UTVUnderground Presents: 2013 SCORE Baja 500 - Polaris Racing VIDEO


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywjoO3wMEwc"]UTVUnderground Presents: 2013 SCORE Baja 500 - POLARIS RACING - YouTube[/ame]​

For the first time ever, UTVUnderground.com finally took our crew to Baja to film UTV's at the 45th SCORE Tecate Baja 500. It has been a long time goal of ours to share the Baja with readers and members, with help from Polaris we were finally able to do that!

So check it out as we follow the factory Polaris race team of Jagged X as they take on and WIN the Baja 500!!

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Polaris Industries is not responsible for the content in this video.
Polaris RZRâ„¢ is a registered trademark of Polaris Industries Inc.

Adult models - 16 and older. Be sure to get safety training. The vehicle displayed in this video is not intended for on-road use. Driver must be 16 years old with a valid driver's license. Passenger must be 12 years old, and tall enough to use hand holds and plant feet firmly on floor. Always use cab nets, wear seatbelts, helmets, eye protection, and protective clothing. Do not operate on public roads. Avoid excessive speeds, sharp turns, and difficult terrain. Riding and alcohol/drugs don't mix! Never carry more than the appropriate amount of passengers. Follow all warnings/instructions in owners manuals and on product. UTV Underground and their affiliates are not responsible for injuries that may occur from emulating or copying the riding, driving, or stunts performed in this video. Visit www.rohva.org for more information on safe operation off-road vehicles.
That was pretty fricking cool, Nice job guys and to all the UTVs that participated and congratulation's to the JaggedX team!
SWEET video JoeyD..... If this doesn't make people want to go race, I don't know what would... Congrats to the 2 teams that finished and all the teams that made an effort to finish.
I love these videos!! when ever anyone asks me about utvs and wants to get into it more I always refer them to your site and your videos. I see alot of people converting from the snowmobile industry to the UTV industry in the summer months. Maybe you can do a video of one of our Slednecks athletes in there UTV just to get a little cross marketing going.
Thanks for the props guys! We work hard on these flicks, but it makes it all worth it when we stoke you guys out!!!

Drew, I like the idea!!
Nice video Joey! Congrats to Matt and Brandon. Was a great time running with them.
Great vid Joey!No matter how many times I've been to the baja 500..missing one of them sucks,but watching the video is gonna have to do till nov.Thanks!
Great work!

The Jagged X cars are bad azz. I love how sxs's have evolved into awesome rock crawling and desert racing OHV's. What a great time to be in off road.....just sayn
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Same people that did the Mint 400 video also did the B500 vid. Great job!

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