UTV Championship Updates, Pictures and Race Day Thread

You nailed it! Once you accept money for something you have a higher level of responsibility and it's not like the kind of money were taking is chump change. In the working world it's called rising to a level of incompetency. For a $350 entry you'll accept a certain amount of chaos.
Lay off the door nob.
Lap times are in guys. The gave me the list of the fastest laps turned on course. I have been wondering about how to score the fastest lap trophy. Whoever has the clean air in the first lap is clearly at a huge advantage to turning the fastest lap. Clean air. No traffic. It's easy to wind it out and turn a fastest lap. My thoughts this year were to exclude the first lap in the standings of fast. Simply because it's not a full lap and whoever is out front has a huge advantage. So here I am on my phone out in the desert, just gotta ping with the message from bitd and I wanted to put it on here. I would show you but my phone won't load pix to this site. I'll see if I can get Meredith to do it from the shop computer tomorrow.

The standard method for timing a race would be to show each racer and every single lap time they had. So they would be able to see how fast they were each lap and see the elapsed time at the end. She said they are having a problem putting it together like that this year. Their system isn't letting them do it easily. So they have the list laid out fastest laps top to bottom. Branden Sims turned a 16:49.733 in the desert race on his first lap. Every one of the times listed below was these guys first lap. The next closest racer was Dustin Jones with S3 running a 17:10.788. I'll try to post the top few.


16 : 49.733 - Branden Sims - Lap 1
17 : 10.788 - Dustin Jones - Lap 1
17 : 20.994 - Justin Lambert - Lap 1
17 : 24.886 - Cory Sappington - Lap 1
17 : 34.103 - Mitch Guthrie Jr - Lap 1
17 : 43.828 - Marc Burnett - Lap 1
17 : 44.708 - Cody Rhaders - Lap 1
17 : 46.732 - Branden Schuler - Lap 1

here is what I was thinking. The fastest lap shouldn't be the first lap. It would need to be second lap or better. Not clean air. A whole full lap. Contesting with dust and traffic. That's the real laps and the most challenging. Here are what it looks like for fastest lap that wasn't the first lap.

18 : 00.432 - Justin Lambert - Lap 4
18 : 01.296 - Dustin Jones - Lap 2
18 : 01.495 - Justin Lambert - Lap 2
18 : 03.198 - Cory Sappington - Lap 2
18 : 04.568 - Mitch Guthrie Jr - Lap 3
18 : 06.427 - Brandon Schuler - Lap 4

Seems the way things laid out guys

Here is the short course race.

16:53.506 - Mitch Guthrie Jr - Lap 1
17:27.966 - Branden Sims - Lap 2
17:37.614 - Dustin Jones - Lap 1
17:41.245 - RJ Anderson - Lap 1
17:43.125 - Mike Gardner - Lap 1
17:44.093 - Branden Sims - Lap 1
17:48.597 - Ryan Piplic - Lap 1
17:59.066 - Mike Gardner - Lap 2
18:01.985 - Mickey Thomas - Lap 1
18:03.053 - Mitch Guthrie Jr - Lap 2
18:05.669 - Matt Hancock - Lap 2
18:06.981 - Dustin Jones - Lap 2

looks like I need Justin Lamberts and Branden Sims address. Congratulations guys.
Awesome, this is why I wanted to see some times! I knew I turned some fast laps, how about that 17:27.966 on my 2nd lap in my desert car in the short course race!

Sims Motorsports
6400 East Sr 69
Prescott Valley Arizona 86314

Thank you Adam!
Damn those were close times!!! Awesome!! I will be sure to tell Justin to check out this thread

Thanks for the sweet hardware!!

Cognito Motorsports
34935 flyover CT
Bakersfield ca 93308
They put out results. They are lagging on Lap Times yes but its only because of the Mint 400 draw which was taking place this week and most everyone seems to decide to register at the last minute. Cut them some slack. They sent me a sheet of fastest lap times today but said tomorrow they will have more organized breakdown to share. So I will wait until then to post that up. Airdam posted most above anyway.

There is no issue with scoring, it is just taking longer then normal because there is a high work load at the moment.
Just because they have collected their money doesn't mean they dont have the responsibility to these racers still. Are you making excuses for them because you work for them?

