The Lyin King
Public Lands Advocate
Comments needed on Glen Canyon National Recreation Area ORV Management Plan
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
BRC sending an Action Alert out on a Sunday?
We decided to come in on a weekend to blast this Action Alert because Chad Booth from At Your Leisure is featuring the ORV Management Plan at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area on today's program.
At Your Leisure (AYL) At Your Leisure is a weekly outdoor recreation show that covers both motorized and non motorized family oriented outdoor recreation around the western United States. AYL covers great rubber tire, track, and sportsmen destinations, product reviews, and many stories including vital news on important land issues. AYL can be seen: Saturday nights at 11 and Sunday mornings at 9 on ABC-4 in Salt Lake.
On today's program, AYL travels to Kanab, Utah, to discuss the release of preliminary alternatives for off-road vehicle (ORV) use at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, located in northern Arizona and southern Utah.
Sadly, all of the preliminary alternatives released for public review limit motor vehicle use. Only the “no action alternative,†which is never considered a viable alternative by federal land managers, maintains the existing level of OHV use.
BRC has reviewed the GCNRA's alternatives and other materials and is asking its members and supporters to make a few specific comments on this important plan.
The GCNRA is managed by the National Park Service, so comments must be made via webform. We've provided instructions and also some suggested comments below. The comment deadline is November 24, 2010.
Please take action today!
More here . . . Utah & N. Arizona Action Alert - Comments needed on Glen Canyon NRA Travel Plan - BRC Action Alert
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
BRC sending an Action Alert out on a Sunday?
We decided to come in on a weekend to blast this Action Alert because Chad Booth from At Your Leisure is featuring the ORV Management Plan at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area on today's program.
At Your Leisure (AYL) At Your Leisure is a weekly outdoor recreation show that covers both motorized and non motorized family oriented outdoor recreation around the western United States. AYL covers great rubber tire, track, and sportsmen destinations, product reviews, and many stories including vital news on important land issues. AYL can be seen: Saturday nights at 11 and Sunday mornings at 9 on ABC-4 in Salt Lake.
On today's program, AYL travels to Kanab, Utah, to discuss the release of preliminary alternatives for off-road vehicle (ORV) use at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, located in northern Arizona and southern Utah.
Sadly, all of the preliminary alternatives released for public review limit motor vehicle use. Only the “no action alternative,†which is never considered a viable alternative by federal land managers, maintains the existing level of OHV use.
BRC has reviewed the GCNRA's alternatives and other materials and is asking its members and supporters to make a few specific comments on this important plan.
The GCNRA is managed by the National Park Service, so comments must be made via webform. We've provided instructions and also some suggested comments below. The comment deadline is November 24, 2010.
Please take action today!
More here . . . Utah & N. Arizona Action Alert - Comments needed on Glen Canyon NRA Travel Plan - BRC Action Alert