BRC Supports H.R. 5580 - National Monument Designation Transparency

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate


Contact: Brian Hawthorne, BRC Public Lands Policy Director
Phone: (208) 390-5770
Date: July 28, 2010

BlueRibbon Coalition Supports H.R. 5580 - National Monument Designation Transparency and Accountability Act

POCATELLO, ID (July 28)--The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national trail-based recreational advocacy group, has announced its support of the National Monument Designation Transparency and Accountability Act (H.R. 5580).

This legislation would help limit the amount of land that can be designated as a National Monument as well as preventing arbitrary restrictions on various multiple-use activities including vehicle-based recreation and access to public lands. H.R. 5580 has been introduced in the House by Representative Devin Nunes (CA) and in the Senate by Senator Mike Crapo (ID).

Greg Mumm, BRC's Executive Director said, "We applaud the recent effort of Senator Crapo and Rep. Nunez to establish some common sense guidelines for use of White House powers under the Antiquities Act. We hope to see a day when all elected officials see the value of including citizens in a process which fundamentally impacts their ability to use or connect with public lands."

The President should not have unchecked authority to designate new National Monuments. The Antiquities Act of 1906 was never envisioned by its authors to be used as a tool to set aside millions of acres where historic multiple-use activities and recreation occur.

Don Amador, BRC's Western Representative said, "H.R. 5580 would encourage local stakeholder involvement and create a public process. BRC believes land-use legislation should be developed from the ground up rather than being crafted behind closed doors in Washington D.C." Amador noted that many of these National Monument proposals could impact designated OHV areas on federal lands throughout the West including the Stonyford OHV Area on the Mendocino National Forest in Northern California and the San Rafael Swell in Utah.

See previous BRC Media Alert
Obama Secret Plan for Monuments Compels Congressional Action - Press Room

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