the stock transmission so right now the new Yamaha is legal in the Pro class by all rule definitions.

I think this would be a better plan than what is being proposed right now which is basically telling N/A racers that if you don't want to race against cars with 40% more horsepower then you can go race in "unlimited" . Seems kinda dumb.

This is the best solution I've heard yet, what do we need to do to make it happen?

I drove an xp turbo for the first time today, power is amazing, head and shoulders above N/A 1K.

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Bill is a Fart Smeller... ok I think I got that wrong, but Cory needs to either decide to race with 'UTV committee rules' or become a non-racing, non factory OEM affiliated class rep or preferably committee member. The current situation is one sided, doctorial, from a person with obvious bias.
This is my suggestion for BITD classes

1) Pro Production N/A- Rules remain basically as they are right now, (Note: All involved Oem's still offer a high performance N/A model and the majority of the existing class racers are currently racing these models.)

2) Open Production Pro- this would replace the "unlimited Class" However make changes to bring this class back to a more production oriented class. Factory and aftermarket turbos allowed but no motorcycle/snowmobile engine swaps or complete chassis. Make all other rules basically the same as pro production. Existing "unlimited" cars who have raced in 2015 could be grandfathered for one or two years. (there are really only four or five of these cars and they have not proven to be competitive)

3) Sportsman- "Run what ya brung" Under 1000cc and utv body, must pass safety tech. If you want to creat some crazy buggy with a UTV body, or you just want to come out and see what it's all about in your near stock UTV this is your class.

with this plan the entire pro class is "production" based and you have not slapped the existing N/A racers in the face. The OEM's can enjoy seeing both of their Performance models (turbo and non turbo) competing on a level playing field. Sure there are going to be new models from other OEM's coming in the future (or now for that matter) At this point I think you put them into one of these classes. Turbos in open class and N/A in Pro N/A. The current rules do not exclude any type of transmission. it just states that you have to use the stock transmission so right now the new Yamaha is legal in the Pro class by all rule definitions.

I think this would be a better plan than what is being proposed right now which is basically telling N/A racers that if you don't want to race against cars with 40% more horsepower then you can go race in "unlimited" . Seems kinda dumb.
Yes and no I do agree but I don't, because pro class will be only Polaris 1000 n/a how many can am and wildcat showed up to race N/A maybe 2 this year. Your open class would be about 4-5 as of right now maybe move up to 10 at most and kick laceria out of her own class that she will most likely win a championship and you have to remember cory is then kicking his sponsor and murray out of the top class that they race in. But if you overall it in open class it would start growing that class. But just like class 1 and trick truck they run for a car grand champion, camburg best in the desert, trick truck challenge cup and rookie of the year. Why cant you do something similar for the 3 classes you want to have so everyone is chasing for the best in the desert no matter what class your in. Yes moving the classes around would work if every one is chasing the same title or dream but not if there are 3 different dreams. Plus you can even have a manufacter title like nascar that keeps all of them in the game.
Bill is a Fart Smeller... ok I think I got that wrong, but Cory needs to either decide to race with 'UTV committee rules' or become a non-racing, non factory OEM affiliated class rep or preferably committee member. The current situation is one sided, doctorial, from a person with obvious bias.

He's pushed it too far to be a credible representative to anyone other than himself at this point. It has nothing to do with personality or friend or's just being responsible for your actions. His actions kinda puts it right here. He could end up being more of a disruptive influence than asset to any committee.
In was actually hoping the other people in my class would be someone to race with, but they cant seem to finish a race. I have no problem going to back to production na, but think the turbos need to be in their own class. Funny how I was told I couldn't run my pro production car in Unlimited Pro unless I did something to make it unlimited. Now for 2016 that rule is getting thrown out the window? Thanks for that......
Here is a fact.. I am getting a pretty solid and constant 119-120 hp to ground with the turbo car. Yes I get much more PEAK power with a fully built NA motor! BUT it is only over a short window, not across the entire rpm and speed range! I was getting peak of 86 with the Xp1000. The huge difference in the #'s are, the turbo carries 120 hp all the way across until hits the speed limiter. The xp1000, the power comes on earlier and faster, but falls off at a MUCH faster rate!! at a static 70 mph, the turbo car is producing 63 more hp than a xp1000... This is why they are fast, it not the peak power, it about how it sustains the power everywhere from midrange up! These turbo cars are no where in the class of even built NA cars! Just wait until some teams get them figured out!!! It will be sad, because they will dominate. The can ams are running in the mid to HIGH 90's!! But they are still getting the bugs worked out to put solid races in. Dont be surprised when these cars are all running 100 mph next season! How does that compete with you 85 mph NA fully built race car?

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