They put out results. They are lagging on Lap Times yes but its only because of the Mint 400 draw which was taking place this week and most everyone seems to decide to register at the last minute. Cut them some slack. They sent me a sheet of fastest lap times today but said tomorrow they will have more organized breakdown to share. So I will wait until then to post that up. Airdam posted most above anyway.

There is no issue with scoring, it is just taking longer then normal because there is a high work load at the moment.

I guess the Mint 400 doesn't matter because there was a UTV race last weekend.

Wow....I will tell you. After reading the stuff on RDC and coming over to check out the RZR world some of you guys really come off as a bunch of entiltled TOOLs.
Airdam ok idea on that fast time in lapped traffic, but how about us guys that started in the 4,5 or even sith rows. I started in the 4th row and ran a 20 min lap. (I know this because it was the only lap I got to run because of a bad bead lock "always double check somebody else's work") The dust and traffic back there was rediculous!
I guess the Mint 400 doesn't matter because there was a UTV race last weekend.

Wow....I will tell you. After reading the stuff on RDC and coming over to check out the RZR world some of you guys really come off as a bunch of entiltled TOOLs.

Tools Haha we are not the ones that decided to Park the UTV race in the middle of all the other races Joey is the Tool !!! Im sure the whole lap times deal is because we simply dont understand the tedious process involved in compiling the data

But in all seriousness now that your here it looks like out TOOLBOX is Full !!!
I guess the Mint 400 doesn't matter because there was a UTV race last weekend.

Wow....I will tell you. After reading the stuff on RDC and coming over to check out the RZR world some of you guys really come off as a bunch of entiltled TOOLs.

Jesus Christ dude.. take your shitty attitude and go home if its so bad around here. I was defending BITD obviously. But I am not shocked that the racers of this event want results and lap times ASAP. Since you are familiar with RDC then tell me please how any other class would react following a race that has taken over 3 days to provide results. I have been around RDC A LONG TIME and I can tell you those threads happen.
All the other pro classes are racing for money "payback" why is there no payback in UTV racing. Granted it's not like you can make any real moeny compared to what it cost to race, but it seems that there should be some payback. We are talking about a good chunk of money when there is 50 + cars racing
All the other pro classes are racing for money "payback" why is there no payback in UTV racing. Granted it's not like you can make any real moeny compared to what it cost to race, but it seems that there should be some payback. We are talking about a good chunk of money when there is 50 + cars racing

BITD offers payback to the desert class. Last year I put up $10K of my own money to payback in the Production class.

This year I couldn't do it. But next year its going to change. BITD gets 100% of the entry fee. We are going to work it out with them to provide a payback system to production racers because we agree 100% with you!!
I apreaciate all you do, thanks for putting up the money. but i totally agree that there should be payback built into the entry fee. BITD has a car and truck entry form that has payback and a seperate UTV entry form with no payback. If it has 4 wheels, a couple of seats, a steering wheel, doesnt that make it a race "car" why not just fold the UTV's in with all the other race cars. If you race a class 11 bug or a Trophy Truck you fill out the same entry form with payback, why are UTV's any different? Is that something that should change? or is there a good reason to stay seperate that I dont see?
Uh, as a previous long time buggy tool and being new to the UTV toolbox... On RDC/MM.com after almost every SNORE/MORE/BITD and SCORE race there is whining from virtually every class re scoring/timing and tracking. This is not new... It's usually led by RDC's resident chief tool, Pete.

As for the comments re the UTV racing community; I can tell you the overall mentality of a lot of the UTV racers is different from the traditional desert racing world, and there is a slight disconnect between the two. Nothing wrong with it, but the UTV world is pretty new and the OG desert classes value the history of the sport. It's amusing to see the clash and funny to watch the cocks strut around the coop on both sides.

Disclaimer: I'd totally stop reading here if I was you! If you want to understand a little more history of the sport, these issues and why the car guys think the UTV peeps are special, read on. I wouldn't F'n do it if I was you...

After 20 plus years of doing this in cars, here are a few observations:

- The new automated scoring/timing systems do not seem any better and seemingly less reliable than the old analog methods. The newer automated systems seem to take as long and seem to have flaws but when it works it's a good thing and we are all amazed and excited. Thus the older guys are used to it and a little more patient. It may also be a generational thing...

