Utv Hard Ramming.. Our Mint 400 #1958 aka The Pink Car

I would like to point out that before this thread was edited Perkins was mentioned for the same thing. They were pulling over and got hit by a green truck so hard they flew through the air and hit a joshua tree so hard they pulled the rootball out and cracked the tree in half. This happened as they were pulling over. Perkins dirt is fast. They have no reason to lie. The truck that hit them broke their radius rods, flattened the role cage in the back, and snapped their back shock. Everyone is saying get out of the way. What happens when you pull over to the right (like Casey said to do in the drivers meeting) and you get hit anyway? Im not trying to start any crap here guys, Im just stating that it may be an issue of concern. No disrespect to any drivers on this thread. We are all in this together to make it a better sport.
Well I think there's probably others that got hammered like that. We talked to 3 teams as we were loading up and all 3 had been hit hard. We made it 4 teams out of four. So I was "crying" and "whining" for them as well. Actually we were the only car that survived with just a pretty bent bumper and side panel and front plastic ripped off. Two others had major damage and the third I don't know the extend but was down.
I have a feeling we will only see more and more trucks and buggies nerfing UTVs as BITD and other orgs feel pressure from teams to run UTVs inline with where their times fall. I think V2R is going to be a good example of this as now UTVs will start back with trucks and buggies. It hasn't been a rampant problem in Baja racing but thats because I feel like there are not as many UTVs competing.

Beef up those rear bumpers and shine up on your co-driver skills. Is it ok? NO! Is it part of desert racing? Yes! Has this been happening forever? YES! Its part of the game I suppose. Right or wrong, its off-road racing. Excessive nerfs, guys not moving out of the way when caught, jack rabbiting, etc etc etc... its a part of this sport.
Personally I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing anyone to be injured. Knowing that would ruin my race. That's just me. The 15 seconds I gained for your jacked up neck or worse somehow doesn't set right with my personal values. Everyone has video now I'd encourage Casey to enforce the DQ penalty. That will stop it for sure.
George you are correct about being in front of us at one point as far as a clean pass that did not happen you only got around us while we were stopped with engine issues car would go into limp mode and I had to pull of course as to not be in the way.
George you mentioned you gave me your number not sure where or when. I have no need to call you I have nothing to hide or tell you in private did I nerf you yes do I feel bad about it NO. Because it was never excessive if so post the video you say you have. Peoples like you give UTV racers a bad name with all the crying. I was hit by a 12 car my fault for not getting out of the way. Of course it didn't feel that bad because I was not going as slow as you. Let it go man move on.
Personally I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing anyone to be injured. Knowing that would ruin my race. That's just me. The 15 seconds I gained for your jacked up neck or worse somehow doesn't set right with my personal values. Everyone has video now I'd encourage Casey to enforce the DQ penalty. That will stop it for sure.
Where is the video?

Don't worry bout it idk how u feel. We never noticed you on the course we started 73 and at rm 62 were 16 and your not in the top 23 so I assumed u were one of the many cars we passed or fell out whatever. We were ahead of you the entire rest of the race till our trans was going out on lap 2. Im cool with letting it go I'll give u credit where it's due I was surprised when I realized was a Teryx...... no wonder you guys were so desperate. Haha! Pretty fast 800 build. I'm still traveling others have the video if we have it I will post it. I'm sure Victor has his sure he can post it.
George I'm not the one needing to prove anything I said I hit you, you are the one that said it was excessive and called us out also we did not run a go pro. I don't need to see how good I think I am, my many wins in numerous classes do my talking.
I congratulate you on a decent 23 place finish.. I had handed off the car for lap 3 then showered, changed, and had a sandwich when I saw you go by the main pit. You didn't stop though at least not as far as I could see. You passed us a second time when the trans finally quit couple miles in. Are u running Silver state or V2 R? Maybe you like to put some money on your badass Teryx?
George again trying to call people out I have nothing to prove to you. We are all still waiting for your video that will prove what a Dick I am and what a victim you are. Post the video or shut your big mouth you cry more than my 10yr old. I will not be at silver state but maybe at V2R. If I am I will gladly take some of your money.
Whatever Ca drama queens I said the go pros are traveling back to Texas. If we have it I'll post it. In the meantime decide how much you gonna take from me at. V2R. At this point if it makes you feel better you barely tapped us I made a huge mistake. Now put your money where your mouth is......we so slow should be easy pickings. You Ca badass's totally killed our 1000 sent us home crying like babies as u say so put up or stfu. Casey will hold the money.....let's call it bumping for dollars!!
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When this thread first popped up it was full of colorful words for a list of people. Most of the issues were with machines out of our class. Now all those comments have been edited or deleted. I think you had some valid points but putting a target on the Green Teryx may have been a bad idea. David and his team are solid and they provided proof (bumper looks straight in the photos). I understand at the time emotions were high and you removed much of your comments after you had time to cool down. Sorry, you had a rough day out there.

Thanks Rusty. Your right I was upset I had two people hurt and then discovered many other Utv had similar issues. Not all were intentional one was at 70 +mph got hit lifter the rear of the car a few feet and luckily nothing happened. That guy said he believed he was hit so hard he doubted anyone would intentionally do that. My issue is we don't deserve to be hit beyond just a what's required to let us know your there. Like a tap on the shoulder vs a slap in the face. If u can understand that. If we didn't know they were there and they needed to get our attention Victor hit us harder than was necessary to get the point across that's all I'm saying. I'm ok with getting nerfed with a purpose. Beyond that I'm not ok with it because quite honestly that car behind me can cause bad stuff to happen to me and my co driver and I don't feel they have that right. When does nerfing to signal I'm here get over when u safely can turn into nerfing get the hell out of my way now!!! I sure both are class guys and exp racers shoujd know this can lead to stuff we don't need. New cars every race and I don't think it's a good idea to send message that hitting other cars is ok.

For the record my co driver said they hit us hard but I wouldn't say ramming speed. His exact words and I'd agree. The 5502 truck on the other hand rammed us as did 1710 jeep speed.
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