Weller Racing responds to Kimbrell’s DQ at LOORRS Round 6


The First Lady of SXS - UTVUnderground Approved
Weller Racing responds to Kimbrell’s DQ at LOORRS Round 6<O:p</O:p

(June 29, 2009 - Chandler, AZ) It is with great trepidation and concern that we find ourselves forced to deal with an issue that we never felt we would be faced with in our racing career, and as a result of the decision of the LOORRS tech officials to disqualify Austin Kimbrell based on his Weller Racing motor exceeding the 800cc limit for the Unlimited UTV class, we are now forced to look within our own processes to try to find what went wrong – not only in an effort to ensure that we never find ourselves in this situation again, but also to ensure that our current and future customers will forever retain the trust they have put into us throughout the years.

Racing is our way of life, and nothing fulfills us more than being able to go to battle with truly great competitors; and the only way this can BE truly fulfilling, is if that competition is always fair. Because of this belief, we want to express our agreement and full support of LOORRS’ decision to tear down the top three motors in the Unlimited UTV class. We feel that this is necessary, and will keep everyone honest, while also helping to dispel any rumors of other teams cheating. We have felt this should be done for a very long time, and are happy to see it finally happening now.

We also understand how it must look to anyone who is not in the motor building business to see that a racer is disqualified due to exceeding a set cc limit. We were rocked to the core when we were informed by LOORRS tech officials that Kimbrell’s motor was found to be 1.4 cc’s over the 800cc limit. This discrepancy was found on the front cylinder, and it is practically immeasurable. This was evident by the fact that even the LOORRS tech’s testing mechanism had to be rechecked 5 times, because they were getting readings varying over 2mm difference. While we are not fully convinced with whom the discrepancy actually lies, we will side with LOORRS, and will build the necessary cushion in the future to account for this variation. We understand that rules are rules, and must be enforced – after all, it just makes for better racing.

Again, we want to stress that we are competitors to the core, but we are only satisfied by a truly fair competition. We support LOORRS and their decision, and will make any and all necessary adjustments to our build processes to ensure that this will never be an issue again. We also support our racers, and we know that Austin Kimbrell drove his heart out, and will be on the podium again shortly with a motor that is undeniably within the regulatory limits.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers, our friends, our race families and our fans for your support throughout the years. We are still a young company, and we are learning as we grow – we are not immune to mistakes, and we can only hope that as we strive to minimize those mistakes, that the faith you all have in our business, our character, and our intentions stays true.

Jason and Corry Weller – Weller Racing, LLC
I'm very disasopinted to hear that a racing organization would make a decision like this. 1.4 cc over is not measurable at the track anyway. Did they pull the pistons or was it a simple bore and stroke measurement. That is .175%, unmeasurable using the techniques and tools they had. They (LOORS) should be ashamed for putting anyone through something like this. It shows what rookie promoters they really are.
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;) Well when you have an engine builder that can make 22hp per cc....

Seriously though, 1.4 cc, that is why CORR had an unofficial wiggle room of I believe .5% or 804cc, to eliminate the chance of human error.

So I did some math, with out going into to too much detail it appears this has come down to .0768mm, or .003 of an inch......unless I missed something

So, for what its worth, we firmly stand behind the Weller’s and Weller Racing, Jason has never been anything less than honest and professional while doing the engine work on my sons car. I appreciate the work this year and look forward to our new ????? engine build for next year.

If anything comes from this unfortunate event I hope it further defines the rule as to allow for minimal mechanical deviations and the human factor when doing field measurements.

Doug Rahders
R3 Motorsports
Were the engines pumped? Was the bore/stroke measured? How was this determined? Did they use calipers? Micrometers?

Not looking to stir the pot or cause controversy here. For those that don't know, the displacement has been an issue for us engine builders for a while.

The class rules are 800cc limit.
Usually, pistons are made in "normal' increments of size, either millimeters, or inches. In the case of the Teryx, a common bore size would be 90mm, which makes the engine the familar 840cc that many use in their recreational cars.
An 88mm bore would make the engine 803cc. This would be convenient for engine builders, however, it is over the displacement limit. When you start to look at bore sizes "just below" 88mm, to meet the race rule, things like piston ring availability become an issue.

I'll be interested to learn more about the details so we can all learn from this situation.

Just an FYI. Sorry to hear this. :(

They used the same method as the Karts . Actual measurement of bore and stroke. It is my understanding they all passed.

To the Underground at large

As stated by others in this thread ,we agree and do not believe the oversize engine is why Austin won. And I honestly feel for the young man because I don't believe there was "INTENT" to cheat . But rules are there for a reason. It also begs the question if this was Chad's motor being DQ'd would you all be singing the same tune.

Kudo's to Wellers for their stand up response.When faced with this type of situation you really have no choice but stand up and face the music.
I guess I will be the first to say it. Here we go. If it was chads motor, I would say you guys wanted to get as much as you could out of the motor hoping you wouldn't get caught. I know how much chad hates to lose. Hate me for saying the truth but hey you asked.

And if anybody gets mad off of this post. Sorry Just my feelings from old politics.
every one lets not start this please??

grant if it was chads motor i would be the first to say that I truly believe you guys were not trying to cheat if it was 1.4 cc's over. Truly we talked about this in my racing family and real family already. We asked our selfs the same question what if funco or RJ was in this position and we all said we would stand behind them if it was. but it isnt :( lol rules are rules now if it was an 840 cc i would have to say it would be cheating.

and i hope if i had an 840cc people would be saying i was cheating and not just be on my side because people like me and not be on funco's side. Chad is a great racer every one i love racing against him it all ways makes for a fun race.

