Attaboy Rusty, get er done! That's the UTVUG of old right there. At RM 300, the S-3 guys surely have the field covered. A full 20 minutes and 2 1/2 MPH faster than the 2nd and 3rd JX team.
Turbo? Now? Really Johnny, WTF were you thinking? In a double points race to boot. Ouch!
BURNETT UPDATE: Broke a front spindle and 2 rear axles (or cv's. not sure which) early on. At least 150 miles behind the leaders. As of 1 hour ago, still working on forward progress and plan on finishing the event. If I were a betting man (and I am!),. he wont see the checkers. He got pretty banged up during his backflipping fiasco at Dunefest, and was uncertain if he could even last the full race due to his injuries. He's a manly mofo, that's for sure. The brand switch has him chasing his tail. It may prove to be a season long chase, or more. It's amazing how high the bar has been raised in the 1900 class in this year alone. The level of competition and the equipment that they race with is fierce!
You can thank your buddy Johnny for raising the bar. He is fast and doesn't tear stuff up.