UTV Championship Updates, Pictures and Race Day Thread

It has to be funny cuz it sure ain't nothing else. HERE'S THE REAL BOMB! Airdam is a joke! Adam threw out the Dirty Dawg set up apparently he's smarter than old dude Dale. I should have known he was a flake with all the shit he talked and didn't deliver on up to having me wait a day in the middle of the desert for his sorry ass and showed up at 10:30pm wanting to follow an aireal map to find a road 3 miles away in the pitch black desert......thanks to all you fuckers that pumped him up every chance you get. And to all those who have since told me of their similar experience or worse.....why didn't you say so before? Well I'm saying it.....the guy is the most unprofessional I've ever met and his shit doesn't work for shit! Another racer said it perfectly......dealing with Adam is like dealing with a crack addict. Whatever he says you know none of it is reliable and he'll say anything you want to hear and 10 seconds later all bets are off.

That's the BOMB that got dropped and I hope it falls on his fucking head! I'd be more understanding if he had called to ask about his work instead of having his head up his ass worrying about lap times. If he doesn't have the integrity to back up his play then he doesn't have self respect and I don't feel any respect or love lost with losers like that.

Does that answer your question Johnny?

I for one have had great luck with Adam. I have heard all of the stories about being hard to get a hold of and the lack of response. But he is a one man band and has always come through for me. Before the Baja 1000 Adam spent 2 long days with me in the desert testing the clutch. When we showed up he put the same setup that he gave MB but it did not work for my car. MB and myself have similar driving styles but our cars are very different as far as setup goes. So what works on one car does not always work on another. I'm not sure what your situation is but Adam was out in the desert well past midnight with me, MB and the guys from Peak. He told us several times that he would stay out in the desert as long as it took to get it right. A tuning guy is only as good as the feed back that he gets back, that goes for suspension, car setup and clutches. We tested for about two hours with Adam that night and my belt temp gage was not working in our new car so we got it as close as we could with out all of the info. And yes I did blow one belt in the race but that is hardly Adams fault, I blew it because I was driving the car like an asshole and beating it like a rented mule.
At the Baja 1000 I was able to push our car incredibly hard and we did not blow one belt. I could have blown several belts but I would back it down when the temps got to hot. My wife drove the same car with the same setup at the UTVWC race and had to back down so she did not blow the belt. Even with the perfect setup it is still a belt drive car and no matter what it will always build heat if you push it too hard.

I can understand your frustration but I would look at his results before you come on here and bash his work. His results speak for themselves, and I can assure you he knows what he is doing. You will not find a nicer more dedicated guy than Adam.
Maybe I was a little harsh because I was frustrated with the way he does business not as much it didn't work. The weeks of not returned calls and emails is inconsiderate. No other way to say it. I was willing to let that all slide but after the race and all the issues I couldn't reach him no how.....turns out he's on the forum worried about what the lap times were. When he had his wife email me that he would get with me when he got back to Mississippi broke the camels back on my patience. Wayne I'm glad he did good work for you...but like I said the service was horrible and more painful than anyone should have to endure. The clutch isn't the only part of a race car as you know we have a lot to do before a race and i don't have time to be jerked around like I was w Adam . I've got a week before the mint...still haven't gotten a call. If vendors use the forum to promote themselves then act responsibly and I don't need to be a jerk and call u out. Just common courtesy of a phone call would have done wonders but after more than a week I'm out of patience. Probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.
you might be wrong there buddy. Marc Burnett hadnt blown a belt since the mint last year on his 1905 car. baja 500 on till it burned he had over 800 miles without a belt incident and well into the 200-300 miles in testing suspension and clutches, sure that may not seem like many miles to you, but if you knew how he drives you would understand how hard it is to make a belt last under him. you guys have great luck out of the stock clutches, i have a great ear, i listen to everything about every car, i can tell you what cams are in an engine by listening to it, i can tell you within 100RPM of what the engine is turning by listening to you drive by, i understand these cars more than you can imagine and i hear how your drivers drive the Cognito car and they are nicer to it than MB has ever been to any of his cars. MB will melt the secondary rollers in less than 2 miles in a stock secondary and the primary is complete junk in 200 miles. it took some time testing to get him figured out. but his car was absolutely dialed once i got him figured out last year. the same goes with Wayne and their car. the clutch is dialed but the rubber bands still have some limitations.
When racing with our 1600 engine, we used Kenny Major & now Andy Devercelly of Major Performance. Part of Kenny's service and reputation was going to the races and checking in with teams running his engines. Then come race day, depending on the race Kenny would float around the pit area and if he heard of a team running his engines and having an issue he was right in their pit ready to help. Plus we all had his phone # so a phone call would get him.

Then as the racers were finishing the limited cars had to have their engines tech'ed for CC's and carbs. Kenny or Andy would be there to help do the tear down and confirm everything was OK.

