WORCS class names


Retired - And Still UTVUNderground Approved!!!!
I was speaking with a potential sponsor the other day talking about what we are racing now and describing the class when I slipped and said, "Class 3....I mean Production 700."

"Wait, what?...after I explained myself he said "Production 700 sounds boring, I like Class 3 better."

After I thought about it IMO he's right, the names Production 700, Production 850, & Production 1000....well lack excitement, they are boring so since the Underground is the center of the UTV universe I’m throwing it out here for all to ponder.

Why can’t they be what they used to? The old Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 class names sound....well so much cooler, they have pop and excitement in the title alone. Leave the whole "Production" thing in the class definition and let the classes have a cooler sounding title.

Try it, which sounds better, say it our loud, Production 1000.....Class 1....write it down, Production 850.....Class 2....See?

Even Unlimited 2 or Unlimited 4 has a better ring to it.

By naming them Production it’s pretty obvious the driving force behind the name but can we spice it up a little. As racers were trying to sell ourselves, give us the tools to do so (I mean besides the super cool new SXS's that keep popping up.) We want to get people excited and buy into our program, why the lackluster class name?

Can you imagine 1450 being renamed Production Mini Truck? Pro-4 and Pro-2 called Production-4 & Production-2? Granted that’s a stretch but you see where I’m going with this...

That’s my .02, hope I didn’t offend anyone...again, but is this a valid point or am I way off on the whole topic?
The names were based upon the ISA classifications since WORCS intends on adopting ISA for 2013.
Class1 etc only means something to someone racing. To the uneducated on our sport the class name needs to be somewhat descriptive.

Unless you have a rule book in your hand Class 1 etc could be anything to a spectator.

These facts were part of the tought process of the board. To increase, participation, undersatnding etc.

Your example of class 1450 means nothing to me so having something be a little bit descriptive would be nice.

Trophy Truck or Trick Truck or Suprlite could better I agree. But Class 1 could be what is on my drivers license.
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Class1 etc only means something to someone racing. To the uneducated on our sport the class name needs to be somewhat descriptive.

Unless you have a rule book in your hand Class 1 etc could be anything to a spectator.

These facts were part of the tought process of the board. To increase, participation, undersatnding etc.

Your example of class 1450 means nothing to me so having something be a little bit descriptive would be nice.

Trophy Truck or Trick Truck or Suprlite could better I agree. But Class 1 could be what is on my drivers license.

Your example of my example only furthers my point.

So what does Production 850 mean?
Your example of my example only furthers my point.

So what does Production 850 mean?

Production 700 = Production based UTV, Max 700cc Engine

Production 850 = Production based UTV, Max 850cc engine

Production 1000 = Production based UTV, Max 1000cc engine

Unlimited 4 = Unlimited UTV, 4 Wheel Drive

Unlimited 2 = Unlimited UTV, 2 Wheel Drive

Either way, someone who has no idea about UTV's still needs to be explained too. The idea is if someone has a clue about UTV's they would be able to figure out 700, 800/50, 1000 based upon the popular production model UTV's using those displacements. This also leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as far as what class they are racing in. To me it makes total sense, if I am racing I could care less if I said I was in Class 2 vs. Production 850 vs. Unlimited UTV, vs. BITD Pro UTV, vs. Score 1800, etc etc etc.
Production 700 = Production based UTV, Max 700cc Engine

Production 850 = Production based UTV, Max 850cc engine

Production 1000 = Production based UTV, Max 1000cc engine

Unlimited 4 = Unlimited UTV, 4 Wheel Drive

Unlimited 2 = Unlimited UTV, 2 Wheel Drive

Either way, someone who has no idea about UTV's still needs to be explained too. The idea is if someone has a clue about UTV's they would be able to figure out 700, 800/50, 1000 based upon the popular production model UTV's using those displacements. This also leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as far as what class they are racing in. To me it makes total sense, if I am racing I could care less if I said I was in Class 2 vs. Production 850 vs. Unlimited UTV, vs. BITD Pro UTV, vs. Score 1800, etc etc etc.

See, it still needs explaining, I have no arguement with the displacement, thats what tells people the difference between the two Pro classes in Supercross........bad example, I mean Motocross, just make it cool so it sells easier. Use of the word Production is a snoozer, that didnt come from me, that came from someone (someone outside of the UTV Industry, thats what were trying to attract right) I had to explain just what it was we were racing....

Back to the garage, I have an SR1....I mean Unlimited 2 to sell tomorrow.

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