UTV World Championship LIVE Coverage!


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Congratulations to all and great to see three top 11 finishers from Bakersfield, just around the corner from the AVE racing in Cal City-all AVE racers. Great job all of you and especially Christina Perkins; 2nd Overall! Awesome! It was also great seeing many of our AVE racers doing battle. Awesome X 2.
Also looking for results. The feed was pretty frustrating, but I will take what I can get for free. Look forward to results.

Sorry about the feed. On Friday it all worked great. On Saturday our WiFi signal was crap. The hotspot kept dropping off. We did our best but we learned some things and the next time it will be even better.


My 2 pesos....The UTV world champs needs to get announcers that know the racers. The guys that they had were professional, but kept saying how much they drove trophy trucks, and how cool and how much faster SR1 UTV's were than the Pro UTV class. Plus they didn't know much if anything about the class or the racers. Kind of was a buzz kill for me and typical of people announcing stuff they don't understand. Joey D would have been a MUCH better announcer but he was crazy busy doing a great job putting on and promoting the event. So who can be a credible UTV announcer? Plus if SCORE has a jumbo screen, then somehow MM, UTVUG and/or BITD should figure out how to have one. It would be a great addition to the 2016 event. But the bottom line is that Joey/MM/Polaris killed it at this event. Great job guys!
My 2 pesos....The UTV world champs needs to get announcers that know the racers. The guys that they had were professional, but kept saying how much they drove trophy trucks, and how cool and how much faster SR1 UTV's were than the Pro UTV class. Plus they didn't know much if anything about the class or the racers. Kind of was a buzz kill for me and typical of people announcing stuff they don't understand. Joey D would have been a MUCH better announcer but he was crazy busy doing a great job putting on and promoting the event. So who can be a credible UTV announcer? Plus if SCORE has a jumbo screen, then somehow MM, UTVUG and/or BITD should figure out how to have one. It would be a great addition to the 2016 event. But the bottom line is that Joey/MM/Polaris killed it at this event. Great job guys!

Scott and Jim did good, and Rusty was feeding them info the entire time too so overall from what I could hear they did a good job. Of course, there is more for them to learn and Jim Beaver this year will actually race a UTV so he will have even more insight. I announced for about an hour but yes I was very busy to say the least.

As for a big screen.. we do screens a lot whether it be at the Mint, SEMA, Off-Road Expo, Camp RZR, etc.. They run from $10K to $15K per day. SCORE, which is a series, not a once a year event, or a first time event for that matter, owns their screen as they should. It is more than just popping up a screen however, it takes someone to build it, run it, program it, maintain it, and then you have to have the LIVE content to push out on it which means full camera crew, director, producer, etc etc. Not saying we won't ever have one, but when we do, it will be in conjunction with a LIVE feed which for this year we weren't ready to do. We did the audio coverage which was spotty at best due to failed internet signal. I hate doing LIVE coverage, it rarely works and if you want to do it right you have to spend $100K + to make it happen like KOH and Red Bull do. I do plan to work on this and make it better for year 2.

We have no problem spending money to make our event better going into year 2. believe it or not this event, in year 1, cost us well over $250K!!! We didn't go cheap, we did all we could to promote and produce a great experience for fans, racers and sponsors. BLM and BITD restrictions keep us from being able to do everything we want to do, but again, this is year 1 and we plan to fully implement all that we learned this past weekend.

Thanks for the props and thank you to everyone who came out to participate. I think we did a great job, the team worked their asses off and it resulted in the largest single UTV event our industry has ever seen!
First of all, I'd like to thank Joey for having me out. It truly is amazing to see how much the UTV industry has grown and I for one am excited about its future. This event was unique to say the least and year number 2 is going to be even more exciting.

I am definitely bummed the livestream didn't work as planned, and I am with Joey, doing a livestream sucks unless you have 100K to drop. As I was one of the announcers of the event, I think some of the frustration comes with the spottiness of the feed. As Scott has never driven an off-road vehicle in competition, I would be the one you had a problem with announcing. Definitely not what I like to hop on a forum and hear, but I'll take the constructive criticism and try and improve for the next time.

