How will the Turbo Maverick affect UTV racing?

Where Class Should The Turbo Maverick Race In?

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Really? You think that engine is stock? Why do you think they are sponsored by sparks racing? You're wayyy smarter than that.
Yes there car is dialed, I'll give you that. However a stock NA car won't do the speeds that their car does being a "production" car
Of course I know it isn't stock, it still isn't going to make the numbers of a turbo motor.
All the sealed motor stock ecu is to hard to police and seems to have actually hurt some.
And I'm faulting Justin or anyone on the cognito crew, they are not just beating the class, it's an ass whoopin. My hat is off to them. They have a top notch well prepared program. As anyone in desert racing knows, it's not about speed, it's about longevity.

Yes if you put 32" tires on a stock utv it'll go faster than one that has stock 29" tires with all the stock ecu programming. But those tires are exponentially tougher and every drivetrain component on the car. So you have to weigh the risk vs the reward
Really? You think that engine is stock? Why do you think they are sponsored by sparks racing? You're wayyy smarter than that.
Yes there car is dialed, I'll give you that. However a stock NA car won't do the speeds that their car does being a "production" car
Of course it's not stock.....but it's not an overbuilt mess making hp at 9K either....everything done to our engine can be bought right off of sparks website.
Are they going to allow the injectors to be changed with the new rules?

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I say let everyone do them up as it doesn't matter a whole bunch cause that Rubber Band Drive system Has its Limits. But I sincerely believe that beating the piss out of these cars and finding the weak links benefits us all in the end. Maybe we will get a better Belt drive system one day from the experience gained from racing these things.

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I say let everyone do them up as it doesn't matter a whole bunch cause that Rubber Band Drive system Has its Limits. But I sincerely believe that beating the piss out of these cars and finding the weak links benefits us all in the end. Maybe we will get a better Belt drive system one day from the experience gained from racing these things.

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Im betting If this happened the yxz would have an advantage ? There is a full race build turbo YXZ coming out soon for the unlimited class. Ive been following thier build and the car is turning out really nice. And very well thought out. I am looking forward to seeing how it does. I read somewhere Corry will be coming out to race in December. She did pretty well with a basically stock car at V2R. Im betting this car wont be so stock which should be a big improvement in time for them. Ive said this a few times here. There should be two classes. A Pro class which would let you do what you wanted as lomg as your production based and a Pro Stock with a few more restrictions so there is a place for teams with smaller budgets. Thats would seem ideal to me. Maybe there is a flaw there somewhere since this hasnt happed yet.
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From my understanding the engines and turbos will be sealed. As it stands right now Cory still checks bore and stroke on turbo cars at tech and then puts a security cable on a couple head bolts that would have to be removed if you did any work. There was talk of being able to upgrade a '16 motor to '17 specs. Cory said that was fine and was even willing to make a trip to local shops or do a "Facetime" inspection of component before it was sealed up. Factory Camshafts will be the only ones allowed. This is a huge help for teams needing to keep budgets in check but upgrade year to year. I do not know if security cables will also be added to the turbo or not.

Other that that it was open for new injectors and flashing the ECUs.

I do agree with BiggJim on the problem of buying multiple engines but turbos help to negate the need to do so.
If the rule is going to be sealed motor then you cant touch it.You buy motor from dealer send to cory or who ever checks to make sure all stock parts are in it and seal. That means no rebuild no touching nothing. So when you have an issue with motor ex 2016 turbo rzr overheats you cant rebuild must buy new motor to be sealed and inspected then. Only way to keep a sealed motor rule black and white not bend rule like robby did. If you really want to look at class turbo cars are not looking good against cognito na1000 is it because UTVRA is holding turbo class back is that the real question.
I don't think it will go that far. Cory is practical enough to realize that in a "budget" class that motors will have to be rebuilt and whatnot. with live video or whatever he can verify stock parts are being used. I was listening to him talk about doing exactly that. who cares if someone builds a motor that can take crazy boost anyway? they won't be able to keep belts in it.

UTVRA, Cory, existing rules are not holding back the turbos from competing against Cognito. justin is just a bad ass and is very smart about his racing. it was smart of him to race a 1000 when everyone else jumped turbo. His car is dialed. He doesn't have issues. Sometimes its good to be the one running new gear and sometimes not. If I'm correct, Cognito was one of the first to run an Xp1000 when everone else still had 900s and cognito won the maiden voyage race. Yet they held back and let everyone else figure out what it would take to run the turbo hard. Justin knows what will be an advantage and what really wins races.
Motive the problem is that's not a sealed motor program, sealed motor program was to keep us motor heads out of the motor. That's why only 1 person is allowed into them to make sure nobody is cheating. What is the point to have a sealed motor if mark queen/weller/alba can rebuild them and do there tricks to free up some hp. Restrictor plate is the only way to level off the playing field.
Motive what you just said is turbo are not being held back wrong. You say its the belt right. then 2017 rzr is what you just described more boost same belt right. Cognito utv is bad ass because they pushed the limit of the build with a motor built right and a driver that knows how to make his rubber band last. Turbo class cant touch motor rev limiter or speed limiter, no matter how they do it 2 of 3 are holding back the class. But if you open 2 of the 3 that are holding it back the 3rd will blow up.
The desert levels the playing field. If you don't belive me type in cognito they just proved it. You need teams to find the right motor build and rubber band system to move ahead not hold the teams back. Then you will see the whole turbo class leave the NA class in the dust.
Maybe the UTVRA and it's racers need to look at how class 10 does it with the stock, sealed Ecotec engine. Don't be afraid to see how another class does it successfully.

Class 10 was almost dead, before the rule change to make the Ecotec the "spec" engine of sorts for the class.

If the UTV classes allows open motors with only a CC restriction the class will go down the same path as class 10 did with the Honda & Toyota engines, another CC only restricted engine. Again learn your history, as without it your doomed to repeat it!

If you want to know more ask.
Maybe the UTVRA and it's racers need to look at how class 10 does it with the stock, sealed Ecotec engine. Don't be afraid to see how another class does it successfully.

Class 10 was almost dead, before the rule change to make the Ecotec the "spec" engine of sorts for the class.

If the UTV classes allows open motors with only a CC restriction the class will go down the same path as class 10 did with the Honda & Toyota engines, another CC only restricted engine. Again learn your history, as without it your doomed to repeat it!

If you want to know more ask.
This class is supposed to be cheaper than class 10. A utv engine new costs more than am ecotek I think. And if we can't freshen them up then it isn't cheaper

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This class is supposed to be cheaper than class 10. A utv engine new costs more than am ecotek I think. And if we can't freshen them up then it isn't cheaper

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You just said it! The UTV class is suppose to be cheaper then class 10. To be honest I don't think the UTV class for some is very far off the cost to run class 10. Give it another few years and you will be more expensive! I guarantee it!

That is what happened with class 10, it was suppose to be cheaper then class 1. A stepping stone to class 1. But what happened is the engine costs and gear box cost started to exceed that of class 1 engines, and guys were like, hey I can race class 1 for the same price? Or some where just priced out of class 10 and went back to class 12, which is a whole nother history lesson! Class 12 evolved because of class 10 rules & costs getting out of hand. Again if you don't know your history you will be doomed to repeat it!

If you want to know more just ask. I don't want to spout off paragraphs if no one want to know.

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