What UTV Motor Produces the most torque


Active Member
What UTV Motor Produces the most torque? Brand doesn't matter to me and boosted vs. NA doesn't matter to me.

Question i have been researching lately and it is almost impossible to get torque numbers for these different motors

Does anybody know what utv motor produces the most torque? or where i can find dyno sheets for torque numbers?

What motor is capable of producing the most torque?

What model has the highest torque vs weight ratio?
The X3 motor is 124 lb-ft of torque at 6,500 RPM
Polaris turbo is 114 lb-ft of torque from 5,000-8,000 RPM

A regular XP motor is in the 80 range on torque.
Those numbers are hard to measure unless an engine dyno is used. To my knowledge they can be manipulated on a chassis dyno.
interesting...thx for responses.

I was looking for torque numbers and couldn't find anywhere, and i don't have dyno numbers readily available...figured some here would be more in the know rather then me scouring hours of forums looking for dyno sheets.
the can-am engines, most always produce the most torque of any machine on the market. in every category, 500cc and 650cc, 800cc, and 1000cc pretty much every single machine they make for each market, makes more Hp and Tq than any other competitor. the turbo hp war is pretty much the same. Hp and tq they are usually at the top of the game.
interesting...thx for responses.

I was looking for torque numbers and couldn't find anywhere, and i don't have dyno numbers readily available...figured some here would be more in the know rather then me scouring hours of forums looking for dyno sheets.

Most dyno sheets posted by shops only show the hp numbers. Both Can Am and Polaris listed the numbers on their websites. Just need to google torque specs.

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