Competition between the manufacturers can only be good for us. I would like to believe that inside the R&D shops of all the players are ideas that would knock our socks off.
I think it is a dang shame that Yamaha hasn't rebounded with something befitting it's heritage in the market, but perhaps something will happen.
If something does happen I don't think it will be aimed at the edge of the sport world, but more towards the Teryx market. If they get a foot in the door with something, and the Yamaha faithful come out, then it'll be game on.
Even though I own a XP1K 2 seater, I am no flag waver for Polaris. I am happy with my machine but it could have, and (should have) been a lot more refined.
I am also sure Polaris isn't resting on their laurels, either. I doubt we will see them break the 1000cc limit, but all that room on the exhaust side of the engine seems almost a no brainer for a turbo. Since they are selling both the XP1K2 and the 4 as fast as they can build them for $20k plus there is no reason to think that adding a 6-7 lb turbo package and a refined drive wouldn't add another 10k to it...I bet they'd sell those, too. Perhaps not like the normally aspirated versions, but they would sell.
And the bar would be raised again, which we all benefit from.
The only thing that would get my interest peaked again would be a third pedal on the drivers floor and a shifter that had a real shift pattern in it. I'd love to see a 5 or 6 speed trans in a XP1k Turbo...

I know all the arguments about a real trans, and how theoretically a CVT is "always" on the power band, I don't give a whit. I like to be in charge of the gear selection. Even when we had the Turbo-325's in the old rails we modded the valve body to full manual.