Greetings from Northern Maine


New Member
Hi All. Just dropping by to introduce myself. I own a Commander 1000X and do most of my riding up in Northern Maine (Aroostook County). Any Maniacs out there?

How are you liking that X model??? I have one also but live in Arizona, so we have a little different riding conditions!!!

You can say what you want about the handling and weight, but for me Power is what its all about and Commander delivers all that and then some.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and how about some pictures of your new monster in action!
Thanks - I only have about 4 hours on the X so far but I LOVE it. I am glad I waited for it and your right the POWER outweighs any negatives (are there?) that the machine might have.

BTW - I do have videos from a couple of rides posted on You Tube. I will paste a link below. Have a great weekend !!!! - John

[ame=]YouTube - X Factor Part 2[/ame]
awesome vid! Welcome to the site. The commander 1000 is a beast and the X models shock set up is amazing!! Cant wait to see more of your rides and ride!

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