And what about fuel sending units? are the stockers being used?
Is cheap HAHA![]()
LOL...I hear ya brian! They can get pricey.......we are building a custom fuel cell for my new ride that will go in the center consol between the driver and passengers feet!!!! Dont wonatto give all the details but its going to be super trick!
Sounds like the one "Controlled Force" has, Ive got a 10 gallon Jaz fuel cell in mine with no sender. I can ride pretty much all day without filling up. If you top off before every ride then fuel isnt really a concern.
You shouldn't need to use a regulator if you're going to run an electric pump, just be sure to watch the pressure rating of the pump. The stock carb is rated at 5 PSI. The pump we sell is rated at 1-4 PSI, with plenty of volume.
I'm assuming you are running a 660. The 700 is FI and a whole different story.