What do you wear under your fire-suit??


As I prepare to race my first Baja 500, I started to think that in any previous racing I have done be it desert or short course I have only ever worn shorts and t-shirt underneath. I know the fire danger is real and it has me wondering if I should just pony up and buy the nomex fire protection underwear that Impact and other companies make. I mean, better to be safe then sorry..

So what do you guys wear and recommend? I don't want to be overly hot, I certainly don't want to freeze either as I will most likely spend most of my time in the golf cart at night.

Thanks in advance...
I think a lot of people do just rock T-Shirts, Shorts, or go commando but I am wondering if its worth it to not spend the couple hundred bucks and literally protect my ass.... Fire is real..
I think a lot of people do just rock T-Shirts, Shorts, or go commando but I am wondering if its worth it to not spend the couple hundred bucks and literally protect my ass.... Fire is real..

I prob would get underwear and a shirt just being it is such a long race. Like you said better safe then sorry. I don't think you will get to hot being most your driving will be at night.
Hey Joey, spend the $ on nomex undies. Just get the shirt and shorts. We all wear fire gloves, socks, and shoes as well. Helmet skirt is nomex to.
When we did the 1000 (not in rzr) me and Peter (Blue Torch) got stuck for like 6-7 hrs middle of night and about froze to death. Peter built a fire so that helped. Make sure and take waterproof lighter, a fire stick, some food and plenty of water in case you get stuck. We also got soaked before we broke down so a dry hoodie would have been nice. Just pack a small backpack with stuff. You may not need it, but it's worth taking. Sat Phone.
Oh yea, and a cath! Haha
Good luck man,
Chris thanks!

I'm leaning towards the long nomex underwear and long sleeve shirt from Oakley.
It is a very, very good question. I wear the Oakley underwear, 't' and socks but they are Carbon X not Nomex. Shoes are also Nomex as are the gloves. Yes the stuff is expensive, but I acquired it over an 18 month period, a piece at a time (one per race) until I was covered head to toe. Super comfortable. I also wear cotton shorts over my carbon X for another layer and because they have a pocket to put my drivers license, passport and a few pesos. If you are looking for deals or at least a good place to purchase try Arcerio (Oakley) or UPR race supply. The later has a 'garage sale' or deal section for close outs etc. It is money well spent.
Good thinkin' guys. Yea, it's like wearing insulated underwear under your cloths and they are hotter than hell when summer racing but like Joey said, fire danger in any race machine "IS REAL" and doesn't just happen to the other guy. And thinking "Oh well, if it catches on fire I'll just jump out real quick". Well, that's all fine and dandy until you take a hard roll or end over end and are knocked out in the process. Hard to "jump out real quick" when you are unconscious for a few minutes or more out in the middle of no mans land. It's like all the other safety devices on our cars, they are all irrelevant until,..............."OH SHIT" and then every piece of safety equipment on that car is the most important thing in your life "NOW".

I always say "don't be the "COOL FOOL", Do things to train for the heat, set up your car and helmet/s with a Camelback setup to keep you hydrated. They are not that expensive and easy to rig up, then go "give em' hell". Good Luck!
I got a sweet hookup on a 3 layer sparco suit from UPR... for us "bigger" guys they had a good selection. 3 layer offers a lot of protection and it breathes well too. Cool in the day and warm at night. If you go with a 1 or 2 layer definitely get the underwear. Also, like everyone suggests, cotton, cotton, cotton for anything else you might wear. The suit will protect your ass, but anything plastic will melt to you :eek: good luck and stay safe
Well thanks to Ryan at Arciero Sports, I am going to join the club and get myself a full Oakley Carbon X underwear set and a pair of the new Oakley FR crew shoes.

I had to order some stuff from Impact to revamp my Impact Air Draft helmet after it got molested by customs coming back from Dubai. I ordered new visors, new padding, new hardware, new Nomex visor foam strip and new helmet skirt. I also got the new Impact NecksGen REV frontal neck restraint.

I must say both Ryan Arciero at Arciero Sports as well as Robbie and his staff at Impact / Mastercraft have all been extremely informative and on point with making sure I get dialed in with all the right stuff. Thank you to both of these guys and their companies!! Its nice to get advice from experts for sure.

Now I need to start doing more than 1-2 races a year.. Otherwise I'm gonna look like the ultimate took showing up to use this stuff at K1! lol

In regards to Gloves, I have my Oakley driving gloves that go over the sleeve but what are co-drivers wearing primarily. Seems I see more guys wearing a pair of mechanix gloves or the like more than driving gloves? Am I wrong?

Hey Joey congrats on the Baja 500 ride, you cant go wrong with the Oakley products. The underwear is much more forgiving than the full fire suits, but either way one should be worn. In regards to gloves its a personnal preference, like someone mentioned earlier taking a back pack is always a plus and a must in my book. You can always carry your extra gloves in your pack. Good luck and stay safe. If you get a chance give me a call I know its been awhile.
JD...I know when Jason co-dogs he wears full on Nomex racing gloves.
Hey Joey congrats on the Baja 500 ride, you cant go wrong with the Oakley products. The underwear is much more forgiving than the full fire suits, but either way one should be worn. In regards to gloves its a personnal preference, like someone mentioned earlier taking a back pack is always a plus and a must in my book. You can always carry your extra gloves in your pack. Good luck and stay safe. If you get a chance give me a call I know its been awhile.

Thanks Schannon! Would love to catch up with you soon
Joeyd23 you should wear cotton material so it absorbs sweat and if you catch fire and your suit starts to burn away, the cotton material will fall off you instead of melting on your skin. Cotton is the way to go. Never wear synthetic material, it will melt and burn like hell.

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Joey, I believe co-dawgs wear gloves that they don't mind getting dirty, since alot of times it's the co-dawg that is changing tires, fixing stuff, etc out on the course....always fireproof, no matter what. Anything less and it can melt to your hands quickly.....

Good call on the underwear, too. In short-course we have the luxury of fire crews and safety crews being able to help us in a matter of seconds.....out in the boonies, you guys are on your own. Any extra time you can give yourself to get out of a burning vehicle the better. And the GOOD underwear is just as cool as wearing none - my SPARCO stuff has menthol in it, so it actually feels cooler than if I don't wear it - weird, I know!

Neck skirt is important (or headsock that protects your neck and face) - flames want to go up your helmet for some reason, and if there is an opening there, the fire will find it.

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