BITD Class Vote on turbos

I think your over analyzing the 33 inch tire size. I know of several guys with 1000's play cars and they are running 31 inch light truck tires in stock axles & clutching with no issues.

Being that you have to run stock pivot points, changing from a 30 to 33 is not going to be as big of a deal. Yes their would be shock tuning involved. But overall it should not be the cause of the have's & the have nots.

Class ten just made the jump from 33 to 35 inch tires. I have not heard of one single complaint or issues with converting an existing 10 car. Just gear changes and shock tuning.

Responses in order:

Play cars and race cars/racing are vastly different. We had a V8/Sequential Mendi TLR, legit class 1 prerunner that we raced for 5 years: As good as the car was, it was no where near a Class 1 during a race; in fact we ran speeds about that of a good 10 car.

There is a huge difference in size between a 30 & 33" tire when you roll them out. As a person considering the class I'm also looking at the short and long term of it with 25 yrs of racing in cars. I think I can understand the added stresses on parts and can just imagine the Pandora's box 33's will bring. I think that's a vote for the class to consider with a majority rule, as the cost of racing will increase in parts/maintenance.

Class 10 already had 934 CV's with bigger axles/hubs and brakes as well as the drivelines are more proven and stronger. Toss in the fact that a jump from 33-35" is a lot less dramatic than a 30-33" with a fixed factory driveline. Also keep in mind that back in the early days the class changed from a top car having a Bus Box, then a Hewland then to a Fortin or Mendi H pattern, now to a sequential which are all upgraded over the previous versions within the scope of the same rules with UTV's have to run stock drivelines. Right now it seems the current field is changing belts/axles and hurting diffs at a rate that makes one wonder if this is really a privateers class?

It seems the more I look at this the more it seems guys are way too interested in trying to make these factory 4wd class 10's and not UTV's... Toss in what seems to be a Naploleanesq attitude toward the rules and the ideal the cars are disposable: And I am having a tough time seeing a 2 yr old build as competitive and can imagine the current 50 car fields declining. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the next gen cars, beyond the turbos come out over the next 6 mos to 2 yrs. With the direction of the existing rules and wants of a few; it seems unless the current field of 50 can afford to build new cars, the numbers will decline.

Hopefully the racers get a voice and can reign in the rules. Tough to make a call to buy or build a car in this class at this time...
I am all for turbo cars to go to unlimited. It makes sense
Looks like Brian Bush makes 3. I think it would be easier to count how many want turbos to stay in the class. Justin It's got nothing to do with liking anyone rather what's right regarding fairness and due process.
I think that most of the utv racers in BITD would say that there are some fundamental issues with the way the class is being handled. Many of the issues are not as black & white as we may think. The utv class is very unique and Because of the rapid development of the base vehicles, we face new decisions and issues each new model year . It will be virtually impossible to come up with a comprehensive set of rules that will make every one happy in every situation. I do however feel that the class as a whole should have input an involvement in the classes development.
Because of this,I have spoke with Cory and he has agreed to let me address the class at a short meeting after the Vegas to Reno drivers meeting on Thursday.
This will not be an open forum but more of an information gathering thing. I have a short questionaire that addresses many of the most common issues.
This is just a start in an attempt to bring more transparency and clarity to the class.
Please plan to attend, you input will be very appreciated.


Congrats to everyone who raced V2R! Even just following along via UTVUG from my living room it was pretty exciting. Now that the dust has settled (at least out in the desert), it would be great if someone (or a few people) who was there would provide a recap/summary of the short meeting regarding UTVs that was scheduled for Thursday night. I'm interested to understand if progress is being made on these topics. Thanks!
There wasn't much discussion everyone got the survey and filled it out. If that doesn't speak for itself then Justin's right. Bill has the surveys and I'd hope he would post up the results.
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Cory says to call him on 602-769-6164
Just posting your "vote" on here is not good enough.

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What about us turbo guys who already built $80k cars to race pro production, that's also unfair to us.....we built our cars with in the rules to race the premier class in UTV desert racing.

Also congrats to Justin and the rest of Congnito on yalls win! Yall were moving you came around Dustin and myself around RM500.
What about us turbo guys who already built $80k cars to race pro production, that's also unfair to us.....we built our cars with in the rules to race the premier class in UTV desert racing.

Also congrats to Justin and the rest of Congnito on yalls win! Yall were moving you came around Dustin and myself around RM500.

The only thing unfair is that the majority doesn't get a say. Has been the issue from the very beginning. Had the majority been heard you would have built a different car or made a decision to run unlimited.

That said I believe the unlimited class could if fact possibly be the premiere class with the factory teams and bigger money going that direction.
What about us turbo guys who already built $80k cars to race pro production, that's also unfair to us.....we built our cars with in the rules to race the premier class in UTV desert racing.

Also congrats to Justin and the rest of Congnito on yalls win! Yall were moving you came around Dustin and myself around RM500.
Thanks for the props!

I feel for you on your build, I think Cory is mostly to blame man. There are a ton of us who told Cory we were against turbo in this class, yet he keeps telling me that I am the only one against them. It isn't good for the class, and if action is not taken I fear there will not be a premier utv class in BITD.