I guess what im trying to say is that lets not start taking sides like i can see how this can turn out funco is a great race team and so is every one eles that races against us. so please lets not start with taking sides on who people like better thank you very much.

Austin Kimbrell
As a toolmaker & research technician with almost 36 years experience, I can attest to the fact that very few people, especially those not trained in precision measurement, can accurately or repeatably measure to the tolerances involved here. Did they use measurement tools that were at with at least 10 times the resolution they were trying to measure? Was the measurement done in a temperature controlled environment? Was the person highly trained & experienced? I would guess not.

As others have stated, very stand up response, but I would have expected no less.
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maybe they were trying to make an example out of you? to show they mean business and show that they plan on enforcing the rules. ive had this happen in late model asphalt racing, got dq'ed for being a 10th of a percent to much left side weight. there has to be some kind of bumper +- 5cc something. then ask your self if they woul have made the same call if it were one of the other front runners. we all know they have their favorites.

They used the same method as the Karts . Actual measurement of bore and stroke. It is my understanding they all passed.

To the Underground at large

As stated by others in this thread ,we agree and do not believe the oversize engine is why Austin won. And I honestly feel for the young man because I don't believe there was "INTENT" to cheat . But rules are there for a reason. It also begs the question if this was Chad's motor being DQ'd would you all be singing the same tune.

Kudo's to Wellers for their stand up response.When faced with this type of situation you really have no choice but stand up and face the music.

why even make a statement like this? looks like you are just stirring the pot. why not just stay out of this issue. this is between the LOORRS and Austin.
As Austin stated lets not let this get out of hand. I feel that Grant made a legit comment and I would bet that if this was Chad there would be much more of a fallout. BUT, with that said lets not just focus on that comment, Grant made it clear that he does not feel that Weller and Austin had intentions of trying to cheat. The Underground feels the same way. Weller is as classy as it gets when it comes to competition, never a negative thing about another team which I really think says a lot about who they really are. I am no motor builder nor will I pretend to be but it seems to me that that small of a CC could not have caused Austin to win by as large of a margin as he did?

Either way, Chad deserves some props for finishing as strong as he did on Sunday and if he is awarded the win then he should be praised for it. At the same time Austin, his team, and Weller should not feel down, they did a hell of a job!!!
why even make a statement like this? looks like you are just stirring the pot. why not just stay out of this issue. this is between the LOORRS and Austin.

Not on the internet it's not. It's open for everyone now.

My answer is absolutly I'd be calling bullshit on LOORS no matter who it was.
Well Austin, i dont know what to say other than this is pretty much a crappy situation. I know from racing you this weekend, 2cc's would not have let me beat this car, your roost may have hurt a little less though:D Anyways, i would personally like to congradulate you, xmf, and weller racing because we all know you guys worked your butts off and this car is a serious contender and will still be one when you come back to the race track.
Sorry to hear this for a great Motor builder in Weller racing and a great competeter in Austin and his family.

I wish I could have been on the podium for an engine check! lol

Good luck in the future to Austin and Weller racing. ;)

hi this rito from the 1913 rzr bitd car i know how they feel same thing happen to us at primm this year. It wasn't our motor but our frame we went through tech even had cory from desert toys/utvra president do our tech inspection and we were still dq from cory at post tech because he missed something.But it shows humans make mistakes it just takes the bigger man to take it. EVEN WHEN IT TAKES YOUR FIRST WIN AWAY. you think you cover all your bases prep the car make sure you bring everything and all the right people pay all the registraion fees. So you can just race but there is always something. What really sucks you celebrate have fun have utvunderground post all about your win then it is ripped away. what people dont understand it is hard to rebound from that we are still trying to but we will. I guess that is why it is called racing not winning.
As a personal friend to many in the UTV racing scene, it was believed that Funco has always had a cheater motor. With reports being made from the track this weeekend to me, Funco ran through a few motors this weekend. Many people weere just licking their chops when LOORS said they were going to do a tear down to see what and who was gonna be in trouble. It was never believed that the Weller motors and or 2cc would ever be a problem. It's a very unfortunate incident and I do believe the .5% rule should be applied in every series. Everyone knows Austin, XMF and Weller wasn't trying to cheat and didn't need to cheat.

But as it's always been in racing... If you ain't cheatin, you ain't trying :o)
every one lets not start this please??

grant if it was chads motor i would be the first to say that I truly believe you guys were not trying to cheat if it was 1.4 cc's over. Truly we talked about this in my racing family and real family already. We asked our selfs the same question what if funco or RJ was in this position and we all said we would stand behind them if it was. but it isnt :( lol rules are rules now if it was an 840 cc i would have to say it would be cheating.

and i hope if i had an 840cc people would be saying i was cheating and not just be on my side because people like me and not be on funco's side. Chad is a great racer every one i love racing against him it all ways makes for a fun race.

I guess what im trying to say is that lets not start taking sides like i can see how this can turn out funco is a great race team and so is every one eles that races against us. so please lets not start with taking sides on who people like better thank you very much.

Austin Kimbrell

You can tell by Austin's response he is a racer and a fan. Austin you are a great for the sport. No whining, no pointing fingers, no making excuses. He doesnt throw his helmet when gets into the pits because he was beat. He doesnt have the ( Dont you know who I am attitude).

It was a simple oversight, the motor was oversized by .126%. I dont think this could have made a difference if the car was under the 1400 minimum weight limit, but infact the car is well over the minimum weight limit. I feel bad for you and your team. You have a very strong race team. You will come back and show everyone that you never "inteded to cheat".

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