In this Small World we call Racing, Business is based on word of mouth and performance. Some will over look poor service for a great product, but many wont. For those who wont they go somewhere else. I have yet to see only one man or company do something that no one else can. You'll never be the only engine builder, your never the only shock company, your never the only fabricator etc. Most times as I have seen the guys who are hard to work with, but are brilliant at what they do, never survive long term, or expand. Guys who are willing to go that extra mile, and fall on the sward once in awhile, even when its not their fault will grow, and end up with a better reputation, even if their product is lacking at times.

Companies like Jimco dont rest on wins or Championships. Mike knows customer service is just as important. 99% of the guys racing are doing it as a hobby, and doing it with expendable income. The wealthy like McMillin's, Herbst, TSCO etc are not going to deal with poor customer service, they want to make a call and get an answer.

If I made a super bitchen steering set up or brake/hub set up for the UTV's but was hard to get a hold of, was not supportive at the races, was not on time with delivering my product, etc.. Do you think I would land some big names in the UTV world. And if I did how long would I be around before guys like Kartek/ProAm or Joe Shmow would walk in and say; I can do that and return a phone call or deliver on time?
ah dang i just caught up with the earlier statements in this thread.

george here is the REAL DEAL. i didnt throw Dirty dawg under the bus. i actually told you 100% that some of his parts are the same as what i use. and i wanted to try to use as much of the stuff from his kits as i could to save you money if they were right. the only thing i changed was a secondary spring, i told you his was close, but about 15lbs different than what i use. since i didnt get any of your primary parts you used, we had to go with all new parts. i didnt want you to have to spend a ton of money, i didnt throw anyones work under the bus and i never compared myself to them or made any accusations.

i worked at my shop the saturday and sunday before i left with 4 hours of sleep saturday night and 3 hours of sleep sunday night. monday morning i was here at 7:00 after 3 hours of sleep building customer clutches to ship out during the week i was to be gone. i had so much to do that i was on a huge time crunch and i knew i was outta time. i worked all day monday without a single break, i had supper with my family and went back to the shop and worked all night monday night and all day tuesday without a single break. i finally finished all the customers clutches and got the trailer loaded and went home tuesday at 5:00 to take a shower and pack. thats 4 days and 7 hours of sleep. i knew i was late to get to the mid day appt with you and i was scrambling to make it happen so i took a quick shower and packed and got back to the shop to hit the road. i left my shop at 9:30 on tuesday night after being up since monday morning working my ass off. i had a 27 hour trip to make to meet you and i was desperately behind. after i got on the road i started scheduling every stop and pinching the fuel mileage to get me as far as i could with the least amount of stops to save time. i ran in and ran out of every fuel station as fast as possible, i didnt stop to eat, i grabbed snacks at the counter on my way running in and out of every stop and turned that 28 hour trip into a 24 hour trip. my longest stop on the whole trip was 21 minutes and thats cause i had to wait on a pump. every other stop was 16 minutes or less. i did everything imaginable to make it there as soon as i could. i drove up at 9:00PM which was less than stellar considering i told you i would be there at mid day. i had planned on leaving a day earlier and being there on time, i didnt plan on you waiting on me. you should take some consideration into what kinda hoops i tried to jump thru to make it there to meet you in time. i worked my ass off, and then drove 24 hours straight without a single minute of rest after being up for two days straight. after i got to my hotel at 12:00 that night i had been up for 67 hours straight.

i had also made an appointment at flagstaff Dodge dealership to change my oil in my truck as i passed thru Flagstaff since i would be at my mileage then. since i was so late getting to you, i knew i didnt have time to stop for the oil change so i drove straight thru. i called and rescheduled it as i passed thru and made the appt for 7:00 the next morning when they opened up. i needed the oil changed because after the WC i was going to be driving home 2000+ miles and would be on a sunday and no place to change my oil and i didnt want to run my truck 2500miles past the oil change. so after getting to my hotel at 12:00 midnight after being up 67 hours i got 4 hours of sleep and got up and left laughlin at 5:00 am to make the drive back to flagstaff to get my oil changed at 7:00 when they opened. to my stupidity i forgot about the hour time change so when i arrived at flagstaff it was 8:00 and i had to wait in line. my "30 minute guaranteed oil change" took 30 minutes but i had to wait over an hour to get it done. so after being up 67 hours, getting 4 hours of sleep and then driving 2 hours in the wrong direction to get an oil change and then having to wait almost 2 hours to get it done i was super super pisst and super super behind because i told you i would meet you at 9:00 AM the following morning after we left Wed. so the drive from flagstaff back to laughlin was supposed to be 2.5 hours, i drove 100mph the whole way and made it in 1 hour and 45 minutes. i think i arrived back in laughlin at 10:30 to meet you again. you were mad because i was late, and i apologize but i promise you that you had no idea what was going on with everything i had to deal with. i did my best to make it back as soon as possible and i wasnt far behind what i said i could do but i so again apologize for being so late.

