Goodbye Preservation, Hello Recreation


How BAD do you want your LAND? - UTVUnderground Ap
Excellent article. It is a few years old but it really explains the needs for us OHV's to step up to the plate and protect and preserve the land we are using by riding responsibly. Check it out.....

In the American West the age of preservation has ended and that of recreation has begun.

Preservation is predicated on what is now a more than century-old, class-based value system. It began as conservation in the age of Theodore Roosevelt, when it was easy to separate sacred space and that fouled by humans, and even easier for those who fouled that space to accept the distinction and throw their energy into preserving places that were beautiful and remote. No wonder conservation and preservation were watchwords of the American elite for the first half of the 20th century and beyond.

These values turned into environmentalism, a heady set of ideas during the 1960s and 1970s, when Americans embraced a vision of the world that was frankly complacent and just a little bit flushed with its own affluence. Environmentalism placed an incredibly high premium on the idea of wilderness, tacitly implying that prosperity had created a world in which all who deserved affluence had attained it. At the end of the American industrial economy, this premise led to great pressure to add existing wilderness.

These principles have now grown stale and even archaic. Environmentalism is a set of values, not the Ten Commandments. As a value system, it has to compete for adherents.

In the 1960s and 1970s, its version of authenticity held center stage.

Of late, it hasn't.

That was the teaser, check the rest out @:

Goodbye Preservation, Hello Recreation | Hal Rothman | NewWest.Net
As I’ve said before . . .

“Back in the 60s development of America's wild lands and backcountry was a threat. Now the threats are the Wilderness Act, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and many other environmental protection laws passed by Congress due to the way they are being used by Wilderness lobbies to lock recreationalists out of our public lands via “Wilderness” designations.

Public lands are important recreational opportunities; there are other alternatives like National Conservation Areas or National Recreation Areas which would provide the same level of protection from development that the “Wilderness” designation carries while still preserving a diverse array of opportunities for recreation.”

I don’t buy many of the statements that Professor Rothman makes implying that the “Wilderness Movement” is dead or dying, I believe quite the opposite. I think if he were to revisit the subject today he’d agree.

He makes some interesting points but in the end, IMHO we can’t let our guard down for a minute or even blink when it comes to the continued fight for public lands access.
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