BRC President here

Todd Ockert

Hello UTV Underground.

Todd Ockert, BlueRibbon Coalition President.
Just stopping in to say hi, and introduce myself to the group.
I currently do not have an ATV or SxS.
I am a Jeep owner though.

Not that I would not mind having an UTV in my garage though, as they are fun.

We at BRC are your national land use and access group and work hard to keep public lands open for all users.

If you have questions for me, please post them up here.

Thanks GilaBrew.
BRC has been invited to the UTV World Championships b2b summit.
It looks like Don Amador, our Western Representative will be at the summit to answer questions for the group. We appreciate the invite to be able to answer questions for the group.

Memberships are important when we (BRC) is talking to land use managers and elected officials.

People can help by joining BRC and becoming a member.

We are working hard to get our print magazine back, and should have it ready to go to print early March.
We are always looking for content for our newsletter and magazine, and if anyone here would like to contribute, please email me at


I am assuming that BRC operates like the other organizations I have dealt with, if not then ignore this. I realize that you need funds to operate, but... Would it not be beneficial to have a membership that has no fees? You would have a larger number of people to say that you "represent" when you are negotiating with elected persons.

We do have the typical membership based fee system.
We are working on the details for a supporter based membership also that would not have dues, but would be willing to make donations to BRC for specific causes.
We have figure out the details on this program before we roll it out.

Hope this answers your questions about our membership base.


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