im new to this forum and i have a question maybe this is not the right thread to ask it but it involves my rzr4 , problem is that on my rear shocks they bottom out ive cranked the springs down that way they go harder but when its only me and someone else it bounces allot in the back and whith 4 passengers the back bottoms out like crazy i was just in glamis this weekend and couldnt make it work should i get new springs? or what else can i do to my shock to make it work and not bottom out with 4 ppl on it thankyou any feed back would be great
Adding spring pre-load helps with ride height and to some degree with bottoming because it give you more 'up travel.' Have you increased the compression damping? It is easy to do with a standard screwdriver. Just make sure both sides are increased the same. Your owners manual outlines this in pretty good detail.
Exactly what BajaXP said....Make sure you are adjusting your Compression Dampening. It is the small adjustment knob attached to the top of your piggy back resevoir on the shock.
Righty Tighty (Stiffen) Lefty Loosey (Soften)
I have mine cranked in terms of the compression adjustment. I tend to buck from time to time but when I have a load it does pretty good. However, there are certain bumps that with a car load you are still just going to bottom out on.
BajaXP also made a good point. Springs/Coils are only to help keep the car up and affect ride height. While they can give you some clearance they aren't going to solve your bottoming out when under a full car load and traveling at speed.
Also, how old is your RZR4? Maybe its time for some shock re-freshing. You may also consider adding this retrofit product that FOX Shocks offer. I have a set I have never installed on mine but it may be just what you need.
FOX / UTV / Upgrades
No matter what UTV your in your going to bottom out at some point.I was driving the UTVundergrounds Polaris RZR4 in glamis over Thanksgiving weekend and we had Mad Media packed in the RZR4. 4 adults and camera gear strapped in the back, The suspension seemed very for giving. I was driving up and down dunes near sand hwy and at the bottom I thought we were going to bottom out, but it was smooth.I think this suspension out of the box is the best ride of any other SXS,I haven't driven the Polaris XP or the Wild Cat.
I would look into after market shocks for a smoother ride.
RadFlo shocks,Walker Evans Racing,King!
The shocks that are on the Polaris RZR4 are not only adequate but they are rebuildable. Replacing the shocks is not necessary especially with the upgrades FOX has to offer.
I had the same problem with my RZR4 I didnt mess with the spring just turned the compression setting 1 1/2 turns in .... Problem solved
thanks everyone for the reference on the compression setting i didnt even know i could do that ill try it out tomorow i just found it right now when i took a look and well my rzr4 has around 51hrs and 752mi u guys think the shocks need refreshing
thanks everyone for the reference on the compression setting i didnt even know i could do that ill try it out tomorow i just found it right now when i took a look and well my rzr4 has around 51hrs and 752mi u guys think the shocks need refreshing