All UTV's Fuel cell?

On the machine we built for Baja racing, we ran a Jazz 12 gallon, and a BRP electric pump, with a backup pump setup for easy crossover in case of failure.

The car we hleped set up for Regis Harrington for his M4SX Nationals win also ran a Jazz, smaller but I'm not sure the size. What are you setting up for?
Ive got a Hrt 2-seater cage with bed delete and would just like to balance out the rhino a little better..... A rotax swap may be in the future and i would like the fuel tank out of the way and have a cell set up already before i send it off to powdercoat. Where can i find the best price on the Jazz setup?
Have you talked to the HRT guys? They arranged the cell for Regis' car. They'd be the first call I'd make. Racer X has cells also, I think that may be where we got the first one for our desert racer.

Far as pricing, I'm not sure I've heard of a cut price vendor on a fuel cell. It's one of those things, like a roll cage or seat belts, that most people don't want to go with the cheapest thing they can find. ;)
And what about fuel sending units? are the stockers being used?

Do you mean fuel LEVEL sending units? If you're switching to a fuel cell, I really doubt that the factory unit will work out for you. Level sending units are specific to the dimension of your tank/cell, specifically the depth. Most fuel cells don't have provision for gauges. You top em off and hope like hell you don't run out during the race. You calculate your pits ahead of the race to coincide with your expected distance between needing fuel, or whatever you might need replenishing. It's usually fuel dependant #1, then tires, fluids, etc. The thing is during a race, even if your gauge says you're low, if you got no pit comin up, you outta luck... On a short course, there are no pit stops, so you buy a tank capacity and fill your fuel no more than what you think you need. Again if your have a gauge that says you're low, it might as well read 'Outta Luck' as much as 'Fuel Level'.

That said, if you're setting up a fuel cell for recreational use, you really do want a fuel leve gauge. For the sender, be sure you get a capacitance style sender and not a float style. The abuse of off-road can really play havoc with float style senders, and you'll end up having to re-calibrate all the time.
Joey, no we don't sell them. But we've got a few hanging around, so I've got some experience with them. Or guess I should say my checkbook has some experience with them.
LOL...I hear ya brian! They can get pricey.......we are building a custom fuel cell for my new ride that will go in the center consol between the driver and passengers feet!!!! Dont wonatto give all the details but its going to be super trick!
We are debating on adding a fuel cell on my King of the Hammers Teryx. Don't have a lot of time for "extras", so it might not make it.
LOL...I hear ya brian! They can get pricey.......we are building a custom fuel cell for my new ride that will go in the center consol between the driver and passengers feet!!!! Dont wonatto give all the details but its going to be super trick!

Sounds like the one "Controlled Force" has, Ive got a 10 gallon Jaz fuel cell in mine with no sender. I can ride pretty much all day without filling up. If you top off before every ride then fuel isnt really a concern.
Sounds like the one "Controlled Force" has, Ive got a 10 gallon Jaz fuel cell in mine with no sender. I can ride pretty much all day without filling up. If you top off before every ride then fuel isnt really a concern.

Yeah im thinking thats the route im taking.... what fuel pump/regulator setup are you running? it the fuel like direct or a loop system from the regulator?
You shouldn't need to use a regulator if you're going to run an electric pump, just be sure to watch the pressure rating of the pump. The stock carb is rated at 5 PSI. The pump we sell is rated at 1-4 PSI, with plenty of volume.

I'm assuming you are running a 660. The 700 is FI and a whole different story.
You shouldn't need to use a regulator if you're going to run an electric pump, just be sure to watch the pressure rating of the pump. The stock carb is rated at 5 PSI. The pump we sell is rated at 1-4 PSI, with plenty of volume.

I'm assuming you are running a 660. The 700 is FI and a whole different story.

Hehehe... i just screwed up your day, im running a 700

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