Uh, as a previous long time buggy tool and being new to the UTV toolbox... On RDC/MM.com after almost every SNORE/MORE/BITD and SCORE race there is whining from virtually every class re scoring/timing and tracking. This is not new... It's usually led by RDC's resident chief tool, Pete.
As for the comments re the UTV racing community; I can tell you the overall mentality of a lot of the UTV racers is different from the traditional desert racing world, and there is a slight disconnect between the two. Nothing wrong with it, but the UTV world is pretty new and the OG desert classes value the history of the sport. It's amusing to see the clash and funny to watch the cocks strut around the coop on both sides.
Disclaimer: I'd totally stop reading here if I was you! If you want to understand a little more history of the sport, these issues and why the car guys think the UTV peeps are special, read on. I wouldn't F'n do it if I was you...
After 20 plus years of doing this in cars, here are a few observations:
- The new automated scoring/timing systems do not seem any better and seemingly less reliable than the old analog methods. The newer automated systems seem to take as long and seem to have flaws but when it works it's a good thing and we are all amazed and excited. Thus the older guys are used to it and a little more patient. It may also be a generational thing...
-Funny how the roundy round, road race and rally systems seem to work well for those orgs? Yet, the guys that seem to spend 10X the amount to build/race a car can't get a promoter to find a system that works as well as the other forms or racing??? I've dirt track and road raced and can tell you there is a lot less scoring issues.
- Tracking ALWAYS SUCKS! Numerous systems have been tried and they all suck and work half assed. The promoters have their allegiances so get used to it sucking. No it's not right; but it's been happening for years and a media promoter tossing their hat in the ring will not magically make it all better...
- All the promoters support certain "special interests". Right, wrong, work or don't work; they all have their homeboys and they will continue with them regardless. Everything from IRC to chassis tagging and class changes due to motor builders/suppliers etc... to creating classes and allowing rules to become guidelines have all come about due to special interests input. It does not make it right or fair, but after years of the same BS the buggy/truck guys are used to that same old shiat... Maybe special interest explains the bullet points above as well??????
- Since the UTV desert racing world is fairly new in comparison to the rest of the sport and since you were initially categorized with the bike crowd, that might be why you see the rub with the OG car classes folk (FYI it was the same way with the 1400/white fiberglass gang when they started showing up). Since a majority of the UTV racers are also fairly new to the "car" desert racing world (remember that separation with the bikes) and are unaware of a lot of the history, you are now just getting a taste of what we've "enjoyed" for years... As time progresses you'll see the gaps narrow between the UTV/Car classes and eventually you'll become discouraged like the rest of old farts...
By the way we also have some big hurdles with land use issues in this sport and the car guys are very hi-brow, and above getting involved. Hopefully the UTV crowd might be more enthusiastic?
Now that I have solved that, I can refocus back on the middle east... I told you not to F'n read it!