UTVUnderground on SideXsideaction.com

Thanks Dorian!! That is a big part of what we need to do....we need to show that us SXS enthusiasts are also along for the fight to protect our lands and essentially our entire off road hobby!

Thanks for the support!
Hey guys, not to get your hopes up but the issue Joey is talking about will be on sale the first part of April.... didn't want you to read through the issue that goes on sale next week and be disappointed it wasn't there.

Look for a lot of cool things to come to the pages of Side X Side Action with Joey's help!!!!

He does a great job writing and were glad we can work with him.
Hey guys, not to get your hopes up but the issue Joey is talking about will be on sale the first part of April.... didn't want you to read through the issue that goes on sale next week and be disappointed it wasn't there.

Look for a lot of cool things to come to the pages of Side X Side Action with Joey's help!!!!

He does a great job writing and were glad we can work with him.

just dont go to baja with him Mike...he cant stay on the road...LOL
BS!! Thats why they call it OFF ROAD right??? We didnt HIT the tree, we ALMOST HIT the tree.....BIG DIFFERENCE!! LOL

Thanks Mike!! I am stoked I get to do some writing for you guys and contibute. The Underground appreciates PGI Media's help in blowing us up!!!
I can vouch for that statement. But also add that hanging around Blake can give one a sore shin.

oh ya cuz i said show me your cooter......pause.......Joey...LMAO.. that was a great night. i never laughed so hard as after the lights went out at mikes sky ranch.
SPF40, no it was those canadien guys remember?
oh ya cuz i said show me your cooter......pause.......Joey...LMAO.. that was a great night. i never laughed so hard as after the lights went out at mikes sky ranch.
SPF40, no it was those canadien guys remember?

Damn Canucks! That was a hilarious night.
I will never forget that night........I know someone has some damn footage of it! LOL SPF40....

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