Yeah he put some on member Spicoli car he probably has pics. He doesn't make the kit anymore. I beleive Makintrax is no longer working as a vendor but you might be able to get a hold of him to talk to him? He super knowledgeable and are real nice guy but I think he's pretty busy now day doing general contracting. There is another person I know that has a setup on a street bike swap the RPM did. They located the front of the arms behind the tank. I have no pics though.
There's the utvinc cage. It did its job for sure. 60+ mph diamond flips. I walked away but with a nasty concussion for about 3 weeks. A HANS device is strongly recommended. And wrist restraints
I would say that's not a roll cage its an accessory rack. Never seen a roll cage with bolts that hold a-pillar, never seen roll cage with out a-pillar support, never seen roll cage with bolt on doors. I would say accessory rack did it's job but it looks like it was built low. Doesn't matter how you build cage with out the the right support your screwed does't matter if you used .250 wall it would of bent/crushed at A-pilar no matter what, no support something has to give. why do you think factory cage is so high.
Ide have to semi agree with Rito here. These cages most people use are not much better than stock. They are for looks and easy use with opening doors. They are there to protect you but whats to keep them from laying down like the one above. Most race car type cages have a B pillar towards the front tying to a door bar. If I were to have a play cage I would want it more of a race style for safety over ease of use.
Cognito makes this cage for the 900 and 1000 Polaris