The First Lady of SXS - UTVUnderground Approved
Weller Racing responds to Kimbrell’s DQ at LOORRS Round 6<O

(June 29, 2009 - Chandler, AZ) It is with great trepidation and concern that we find ourselves forced to deal with an issue that we never felt we would be faced with in our racing career, and as a result of the decision of the LOORRS tech officials to disqualify Austin Kimbrell based on his Weller Racing motor exceeding the 800cc limit for the Unlimited UTV class, we are now forced to look within our own processes to try to find what went wrong – not only in an effort to ensure that we never find ourselves in this situation again, but also to ensure that our current and future customers will forever retain the trust they have put into us throughout the years.
Racing is our way of life, and nothing fulfills us more than being able to go to battle with truly great competitors; and the only way this can BE truly fulfilling, is if that competition is always fair. Because of this belief, we want to express our agreement and full support of LOORRS’ decision to tear down the top three motors in the Unlimited UTV class. We feel that this is necessary, and will keep everyone honest, while also helping to dispel any rumors of other teams cheating. We have felt this should be done for a very long time, and are happy to see it finally happening now.
We also understand how it must look to anyone who is not in the motor building business to see that a racer is disqualified due to exceeding a set cc limit. We were rocked to the core when we were informed by LOORRS tech officials that Kimbrell’s motor was found to be 1.4 cc’s over the 800cc limit. This discrepancy was found on the front cylinder, and it is practically immeasurable. This was evident by the fact that even the LOORRS tech’s testing mechanism had to be rechecked 5 times, because they were getting readings varying over 2mm difference. While we are not fully convinced with whom the discrepancy actually lies, we will side with LOORRS, and will build the necessary cushion in the future to account for this variation. We understand that rules are rules, and must be enforced – after all, it just makes for better racing.
Again, we want to stress that we are competitors to the core, but we are only satisfied by a truly fair competition. We support LOORRS and their decision, and will make any and all necessary adjustments to our build processes to ensure that this will never be an issue again. We also support our racers, and we know that Austin Kimbrell drove his heart out, and will be on the podium again shortly with a motor that is undeniably within the regulatory limits.
Thank you to all of our loyal customers, our friends, our race families and our fans for your support throughout the years. We are still a young company, and we are learning as we grow – we are not immune to mistakes, and we can only hope that as we strive to minimize those mistakes, that the faith you all have in our business, our character, and our intentions stays true.
Jason and Corry Weller – Weller Racing, LLC