For you s3 guys, in my eyes the worst case is the turbo cars race for points separate from the n/a cars.

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Wait until the new Yamaha shows up with a clutch, belt less transmission and multiple gears. Then what's the process?? Cory just makes it up as he goes along. Racers need to stand up and make something happen before you lose next season too!!
Here comes the "when I was your age" post.

When I became involved in racing and building for the SCORE/HDRA series in the early 80's, there was no turbo or supercharging allowed. In any class. Period. I agreed with it then, and oppose it now. The unfortunate crossroads we are at will be the demise, or at least a halting of the growth of the 1900 class. The arrogant remarks that Cognito said Cory recently made to him regarding tissues and such are merely a display of the lack of leadership this class is now suffering from.

Turbos do nothing but unwillingly divide and tarnish what was the fastest growing class in the sport. The dilemma can easily be broken down into two issues.
-The simple fact is that the factory teams are pressured to run the latest technology available from the manufacturers that the rules allow. That's what sells cars.
-Nobody wants to spend 60K+ to build and race a car to compete against unheard of teams or drivers, nor can they afford a "short term" investment when the rules suddenly change.

I know I can speak for Burnett when I say that a win would be hollow if it wasn't realized against the likes of JX, UTV Inc, Cognito, Murrays etc. This is why the can of worms Cory opened when he allowed turbos to race, is proving to be a difficult one to close. I can't believe that Casey Folks didn't see today coming back then. As many do, I will not accuse Cory of writing the rules for his own benefit. Only Cory knows why he allowed the change. I can say that it was a change Cory made without much concern for future consequences. It is my guess that he will be the one needing the tissues sooner than later.
As of right now I would personally be fine grandfathering all turbo cars racing or those that come forward in a short period of time and prove they have started a build. The turbos are yet to be running away with anything but that could change very quickly. (S3 has proven there turbo can do some domination and Johnny did have a what I would call a very successful run with his new turbo). But it is fair to all those that have invested in a turbo build. Like it or not, Cory put some rules in effect and those that took advantage of it should not be overly penalized for it.
As soon as Polaris turbo cars can increase speed limit like the can am already can, Cory says he will allow it which means the turbo cars well have a big advantage over na cars. He is basically forcing everyone to go to a turbo to be competitive, or like he said, he has a box of tissues for you.

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for instance on rules. we built our new 1900 xp4 may of 2014. to 100% rules. So in 2014 at SS300 went thru tech and only thing that was a red flag was our #'s weren't exactly right and the stamps on wheels. Skipped V2R, BWD 250 tech, still hadn't fixed # plates but had them in truck to replace but this time they passed and the stamped wheel issue was ok this time (they were stamped just not by valve stems like before) but this time is was ok.........didn't race Henderson. 2015 Parker 250. Still haven't fixed #'s (i figure as long as it keeps passing i like the way they look) they pass, wheels pass, but this time we had a door bar that wasn't right??? What???? its the same thing that we have been running with the exact same rules. so now I have to mess my sweet powder coat job up. One thing to note that when they were building my rzr they were in contact with rules and tech support on "cage"
That was the race they were checking engines??? I don't care if some were legal or not, but there is no way that out of all those UTV's there wasn't 1 illegal motor! haha. Doesn't matter to me, im just there to have fun and get out of the cold and hang out with some really fun people.
Thursday at tech this past race, Cory measured our bore, while we watched, and the measurement he got was 5mm under the stock bore LOL!

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I've noticed to that tech can be hit and miss. We have had things called out that aren't even in the rules. If they truly are safty things then that's fine, we'll fix it. But when other cars were passing with clear failures to the rules like only one fire extinguisher or a bolt on cage (last year v2r) it makes no sence. Sometimes I wonder if tech guys, like building inspectors, find issues just to justify their job. Good luck trying to tech next race Justin. I think this might be one reason why not many are speaking their oppinion. Nixon had the irs, Obama has the justice department, Cory has tech.
As of right now I would personally be fine grandfathering all turbo cars racing or those that come forward in a short period of time and prove they have started a build. The turbos are yet to be running away with anything but that could change very quickly. (S3 has proven there turbo can do some domination and Johnny did have a what I would call a very successful run with his new turbo). But it is fair to all those that have invested in a turbo build. Like it or not, Cory put some rules in effect and those that took advantage of it should not be overly penalized for it.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Everyone with half a brain knew allowing the Can Am turbo was going to lead to this exact thing. What's not fair is to make another stupid decision reinforcing the already stupid decision previously made that the new stupid decision is suppose to fix......that's not stupid cuz even stupid is smarter than

What's more unfair to 40-50 racers is racing against a select 3-4 with turbos making 25-30% more hp. Case in point V2R. All turbos did pretty well. S3 almost won it with Cory and Johnny 's turbos with very strong finishes. Face it everything else being equal the extra 30 hp makes a big difference. Makes no sense to try and be "fair" to 3-4 while being unfair to 40 other cars.

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