For being 275 miles into the race, that is one of the tightest groupings I've seen of UTV's (Turbo class). Usually, there are cars scattered all the way back to the start line.. But they are from RM182 to RM276...In years past, on the peninsula run, 1/4 of them are all the way back to Ensenada...
Annnnd, Creed is stopped in the Arctic Cat at RM268. Cafro is about to overtake him for 3rd place...
Creed been down for a while and is still down. Seem a little too far off from highway 5 to be a pit stop.
Thanks JD. Didn't know Guthrie teamed up with Schueler. That's a game changer for sure. I never saw the entry list til now. I don't know half of the names on it!

Does anyone know who is sharing the seat with Marc, if at all? I know he was prepping a 2nd car for some Can am or Monster execs. As for Marc, his abilities along with his body, mind, and will are always ready for the 1000. He just needs to stop racing every entrant he approaches, and save some car for later.

Glad to see you playing arm,chair reporter. Given your resources, you can probably provide better information from home than on site (video and stills not withstanding)
I love how 1x hasn't tracked for shit all day and then with 50 miles left it starts pinging perfectly lol
I think there's issues with Burnett's tracker

There's ALWAYS issues with his trackers. If there ever was a race and a team that could play the "sneaky Pete" card to its fullest, this is the one. I'm a huge proponent of allowing other teams' ongoing progress to help mold the strategies of another. How bummed would Rhys be if he backed off at RM 900 or so because he thought he had the field covered, only to learn that a top contender is within striking distance. A, ahem, non-reporting tracker here is definitely a better strategy than it is a misfortune.
Rhys still moving along out front.

Going to get interesting as the night continues

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Guthrie tracker hasn't updated in 7minutes. Rhys appears to be out front but tracking looks to be off until the Jagged tracker pings

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