793cc vrs 802cc Adavantage or Not ?

when and where????? FernandezRacing hasbeen talkin shiat...I need to put a whoopin on him!!!! lol
Well then we're need a 9 person long travel ranger class too.

The utvra is the only thing that makes any rules that are consistent between series happen, and Cory sappington is no joke, he is one hard working dude that would give you the shirt off his back to help you got to the finish line uh a race even if he was competing against you.
Well then we're need a 9 person long travel ranger class too.

The utvra is the only thing that makes any rules that are consistent between series happen, and Cory sappington is no joke, he is one hard working dude that would give you the shirt off his back to help you got to the finish line uh a race even if he was competing against you.

Amen to that. Cory is one of the most generous and passionate guys you will find in Side x Side racing.
At LOORS AZ, Cory got HRT out of a jam and even opened up his shop at night to make it happen.
We were able to repay the favor at Elsinore when Cory needed some parts. Thanks again Dezert Toyz!
don't get me wrong Cory as a person is a great guy I am saying UTVRA is a disaster as a sanctioning body !!!
We have called Cory while driving lat eto a BITD race and asked when tech was gonna close, just knowing we were too late. Luckily Cory will tech you at midnight, 4am, minutes before the race or whenever. truly a great guy.
great thread. I haven't raced in a while so I am kinda outta the loop a little. Seems like the same argument when I was racing. I remember holding drivers meetings a couple of years ago and it was said then by Chad Spooner of Pro Craft, That this sport was going to turn to shit if it wasn't regulated right, And It would be the team with the most money that would say how the rules would be. I am glad that there is somebody taking a stand to enforce rules. Like it was said if its a utv,sidexside, or what ever you want to call it the rules are there for a reason. It should be regulated by Somebody or some group that Doesn't have there foot over everybody by changing the rules to accomodate their car because they are sponsoring the race or being part of the body that regs everybody. sorry so long. just thought I would chime in.
I doubt this will come across in the spirit in which it's posted . But here it is .

Alot of folks here see LOORS ruling as bogus, but do you feel the same way when it is put in a different perspective.
This is not a dig at Weller or Austin . Just a discussion with some of the people here that may not have a deep background in racing where strict rules apply and why it's important to have them implemented and adhered to .

Bore x Bore X Stroke x .7854 x # of cylinders = displacement

8.8 x 8.8 x 6.6 = 511.104, 511.104 x .7854 = 401.42cc per cylinder, x2 = 802.8cc

8.75 x 8.75 x 6.6 x .7854 = 396.87cc x 2 = 793.74cc
yep rules are rules but, funco would have still lost, even if wellers motor would have not been slightly over, wellers car was checked out, and 2 or 4 cc.s would have not matterd.
yep rules are rules but, funco would have still lost, even if wellers motor would have not been slightly over, wellers car was checked out, and 2 or 4 cc.s would have not matterd.

I don't disagree with you. Never have, but in you rush to to defend Weller you completly missed the question . It was not 2 or 4 cc's it was closer to ten.
I agree that Cory is a great ambassador of the sport . The problem with growing the sport is $$$$. The car counts are just not large enough for anyone to commit the kind of time it takes to really grow it . kind of a catch 22
I don't disagree with you. Never have, but in you rush to to defend Weller you completly missed the question . It was not 2 or 4 cc's it was closer to ten.

10 Grant?? I thought it was posted that is was an 803 ( 802.8) ??????

according to the line up if one gets dq'd then the next in line of the top five gets tore down also. who all got engine checked, funco, rj, Austin and ???

Grant is not saying it was 10cc over he is saying there is a 10cc difference between the funco and weller motors...
10 Grant?? I thought it was posted that is was an 803 ( 802.8) ??????

according to the line up if one gets dq'd then the next in line of the top five gets tore down also. who all got engine checked, funco, rj, Austin and ???


Only 3 got checked Austin,RJ and Chad.

My post from the Weller responds thread

Fortunatly Bobby was not checked as my guess is he has the same combo as Austin .If they were really sticking to the letter of the law the motor is supposed to be sealed at tech on friday, if for some reason you need to change a motor,you are required to notify the officials .Again it fortunate for Austin it did not work this way or he would have lost both his wins. It is also common practice to tech top 5 in case someone in the top 3 is found illegal . They had originally pulled 5 to tech but reased 4th and 5th . The cc tech was implemented by LOORS. It was pretty common knowledge the were going to test last week end.

Where is Bobby BTW ,It's not like him to be quiet LOL

The measurements they came up with for us were dead on what our engine combination is. We did need to change a motor and LOORS knew about it.

Again I don't believe there was intent to cheat , I think there was some poor judgement calls made based on an assumption there was a certain percentage of leeway on the limit.

Sorry C&C but I disagree,The V twin already has power advantage and to allow it to be bigger then you could ever make a single(Rhino) or a Polaris (siamese twin) just because there was already parts available is taking the easy way out .
Look here's the deal it doesn't matter if over by an inch or a mile rules are rules. You dont here me complaining that i had a stock head on my car. Cant wait for next race when everyone has the cars all together should be some good racing.
Let's stop the pointing fingers and crying over who did what. I wish I was as lucky as you guys to have such great cars and to race. My rhino does not have the power to keep up, so i am trying to build a kawi. I can't wait to see you guys next round. Good luck to Austin,Chad,RJ,Bobby and who ever else is lucky enough to be behind the wheel, I wish I was again.
Look here's the deal it doesn't matter if over by an inch or a mile rules are rules. You dont here me complaining that i had a stock head on my car. Cant wait for next race when everyone has the cars all together should be some good racing.

So are you saying you ran with stock cylinder heads??? :eek:
Just jacking with you Chad. When are you guys going to put someone in that old Rhino of yours? Tyler already showed that it is still pretty competitive.
Look here's the deal it doesn't matter if over by an inch or a mile rules are rules. You dont here me complaining that i had a stock head on my car. Cant wait for next race when everyone has the cars all together should be some good racing.

LOL, I hope you had a stock head on your car, it is suppose to be!:eek:

Just giving you a hard time Chad, great job this weekend.


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