-Funny how the roundy round, road race and rally systems seem to work well for those orgs? Yet, the guys that seem to spend 10X the amount to build/race a car can't get a promoter to find a system that works as well as the other forms or racing??? I've dirt track and road raced and can tell you there is a lot less scoring issues.

- Tracking ALWAYS SUCKS! Numerous systems have been tried and they all suck and work half assed. The promoters have their allegiances so get used to it sucking. No it's not right; but it's been happening for years and a media promoter tossing their hat in the ring will not magically make it all better...

- All the promoters support certain "special interests". Right, wrong, work or don't work; they all have their homeboys and they will continue with them regardless. Everything from IRC to chassis tagging and class changes due to motor builders/suppliers etc... to creating classes and allowing rules to become guidelines have all come about due to special interests input. It does not make it right or fair, but after years of the same BS the buggy/truck guys are used to that same old shiat... Maybe special interest explains the bullet points above as well??????

- Since the UTV desert racing world is fairly new in comparison to the rest of the sport and since you were initially categorized with the bike crowd, that might be why you see the rub with the OG car classes folk (FYI it was the same way with the 1400/white fiberglass gang when they started showing up). Since a majority of the UTV racers are also fairly new to the "car" desert racing world (remember that separation with the bikes) and are unaware of a lot of the history, you are now just getting a taste of what we've "enjoyed" for years... As time progresses you'll see the gaps narrow between the UTV/Car classes and eventually you'll become discouraged like the rest of old farts...

By the way we also have some big hurdles with land use issues in this sport and the car guys are very hi-brow, and above getting involved. Hopefully the UTV crowd might be more enthusiastic?

Now that I have solved that, I can refocus back on the middle east... I told you not to F'n read it!
You OG desert racing farts have all the answers, dont you have some telescopes to sell rather then spending your time on the internet
Airdam ok idea on that fast time in lapped traffic, but how about us guys that started in the 4,5 or even sith rows. I started in the 4th row and ran a 20 min lap. (I know this because it was the only lap I got to run because of a bad bead lock "always double check somebody else's work") The dust and traffic back there was rediculous!

What do you mean? Were you asking me a question as to what I feel about the guys starting way back in the pack? Well that's why I didn't wanna use the first lap to look at fastest lap times. Simply because the first guy in the first row was at a Monsterous advantage compared to the guys starting back in every row past the 2nd row. It would be impossible for someone starting in the 3rd row to run anywhere near the same lap time as the guy in the hole shot on the first row. I would basically be giving the award to who got the holeshot. Not who turned the fastest lap. Excluding the first lap, and only looking at lap 2-10 to find the fastest time around the track would mean that person ran in dust, in traffic, and had just as much as a chance as you regardless which row you started in. It just so happened that these guys did start in the higher rows. But they started in the first row because of their finishing places in the last race. But on the laps 2-10 they were fighting the same stuff as you.
To Coco ^^^ Says the Gov't employee to the Taxpayer;) By the way you are an older "car" desert race fart than me...

Thanks for all the great work on the car! Getting it in for that "issue" this weekend and hope to be able to race it soon... PS clean out your voicemail on that flip phone
I assume also that there is a malfunction to the tracker system. I looked last night and nowhere did I see a single lap time for Wayne Matlock. He did break and his first lap was long because of repairs. But his second lap was like a 16min lap. He picked off 25+ places. That's no joke I bet he turned a 16 min lap. Buy he don't have a single lap time on the whole sheet. Not sure at all but as it stands the guys listed above did an amazing job and ran their hearts out.
What do you mean? Were you asking me a question as to what I feel about the guys starting way back in the pack? Well that's why I didn't wanna use the first lap to look at fastest lap times. Simply because the first guy in the first row was at a Monsterous advantage compared to the guys starting back in every row past the 2nd row. It would be impossible for someone starting in the 3rd row to run anywhere near the same lap time as the guy in the hole shot on the first row. I would basically be giving the award to who got the holeshot. Not who turned the fastest lap. Excluding the first lap, and only looking at lap 2-10 to find the fastest time around the track would mean that person ran in dust, in traffic, and had just as much as a chance as you regardless which row you started in. It just so happened that these guys did start in the higher rows. But they started in the first row because of their finishing places in the last race. But on the laps 2-10 they were fighting the same stuff as you.
Airdam sorry for the way I worded that. I guess what I was wondering was did anybody starting 3+ rows back even come close to the fast lap times at anytime in the race?

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