NEVADA - BLM Extends Comment Period for The NV & CA Greater Sage Grouse Bi-State Distinct Population

Todd Ockert


Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has extended the comment period 30 days on potential changes to the Proposed Plan as set forth in the Greater Sage Grouse Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (BSSG) Forest Plan Amendment/Final Environmental Impact Statement. The United States Forest Service (USFS) was the lead agency for preparing the environmental impact statement (EIS) and land use plan amendment (LUPA). The BLM, a cooperating agency, is proposing to amend the Carson City District Office Consolidated Resource Management Plan (RMP) and the Tonopah Field Office RMP based on the analysis in this EIS. Public comments will now be accepted through January 15, 2016.

Following release of the Final EIS and Proposed Plan, the BLM determined -- based on protests received and additional internal reviews -- that additional changes to and a clarification of the Proposed Plan was required. The clarification and changes include: (1) setting disturbance caps within BSSG habitat; (2) adjusting buffers for tall structures near active or pending leks, (3) adding a restriction for new high-voltage transmission lines, and (4) additional management direction for habitat connectivity. The environmental consequences of the proposed changes and clarification have been analyzed as part of the EIS/LUPA process.

The BLM has determined, however, that these proposed changes must be released for additional public comment. After considering any public comments on these proposed changes, BLM will issue a Record of Decision (ROD) for the Nevada and California BSSG amending the Carson City Field Office Consolidated Resource Management Plan (RMP) and the Tonopah Field Office RMP.

In candor, BRC has determined, after reviewing the documents, that it is unclear exactly what changes, if any, are being proposed for OHV activity. There is language discussing possible impacts associated with 4 mile lek buffers for OHV riding, as well as seasonal restrictions from March 15 to June 30 for OHV permitted events. These changes have no scientific support and would severely impact OHV riders. Again, it is unclear if the agencies are proposing these changes, but we encourage OHV enthusiasts to express frustration at this ambiguity yet make clear their strong opposition to any restrictions on OHV use beyond those disclosed in the DEIS.

BRC additionally urges the OHV community to ask the agency to adopt the sage-grouse related OHV management prescriptions that were in our December 17, 2013 comment letter to the NV BLM.


BLM will consider the comments received prior to issuing a final ROD and RMP Amendment for public lands in the Carson City District and the Tonopah Field Office. To review the documents go to

Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
Fax: (775) 885-6147
Mail: BLM Carson City District, 5665 Morgan Mill Rd., Carson City, NV 89701, Attn: Colleen Sievers, Project Manager.

For more information, contact Colleen Sievers, Project Manager, at
775-885-6168, BLM Carson City District Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Rd., Carson City, NV 89701 or

Thanks in advance and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact BRC.

Ric Foster
Public Lands Department Manager
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext. 2

The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) is a national non-profit organization that champions responsible recreation and encourages a strong conservation ethic and individual stewardship, while providing leadership in efforts to keep outdoor recreation alive and well -- all sports; all trails. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, education
and collaboration among recreationists.
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