When I was a youngster, I always felt an empty sadness when Fred Rodgers would first put on, and then slowly begin tying his shoes. . It meant that something good that I enjoyed was coming to an end, as all good things do. As he reached for the closet door, he would look into the camera with his re-assuring Mona Lisa-like smile to break the news that our time together was coming to a close. As he grabbed for his coat, I hoped it was a rainy day, as to warrant a few extra minutes of his time while he bundled up for the weather outside. I always looked forward to our next visit, and what mail Mr. Mc Feely (kind of a creepy name for an old man in a kids show, don't you think?) would bring by tomorrow.
As I sat down to write this, my final post the Chronicles, a deja'vu moment of those past memories came across my mind. The comfort I found while he would entertain me in that short moment of time is similar to the contentment that this thread has allotted me. A peaceful, and safe place where, for some reason, I feel protected from the people outside of my world who don't believe in me. Where like in Cheers, everybody knows my name.
The 2014 racing season has provided a plethora of experiences for me ranging from unfortunate to the unexpected. Unfortunate in that I lost my brother as a key, full-time participant in our racing efforts, and unexpected in regards to our future in this class, that of which will be publicized in the coming weeks. The 2014 SCORE points championship was a given for me. Carved in stone. It was an expectation more than it was a goal. Just like the racing gods tried all year long to put obstacles inbetween us and the races ahead, they came down as hard as ever during the course of the final race this season, the Baja 1000. In the two years racing the Monster Mav, my presence at the races was rarely needed. This race would prove far different than past ones.
I planned on doing a comprehensive race report on the 1000, but you can get that directly from the horses mouth here:
Instead, I will say that I fell way short this race. My prep and assembly decisions cost us down time, and my inability to get from the street to a given point on the race course when the car needed my attention was pitiful. It cost us many unnecessary hours, and most likely, a victory. We still got our finish needed to claim the big prize, but for me, this race was as big a failure as I have yet been involved with. I let down Marc, and everyone else involved in our efforts. I'm not apologizing for it. I'm just stating the facts, as I always have in my postings. Usually, those facts are challenged and attempts to dis credit them are abundant. I assume this time, the facts as I shared here now, will be accepted as such by the nay-sayers who have been awaiting my/our fall as to pounce on it like a hungry lion would its prey. I don't make excuses. i hate excuses, and it annoys the hell out of me when people use them over accountability. The success we have enjoyed this season was achieved through extreme perserverance on my part, and the driving abilities of Marc Burnett. Make no mistake about it, luck played a minor role, if any, in our championship.
I expect that next year will be no different. I will be overwhelmed prior to each event, and Marc will perform sufficiently enough to balance that out, assuming I give him the vehicle necessary to do so. I have enjoyed more than anything else this year, sharing with who ever cared to listen and believe, what tips and advice I have that they could prosper from. Can't take it with you, right? Besides, if anyone needs to copy what we do in order to achieve results, they really aren't a threat at all, but rather someone taking advantage of my offerings and/or guidance to better their racing efforts. Great, that's the jest of why I post here. Its not to be in your face about our success, but more so it brings me to a higher place personally than I would be otherwise, and brings attention to the Monster Mav which has a value to the car marketing wise. Especially when my smack is backed with Jack. results. Many take me as arrogant, or the like, and that is the farthest thing from the truth. I am as giving and humble as a person as one could find, and want others to have a break or two that I didn't when it comes to building or racing their cars. The internet offers many resources that I did not have the luxury of in my day. It is a tool that if used wisely, can forward your knowledge ahead much quicker than the learning curve that comes with experience and time. Time robbed from the family unit for ones personal recreational fun is not time well spent. If I helped just one father spend more time or money on his family unit as a result of my free advice, then my time was well spent.
Unfortunately, I will be limited to blabbing here next season by people who fear the truth, or who view my postings as bashing, or crapping upon others. I would assume not post, than to be politically correct and say what people want to hear, in a way that doesn't hurt their feelings. So, thank you to the few who did not misunderstand me and my writings. You guys rock, and gave me reassurance that judghmental assholes or insecure entities are not the only ones out there. I will always be around the Underground reading the jibberish that goes on and, when there is an opportunity to jump in and help, I'll be there to do it.
I'll check out w/ a couple of pics of my shortcomings that held us back last weekend.