BRC's Recreation News 07.21.10

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
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Scary Headline of the Week
Nevada Federal Judge Blocks BLM Death Stampede
Nevada Federal Judge Blocks BLM Death Stampede | CRWE NewsWire
thank goodness...
AGOI Update...
Ric added a handy calendar to our AGOI website to keep track of the listening sessions for the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. Check it out. America's Great Outdoors Initiative - BRC Land Use Update Click the first link under “Hot Linksâ€.

Don't rely on it for information on all the meetings. Ric simply posts the meetings we know about. If you want to know about all the meetings, you might consider subscribing to the Sierra Club's action alert list!!!

I wanted to call everyone's attention to a great article by Chris Denison on his blog on Dirt Rider's excellent website. Don't miss...
Speak now or forever park your bike
by Chris Denison
America?s Great Outdoors Initiative | Editorial Blog & Opinions at Dirt Rider Magazine

The media came out in support for the meetings in Colorado.
Listen to this
Listen to this |

The Lieutenant Governor got in the act...
Getting Colorado's children outdoors is healthy for kids and environment
By Lt. Gov. Barbara O'Brien
Getting Colorado's children outdoors is healthy for kids and environment - The Denver Post

Also, from the, a story and an opinion piece...
Make public lands accessible, youths tell Salazar
Make public lands accessible, youths tell Salazar | | The Coloradoan
Great outdoors initiative is a worthy effort
Great outdoors initiative is a worthy effort | | The Coloradoan

Here's a story on the meeting in Grand Junction...
Obama administration officials meet with outdoors enthusiasts in Grand Junction

As reports come in on the AGO Initiative meetings across the U.S., it seems there is a very big difference in the meetings. Meetings in the East have been facilitated and participants were broken up in workgroups and given specific issues to address. Whereas meetings in the West seemed more of a free for all, where people just gave opinions on conservation.

Here is a story about the meeting in North Carolina...
Conversation on conservation
Conversation on conservation |

And then there is another type of AGO Initiative meeting. Those are being held by hundreds of environmental groups all over the country. See, on the AGO Initiative website, there is a webpage titled Organizer's Toolkit that tells you how to hold your own meeting. Environmental groups all over the nation are having their own AGO Initiative meetings. Great...

Other stakeholders concerned...
Monument bill prepped for election
Capital Press agriculture news

In related news, Rep. Nick Rahall (WV) is trying to boost $900 million for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. He's put the funding provision in a bill that, among other things, imposes new environmental safeguards on offshore drilling. Oh yea, it puts more taxes on oil consumers.
Conserving a Conservation Fund
Idaho politics: Simpson addresses off-roaders' wilderness criticisms
Idaho politics: Simpson addresses off-roaders' wilderness criticisms |
Commissioners set public hearing on ATV ordinance
Commissioners set public hearing on ATV ordinance |
Las Cruces Wilderness Bill Gets Committee Hearing Wednesday
KRWG: Las Cruces Wilderness Bill Gets Committee Hearing Wednesday (2010-07-19)

Chamber groups differ on land use
Chamber groups differ on land use - Las Cruces Sun-News

Jerry G. Schickedanz: Manage wilderness, not lock it up
Jerry G. Schickedanz: Manage wilderness, not lock it up - Silver City Sun-News

Funder of pro-wilderness media blitz remains anonymous
Funder of pro-wilderness media blitz remains anonymous | – Get the real story
Hidden Gems update...
Snowmobilers, Gems backers clash over Piney Ridge

GMUG travel plan detours motorized use
GMUG travel plan detours motorized use | Delta County Independent
Here is a follow up from a story last week...
Whitefish Trail's opening the end of a long journey in land management
Whitefish Trail's opening the end of a long journey in land management

We do have some bad news from Montana. Montana Wilderness Association is appealing our win on the Lewis and Clark National Forest. This is a real threat, but one that BRC and the Montana Trail Vehicle Riders Association were expecting. It's not known at this time if the US Forest Service will appeal. Stay tuned...
Judge’s decision on travel plan appealed
Judge?s decision on travel plan appealed
From a National Public Radio affiliate KCPW...
New Utah BLM Director Aims to Balance Energy, Environment
New Utah BLM Director Aims to Balance Energy, Environment | KCPW

And from the SL Tribune...
BLM’s new boss in Utah
BLM?s new boss in Utah | The Salt Lake Tribune
Six positions open for BLM's Central California RAC
Six positions open for BLM's Central California RAC | open, six, positions - Local News -

Recreation bill heads to president’s desk
Recreation bill heads to president?s desk

Canceled forest recreation events blamed on permit costs
Canceled forest recreation events blamed on permit costs - Folsom/El Dorado News -

Threatened fish may benefit from upgrades to San Gabriel Canyon OHV Area
Threatened fish may benefit from upgrades to San Gabriel Canyon OHV Area - Whittier Daily News

Here is a related oped from the Pasadena Star News...
Our View: Shared passion for the great outdoors
Our View: Shared passion for the great outdoors - Pasadena Star-News

Rubicon Trail targeted for cleanup of waste from off-road users
Rubicon Trail targeted for cleanup of waste from off-road users - Outbound -

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