

Retired - And Still UTVUNderground Approved!!!!
I come home last night and my 250 is sitting in the driveway on the stand.

Code says “Dad, Kyle got a new bike, him and his dad and a couple others are going down to Superstition to ride tomorrow. I got your bike out and prepped it, can I take it tomorrow insted of my 85?â€ÂÂ

WTF just happened?

Last year I moved to San Diego, bought a 250 & went to Palm Ave.
Six months ago I got married.
Three months ago he was racing his PW50.
Two months ago he was racing a Cobra.
Last month I was teaching him how to shift his 65.
Last week I bought him his 85 to race...
& yesterday he's taking MY 250 to go riding????.....W/O ME???
And somewhere in all this is 6 years of baseball & 1.5 of UTV racing????


WTF just happened???

F"n getting older never hit home more than it did right there.

I let him take it, hope the little bastard is having fun while I sit here working on his race car.:mad:;)
hahhahaha......they grow up fast huh Doug!!! Bright side is he pulled it out and prepped it himself!!! LOL Half the kids in the US would be too glued to video games to even consider working on a motorcycle to go riding!
Yep, fast. Too fast. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Speaking of enjoyment check this, I think were going to partner up with one of our sponsors and build a "Pure Stock" for Code to race a Barona Speedway. Its talk right now but I think it may happen.

I need another race car to deal with like I need a new hole in my head. Someone hand me the drill please.:D
LMAO!!!!! Oh comeon, your not too busy are you??? LOL When you say a Pure STock what are you refering to?
Roundy round. Production based dirt track race car, pure stock with safety devices.

Its a great deal, the sponsor pays for the build, I build it, Code & the sponsor race it, I fix it.

A great deal, LOL. Hand me the drill bro...:D
Thats crazy Doug! Seems like last month my son was an immobile infant and now he's hauling ass upright and tearing the house apart! Been walking for two weeks and I already ordered him his first BMX bike!
LOL!!!! I wish I could tell you what we are working on buying for the kids but I have to keep it hush hush for a while!!!!! The things we do for these kids!!! LOL B, your kid still pullin to the left or did you get his alignment dialed? LMAO
haha yup i just bought my 2 year old his first haro and he loves it they grow to fast
LOL!!!! I wish I could tell you what we are working on buying for the kids but I have to keep it hush hush for a while!!!!! The things we do for these kids!!! LOL B, your kid still pullin to the left or did you get his alignment dialed? LMAO

Hahaha. He's still pulling but we're working on that! When I put shoes on him he does a crazy high step thing. Needs to get used to them!

On the bike subject....... They have these new little bmx bikes that have no pedals or drive system. The idea is the kid will push himself along with his feet until he can feel how to coast. Then you get him a pedal bike and no training wheels ever! I cant wait to see how it works out!

Oh, and I'm also building his a custom Baja Wagon that matches the Teryx and has a PRP premie seat and a rack on the back for his bike! He's so spoiled but I love it!
These little wagons are awesome! Tell them Brian sent ya!
Hahaha. He's still pulling but we're working on that! When I put shoes on him he does a crazy high step thing.

Like when I put tape on my dogs feet?

On the bike subject I wish these were around when Code was first learning to ride, I woulda had a garage full of them. check it out.

CLICK>>>oset bikes
our son is 4 now and i bought him a KTM mini 50 adventure with training wheels. dude its so funny trying to teach him how to ride. but its so fun to get on my KTM 450sx and him here it and want to ride with me. best feeling on earth!
Like when I put tape on my dogs feet?

On the bike subject I wish these were around when Code was first learning to ride, I woulda had a garage full of them. check it out.

CLICK>>>oset bikes

Hey thanks a lot Doug! I'm having a hard time not buying one of those right now! Those are bad ass! They need a little larger one for adults! I love trials!
I bought my daugher a PW50 while she was still in the womb, oh the look on my wife's face when I brought it home (priceless:)
Now she's 3 and I can't keep her off the thing. I'm waiting for her to find the Cub 90 I have stashed for her... Everyone with kids tells me how fast they grow up, it sounds like you experienced that in about 6 months time.
They grow and their skills improve fast. Just wait untill they pass you. My son (18) is now on a 525. Had it for a year or so now. I cant even keep up any more. He is the cloud of dust I see in front of me.
They grow and their skills improve fast. Just wait untill they pass you. My son (18) is now on a 525. Had it for a year or so now. I cant even keep up any more. He is the cloud of dust I see in front of me.

YEP does not matter what sport........I specificaly remember snow boarding with the kids and I was always bigger, faster etc....than them always...Then the day came we were going down the moutain and my older son blew by me and had to carve to miss another person right in front of me......I knew right then my reign as king of the guys in my family was over.. The day always gets their......However they always come around for $$$$$$$$$$$$
Man as much as i love kids i aint gonna have any, have my nephew and niece but my sis wont let us buy them dirtbikes or quads and take them out. she was pissed when we had a honda 70 a few weeks after she told us she was pregnant with him. come to think of it what the hell happened to the 70? gna have to investigate

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