UTV World Championship LIVE Coverage!

"FOX Air Strip to claim the one-off custom FOX Big Air Trophy and $3000.00! Both the longest jump from the desert and production races will win!"

well as it turned out not both only the production class won !!! we had the longest jump in the desert race and they told us to pound sand !!!!!!!!
I heard Sappington did
The land rush start worked out just fine for every class and every row. The problem came when the cars left the infield and entered the desert area 15 at a time. Not many had the GPS file and so drivers were driving off tail lights through the dust. Unfortunately, there were a ton of people who ended up upside down, in ditches, way off the track, and in some seriously vulnerable situations. Thank goodness Craig and Keith were okay because that could have been a very very very bad situation.

So basically it did not work! That is what I was wondering, as eventually you need to leave the groomed & watered down part of the track and head into the "Desert" part of the course. I have raced both the older longer & shorter Laughlin course with Score and I know dust can at times be an issue out there, and was wondering how having multiple cars stacked up on each other going into the desert section was going to work out. Even with GPS it does not let you see the competitors and you always revert back to chasing taillight. What always scares me is the car that has rolled or broke and the drivers are climbing out and you hit them, as you cant see and have no idea there is people or flipped cars on the course.

So the Land Rush Start worked out great for the spectator area, but once out of sight around the hill it was carnage? Bummer, but not to surprised. Hope no one was hurt?
So basically it did not work! That is what I was wondering, as eventually you need to leave the groomed & watered down part of the track and head into the "Desert" part of the course. I have raced both the older longer & shorter Laughlin course with Score and I know dust can at times be an issue out there, and was wondering how having multiple cars stacked up on each other going into the desert section was going to work out. Even with GPS it does not let you see the competitors and you always revert back to chasing taillight. What always scares me is the car that has rolled or broke and the drivers are climbing out and you hit them, as you cant see and have no idea there is people or flipped cars on the course.

So the Land Rush Start worked out great for the spectator area, but once out of sight around the hill it was carnage? Bummer, but not to surprised. Hope no one was hurt?
This is exactly what happened to Craig and Keith. I believe they got hit twice while upside down and they thought they were then clear. Keith unbuckled and then I believe Sappington hit them square in the front bumper. The damage is incredible, I'm sure there will be pics soon and also I know there was in car cam that caught it all. They both seem to be ok that night at the casino
Dead serious. I've been to 1 or 2 worcs races and have seen clean land rush starts. Plenty of clean starts actually. The races with the most carnage are usually the races with the tightest and quickest turn / track entry. Do you think we are planning to set you up for carnage? Have some faith and at least give us some time to show you the course before you fully decide to wear a skirt instead of your fire suit... ;)

I think everyone just needs to relax and embrace some different formatting a bit. If it sucks we will change it for the following year. I happen to think there will be minimal carnage. We aren't going to force everyone into a hard 90 in like 100ft. It may just land rush you into a mile long strait away. Just lets see how the course layout is and try it. Who knows, you all might enjoy the rush you get. I know we all will instead of seeing that boring desert race start we get at every other race.

Please dont take me for being a Dick, but UTVU & MadMedia are Media & Promotion people, not racers. When racers show a concern and when your out of the box idea is not been used by the other well established desert Org's, you have to sit back and think why? One person seriously injured or killed due to the "Land Rush' Start could have been the death nail for UTVU, Mad Media & BITD or racing in Laughlin. Look what happened at the MDR California 200 race. Yes the circumstances were a bit different, but in the end MDR was shut down and racing was forever changed. We don't need a UTV race to make the 6 o'clock news because of a tragedy that could have been avoided. Could 2-3 cars starting at a time gave the spectators the same excitement, and yet made it safer to enter the "Desert" portion of the course? I'm sure next year UTVU & MadMedia will improve in many areas as they will have learned a lot doing their first UTV Championships.
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I loved everything about this event save for the land rush start. It was plain and simply dangerous.

Spoke with Casey today regarding another subject. When I mentioned this he interrupted and informed me that it went perfectly, as all the cars made it out of the infield without conflict. I hope he see's the video from Scanlons car. It tells a different story. I'm glad they made it out safely
I loved everything about this event save for the land rush start. It was plain and simply dangerous.

Spoke with Casey today regarding another subject. When I mentioned this he interrupted and informed me that it went perfectly, as all the cars made it out of the infield without conflict. I hope he see's the video from Scanlons car. It tells a different story. I'm glad they made it out safely

Joey said on RDC that is the Land Rush was great, and also stated that the Scanlon's crash was in the desert section and had nothing to do with the Land Rush start. So it sounds like Casey & Joey saw it the same way?

I was not there, but have heard from a few drivers & crew that were, and they too said, Yes the actual Land Rush start in the infield was fine until you left the watered and maintained infield, that is when it all went to hell. Because the infield was watered it allowed all 15-20 cars to stay bunched up and not spread out, so as soon as they entered the "Desert" part of the course they were blinded by all the dust of 15 cars and they started wrecking into each other. And this was a direct result of the Land Rush start.
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The Land Rush was fine.. what caused the crash was dust, in the desert. Scanlon was 3rd into the desert, he was in 2 cars DUST ONLY!!! The guys behind him hit him, but this isn't the first time there has been a crash because of dust in a desert race.. NOW if you told me this happened 10cars back and that the rest of the guys piled in then yeah ok I would accept that it was LAND RUSH starts fault but this wasn't because of the LAND RUSH start, and we will do this again because it was awesome and different! What we can do is make the transition from short course to desert longer to spread cars out before they charge into the un-groomed areas.
Joey said on RDC that is the Land Rush was great, and also stated that the Scanlon's crash was in the desert section and had nothing to do with the Land Rush start. So it sounds like Casey & Joey saw it the same way?

I was not there, but have heard from a few drivers & crew that were, and they too said, Yes the actual Land Rush start in the infield was fine until you left the watered and maintained infield, that is when it all went to hell. Because the infield was watered it allowed all 15-20 cars to stay bunched up and not spread out, so as soon as they entered the "Desert" part of the course they were blinded by all the dust of 15 cars and they started wrecking into each other. And this was a direct result of the Land Rush start.

WRONG!!!! SCANLON Was the 3rd car into the desert.. he wasn't behind 15... you can also see how much more dust his crash kicked up. IT WAS DUST, IN A DESERT RACE! The pile up definitely wouldn't have been as severe had the other guys been farther back, but to blame this solely on the land rush is stupid. It was a crash in a desert race on a dusty course. This type of thing has happened over and over again in NON land rush racing situations.
Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. No matter what you try and do there will always be naysayers. Everyone knows any type of racing is dangerous. I think that's what part of the draw to it is. You can't please everyone.
I thought the land rush start was rad, it gave people the opportunity that drew a 15th start position the chance to be in 1st in a matter of seconds, and vise versa. How do you think i felt getting a number 1 draw for the race and being lined up in the middle of 15 cars, scared and anxious believe me lol! Also you know what the land rush start helped bring in? Spectators.... And we all know spectators are what help grow this sport!!!!!!!
well I hope you can do some thing about the dust at the next race Joey ... It gets all up in my shit makes my fire suit dusty...

and everybody had the opportunity to have the race course GPS file before the race started

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