Kawasaki CV Boots


Ok, guys need some help, I need to know who has the best price on Teryx CV boots, finally tore one and need to fix before it gets worse. Need to knoe if the fronts are the same or different (inner from outer)?:confused: an if backs are the same way?:confused: and if the backs are different from the fronts:confused:, if so HOW? Thanks for all your profesional input beforehand:D
I am trying to get us a site discount on OEM parts from Escondido Cycle Center and I think I have a deal worked with North County Yamaha. I will try and follow up ASAP for you Scmo! In the mean time check with DragonFire Racing or Black Rhino.
i can't give you an answer on the best price to find them, but i can tell you that the inner and outer boots are different on both the front and rear. The Teryx uses four different boots Inner Rear, Outer Rear, Inner Front, and Outer Front. The rear CVs on the Teryx are bigger in diameter than the front CVs. I hope this helps.
Lasher is correct and they are available as seperate part numbers from all Kawasaki dealers. The boot comes with clips, grease and boot band.
Thanks for the info guys but are they really serious that its $60 to $75 for a piece of freakin rubber:mad:, what is up with that:eek:
Thanks for the info guys but are they really serious that its $60 to $75 for a piece of freakin rubber:mad:, what is up with that:eek:

Here are some part numbers for you guys:

Outside rear all years - 49006-0084
Inside rear all years - 49006 0085

Early VIN front outside (08 and some 09's) 49006- 0082
Early VIN front inside (08 and some 09's) 49006-0083

Later VIN (132 and above) outside 49006-0092
Later VIN (132 and above) Inside 49006-0093

These all retail for 64 and some change so if you don't get them at that price or cheaper find a dealer that will work with you. Hoepfully Joey gets someone to bite on a UG discount.

Remember these come with bands, clips and grease.

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