Addressing the Trophy Truck comments, obviously I drive them, and I have raced them on this exact Laughlin course, as well as various other vehicles on the Laughlin course, and I was trying to bring some of my experiences at this particular venue and how the course changes throughout the event to paint a picture for people listening that may not be familiar with it. Sorry if that was misunderstood. Same goes for the SR1 comments. I have actually raced an SR1 in Best in the Desert, and was drawing on that experience to explain the differences in those vehicles and the Pro Class. I don't remember saying they were faster overall, but I stand by my comments on them being faster in a straight line. No one can argue that. The one I raced saw 115 MPH with me in it. The Pro class is not hitting those numbers on the long straights, although they are faster everywhere else on course.

I will say I have been to a lot of UTV events, am heavily involved with Polaris, and will be racing Terracross for the next 2 years. I am no expert by any means, but am pretty aware of what is going on in the UTV industry. Full disclosure though, with 120 plus UTV entries, it was my first time seeing some of the entries and hearing some of these names. I think it's fair to say that was the case with a lot of the people there. I agree that Joey D hands down would be an amazing announcer, unfortunately Joey "Hollywood" D. was hosting the TV show during the event. HAHA.
The radio broadcast worked well on Friday and added a pretty cool piece to contingency especially for those of us who couldn't make it out. Too bad the feed went south race day. It seemed to start pretty good and then faded away to nothing. Not sure of the technology being used but it may have been a bandwidth issue? I like the real time coverage but it does seem to have its challenges even for SCORE. Perhaps satellite radio is the answer, though, that could be expensive? I am certain the live feeds and tracking systems will improve in the future but so far I am usually left disappointed.

Good job UTVUG, MM and BITD. Who can argue with the overall package especially the first time out! I give it 4 stars.
So how did the Land Rush start work out? I know this was a big concern when first announced.
The land rush start worked out just fine for every class and every row. The problem came when the cars left the infield and entered the desert area 15 at a time. Not many had the GPS file and so drivers were driving off tail lights through the dust. Unfortunately, there were a ton of people who ended up upside down, in ditches, way off the track, and in some seriously vulnerable situations. Thank goodness Craig and Keith were okay because that could have been a very very very bad situation.
What a Great Event so much fun .. I love Racing with all you Jack Asses ... the Stories the Lies the if I was 6 seconds faster .. really ThankYou all so much .. the stories ill tell when im 75 will be all about you guys .. of course I wont be able to remember your names to protect the innocent.

and then to top it off I get to see Larry Ragland and Larry Roessler standing in tech and I was to dumb to jump out of me car and get my picture with the true Baja Champs !!!

Really Larry Ragland and Larry Roessler how fucking cool is that
Scott and Jim did good, and Rusty was feeding them info the entire time too so overall from what I could hear they did a good job. Of course, there is more for them to learn and Jim Beaver this year will actually race a UTV so he will have even more insight. I announced for about an hour but yes I was very busy to say the least.

As for a big screen.. we do screens a lot whether it be at the Mint, SEMA, Off-Road Expo, Camp RZR, etc.. They run from $10K to $15K per day. SCORE, which is a series, not a once a year event, or a first time event for that matter, owns their screen as they should. It is more than just popping up a screen however, it takes someone to build it, run it, program it, maintain it, and then you have to have the LIVE content to push out on it which means full camera crew, director, producer, etc etc. Not saying we won't ever have one, but when we do, it will be in conjunction with a LIVE feed which for this year we weren't ready to do. We did the audio coverage which was spotty at best due to failed internet signal. I hate doing LIVE coverage, it rarely works and if you want to do it right you have to spend $100K + to make it happen like KOH and Red Bull do. I do plan to work on this and make it better for year 2.

We have no problem spending money to make our event better going into year 2. believe it or not this event, in year 1, cost us well over $250K!!! We didn't go cheap, we did all we could to promote and produce a great experience for fans, racers and sponsors. BLM and BITD restrictions keep us from being able to do everything we want to do, but again, this is year 1 and we plan to fully implement all that we learned this past weekend.

Thanks for the props and thank you to everyone who came out to participate. I think we did a great job, the team worked their asses off and it resulted in the largest single UTV event our industry has ever seen!

Like Joey said I was in the box with these guys feeding them info. One major challenge is communication. Its hard to feed them relevant info in a timely manner and have them convey it smooth and professional. So I was just rambling off stuff about racers as they went by and Jim and Scott would use would what they could. Sorry, it will only get better.
"FOX Air Strip to claim the one-off custom FOX Big Air Trophy and $3000.00! Both the longest jump from the desert and production races will win!"

well as it turned out not both only the production class won !!! we had the longest jump in the desert race and they told us to pound sand !!!!!!!!

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