your car was different from everyone elses. the work you did to the transmission was trying to help, but unfortunately hurt your machine. a gear reduction takes load off the clutch and stress out of the trans and it actually helps a lot of these machines run a faster speed because you are reducing the load on the machine so the engine will actually pull the MPH. everyone i have talked to about it, i give them the part numbers for the OEM polaris gear reduction which is a 14.5% and it works great. without saying any names, we have done numerous cars that with the gear reduction will do 82-85mph where as with the OEM trans they were only able to pull 72-76mph. the lower gearing in the trans takes a lot of load off the clutch and will sometimes actually help you gain MPH. the unfortunate event happened that you went with another vendor and got a gear reduction that apparently is well over the 14.5% and you are hitting the rev limiter at 65mph. i am sorry, thats unfortunate, and it left you and me both in a bad situation come tuning day. its not something you can easily replace or fix or change. so we had to deal with it. that much gear reduction should have actually helped you in the soft wet sand, but tagging the rev limiter in the higher speed sections will quickly and almost instantly blow a belt. tagging the rev limiter is almost instant death to the belt.

so after you and i finished your car as best as we could get it with the circumstances of what was going on with the car you left and i know you were already late getting to do the rest of the things because of how late i had made you. again i apologize but i was under a huge amount of stress from the things i had to do and the lack of time to do them all. after you left i had customer after customer after customer. i stayed in the same place without a single break all day and night. i finished the last car at 5:30 in the AM the following morning. so, from saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday i had a whole whopping 10 hours of sleep. i worked my ass off, i do it every day of the week and i literally get nothing in return for it other than being able to see guys i worked on get up on the podium which makes it totally worth it for me. i would have loved to see you do good george but unfortunatley its not always in the cards.

i saw you blow a belt in the infield, in almost the same place a lot of other folks were blowing belts coming into a turn in the braking bumps. i had a few customers that blew a belt in the same place. coming into a corner hot and letting off the gas and stabbing the brakes and dragging the back tires over the braking bumps. this was breaking belts in half. literally cutting them like you cut them with scissors. that wasnt a clutching problem, different calibrations wont fix that issue, thats a driving issue and can only be corrected by not letting off the gas coming into the turns. coming into the corner hot, just let out of the gas to 40-50% throttle and run thru the turns at a moderate throttle, dont ever let off completely. when you stab the brake, the front end dives and the ass end unloads which is draggin the back tires over the top of the braking bumps. this is loading and unloading the clutch and yanking the belt. which was breaking them in half. just backing out of the throttle and letting the machine take the corners at 50% throttle never unloading the clutch and i think you could have stopped the issue. the gear reduction trans is awesome at taking the load off a clutch under power, but unfortunately it compounds the problem of the tires skipping over braking bumps. which would have caused yours to be under even more stress than someone with a stock geared trans. i think it was unfortunatley just not the day for you sir and i am sorry but i can assure you the parts you have in your clutches are some of the best on the market.
I'm not going to argue or disagree w you regarding conversations we had....mostly true it was long I didn't read it all but It's racing and shit happens still no excuse for not calling me that's my point and i reached my limit is all. I felt jerked around cuz none of the timing was like we agreed and then no time to test and then car was a belt eating machine. After a terrible race I'll call u in a week blew my head gasket dude. Can't unring the bell I'm past it lets just get it working and I'll report back.....stay tuned.

I ran that trans 200 mi then cratered a ceramic bearing but never blew a belt. Whatever the problem be we always figure it out hopefully in testing if you don't push it to the wire. Unfortunately we didn't have that ability. Thanks for the call I got your attention now I apologize for losing my temper and being a terrible role model once again. I never said I was good w children....haha I'm sorry that was a joke again I have no filter whatsoever.....Im thinking I may have Tourette's. FYI I ran the car with another of the clutches you set up and ran 80 mph @ 8700 so that's impressive! Fuck that was classified information as was the tranny gear....Thank God how to roll a car in consecutive races is still a secret. Lol
I'm not going to argue or disagree w you regarding conversations we had....mostly true it was long I didn't read it all but It's racing and shit happens still no excuse for not calling me that's my point and i reached my limit is all. I felt jerked around cuz none of the timing was like we agreed and then no time to test and then car was a belt eating machine. After a terrible race I'll call u in a week blew my head gasket dude. Can't unring the bell I'm past it lets just get it working and I'll report back.....stay tuned.

I ran that trans 200 mi then cratered a ceramic bearing but never blew a belt. Whatever the problem be we always figure it out hopefully in testing if you don't push it to the wire. Unfortunately we didn't have that ability. Thanks for the call I got your attention now I apologize for losing my temper and being a terrible role model once again. I never said I was good w children....haha I'm sorry that was a joke again I have no filter whatsoever.....Im thinking I may have Tourette's. FYI I ran the car with another of the clutches you set up and ran 80 mph @ 8700 so that's impressive! Fuck that was classified information as was the tranny gear....Thank God how to roll a car in consecutive races is still a secret. Lol

Not the desert results....

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