Who's Racing TURBO's at V2R?

Just a heads up. On another forum I read the you have to use a 16 trans with a 16 turbo engine. The turbo motor will not work with the older trans. He worked for the trans builder.
Rules as of this morning

UTV-15 ENGINE LOCATION AND DISPLACEMENT:For all UTV classes the Maximum engine displacement is 1000cc. Pro Production class UTVs must use stock engine cases and cylinder head. Note, the engine update rule will start to be effective January 1 2016. Engine updates are allowed, as long as the frame and suspension mounting points match the updated engine. This engine update rule is effective January 1 2016.
I understand there are dealers that are giving test rides as of today...as for the rules in BITD, they would have to use a 2016 chassis to be legal in BITD.. they couldn't use a previous years chassis.. not saying guys like Burnett or Jagged etc didn't get a 2016 frame and or turbo motor early.. its happened before.. Marc Queen says nobody got them early...if hes right (and hes much more in tune with reality in this case than I am) since he works with Burnett.. Burnett really couldnt be racing a Turbo in V2R.
I suggested that in an old thread as there have been a couple of factory teams (3 that I know of) that have all built another car this year. I'll give cognito a pass as theirs was a 4 seater but I believe the other 2 are 2 seaters. At the time I was promptly shot down but I guess we'll find out. It would be a huge marketing win for polaris to have a team win with the turbo right away.
I understand there are dealers that are giving test rides as of today...as for the rules in BITD, they would have to use a 2016 chassis to be legal in BITD.. they couldn't use a previous years chassis.. not saying guys like Burnett or Jagged etc didn't get a 2016 frame and or turbo motor early.. its happened before.. Marc Queen says nobody got them early...if hes right (and hes much more in tune with reality in this case than I am) since he works with Burnett.. Burnett really couldnt be racing a Turbo in V2R.
And he wont be. He's had his hands full preparing to backflip his RZR at his next freestylemx show in Sturgis. Ought to be interesting, as he has only landed in foam pits so far.
Rules as of this morning

UTV-15 ENGINE LOCATION AND DISPLACEMENT:For all UTV classes the Maximum engine displacement is 1000cc. Pro Production class UTVs must use stock engine cases and cylinder head. Note, the engine update rule will start to be effective January 1 2016. Engine updates are allowed, as long as the frame and suspension mounting points match the updated engine. This engine update rule is effective January 1 2016.

So... okay so that's a new rule (which is a good rule in my humble opinion)...which is effective Jan 1 2016- so to my point, unless some of the Polaris guys received motors AND a 2016 CHASSIS weeks if not months ago... they more than likely wont be racing V2R with a Turbo car..guess we'll see. It would be interesting if Burnett shows up with a Turbo motored car.. says its a 16 and if anyone objects. He can just simply says prove it's not a 16...innocent until proven guilty and the onus is on the accuser. Ok edit: just Saw BAM's message saying he wont be there with a Turbo car... would have still been an interesting test of the mentality of the rule makers.. thanks for the Input BAM..
VIN # will show what year model it is, and it is stamped on the frame.
When you get just a frame from the Factory (as the Pro teams sometimes do) my chassis didn't have a VIN number on it.. as they are not complete vehicles. Assuming Polaris Chassis may not either.. but not certain.
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All production cars that came from polaris came with the vin stamped in the frame part that is required to be used by BITD rules. Frames ordered from polaris parts do not come with the vin.
Pro Production class UTVs must
utilize the stock chassis (frame) and maintain
stock appearance. The stock chassis (frame) is defined as, the main lower rails
running along the inner sides of the UTV and the front and rear tubes that connect

I was refering to the Vin number on the rear vertical tube, as per the rules only the bottom center horizontal tubes need to be retained.
All production cars that came from polaris came with the vin stamped in the frame part that is required to be used by BITD rules. Frames ordered from polaris parts do not come with the vin.
My car does not use/have that tube. We do not have to use that tube per the BITD rules.
maybe you should call utvra he changes the rules every month but I was told by cory was you were suppose to use tubes from front to back and rear plate were radius arms connect to
No kidding on all of the mid season rule changes. No turbos, than turbos, no motor swaps, than motor swaps, but motor swap until 2016. What a joke...........

We keeped all of the rear plate that we had to including the tubes. The vin # was up higher on the tube past the plate. She gone............
So can you have a 2015 XP1000 race car and swap in a 2016 Turbo engine package?

As of Jan 1 2016 you can according to the new rules of UTVRA... its a good call in my opinion- its going to keep a lot of the 2015 Polaris's in play in the Pro class...
wish they had done this last year for the Mavericks...but since it only applied to a couple of cars in Pro class (mine and Gastel... UTVRA didnt think it was warranted, and the way its written- our cars still cant because we have different pick up points (the older antiqued design) than the new turbo cars...
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So can you have a 2015 XP1000 race car and swap in a 2016 Turbo engine package?

Ya Kinda but it aint as easy as that ... youll need engine tranny front diff cooling intercooler plumbing axles computers stators drive lines ect ect at that point you should have just bought a new car ??????????
Ya Kinda but it aint as easy as that ... youll need engine tranny front diff cooling intercooler plumbing axles computers stators drive lines ect ect at that point you should have just bought a new car ??????????

Yeah maybe... Im sure your right about the components... so whats that $12-15k (for the non factory guy) to do vs building a whole new car at 65-75k (plus selling the na car at a huge discount) heck..double heck, you could do that swap overnight at your place..fer free you freeloader ;) Its c going to keep a lot of the privateers in the game and competitive for next year..even affordable to still have a competitive car. The guys who do want to build a new car that have $ still have a market for the NA car on the used market...since they can be turbo'd and run in Pro.
Does any one not realize that this car is not going to have a higher top speed? Its just going to have more punch in the middle. But you will have any easy 60lbs more weight and alot more stuff to break. Alot of people just need to have an issue free day and they can win.

Just my 2 pennies.
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