Trestles126 Intro

so i guess since this threads mine now haha here are a few more pics

my truck hopefully one day to be done and same quality as Gary the Drywall guys Plank built ranger

and a what my next project hopefully will be :) all i want is my truck and a roadster

gary the drywall guys ranger nicest ranger around IMO


my ranger

need to take my speedboard back out again more

when shit goes bad young operator one of my good friends got over confident cause the supervisor told him that crane could pick anything set up a good 20ft too far away under pressure and a timeline decided to "cowboy" it and make the pick instead of stopping everything and takin the 30-60mins to move the crane closer and well soon as he took it over the side of the crane down she came quicker than you could blink a eye i was out there for 24 hours the following day pickin up and loading out the carnage



old pic of board collection have about 4 more now

moving a crawler crane MR crane can move a 2250 crawler in about 8 hours form built up working to built up working on tilt up jobs pretty impressive thats with figur 2 hours of driving






drove this around for a good 2 years or so....amazing how well it corners and gets around town front 3 axles and rear three axles stear opposite ways to take tight corners as well as you can put them in crab mode and crab side to side or do the rear with toggle switches and front with the stearing wheel

glamor shot in parker haha

me on the way to crown king arizona couldnt make it across the bridge 18 hour drive just to turn around and drive 18 hours back stupid sales man
the company, the operator, and so forth 3mill in damage....kirby got fired i felt bad he has so much potential to be a bad ass operator he moved to vegas and has been doin good everysince hes sorta a loose cannon and gets ahead of himself but those old conventional cranes are tricky to run with freefall and brake systems and he had alot goin for him just one small mistake and its all over
wow that must suck real bad but live and learn and dont take short cuts .....not worth it smoe times....
figure it like this as bad as it was...........would you want a rookie pilot that just started flying or a vet that crashed 2 planes in vietnam flying'll make him a much better opperator just took a insane accident to do that...the days of being a cowboy and operating by the seat of your pants are no more
man the stories you have from work i bet are great so far i am entertained just from the job pics
4th generation my dad is a very good operator my grandpa and great grandpa were some of the best. I started working after school at 16 in the yard as a shop boy sold my dirtbike at 17 saved for my class a license school when i turned 18 took the apprentiship test casue my dad being in didnt help he couldnt get me i had to do the apprentiship program and waited about 7 months to get in out of into the truck crane part of our union like my dad and so forth adn been doin it ever since it deffinetly is a different lifestyle. most people cant hang with the hours and the schedule. you either got it in you or you dont i think the reason i lasted and still like it is its such a heritige in my family and i take alot of pride in the oldschool ways and the lifestyle we choose.....its not a 9-5 job and we dont "drag our feet" like most people portray union construction....we are always "up up" and running, and doin what we do the fastest we at 23 stilll run circles around guys that have been in for longer cause alot just do it for the paycheck i do it for the pride and my reputation....its a very Yelling, screaming, chaotic enviroment when we are assembling and moving cranes (50 percent of our work) people dont see cause the contractors are only there for the actuall hook work part they dont see us driving the 4 hours to get to palm sprigns at 4am then 2 hours of puttin the crane together then we start a 8 hour day work all day with the contractor then 2 hours tear the crane apart and 4 hours drive in.....people jut see us takin it easy and think all we do is lift stuff up and down from the crane....haha im rambling now...
i have a few stories of 45-95 hour shifts we did that alot over at Mr crane

my first day there when i left hill crane and went to MR crane I was out in palm springs doing windmills i got a call from our dispatcher at 9pm at my hotel saying that the job was canceled and i had to be in the yard in Orange (2 hours away) at 3am for a crawler move. Got to the yard left the yard at 3pm with the tractor trailer got to riverside broke the crawler out(like pictured above) 4 hours, drove the peices to ontario build it back up4 hours later we were done at around 4pm from ontario we drove the trailers out to tehachapi with just 3 guys including me (crawler moves have a team of 5 men) i got there at 9pm broke the cralwer crane out of the windmills in long boom 300ft, till 3am in the morning, from there got back on the road drove all the way from tehachapi to Irvine off the 405 and jamboree got there at 11am, continued till 10pm building the crawler up in 200 ft of main boom and 200ft of luffer then drove to the yard got in at 11pm and had to load out parts for the next day till 1am so figure 3am thursday morning-1am saturday morning of vigourous work and long driving....pretty assanine but thats what we do.

heres a pic of the crane all built up the next morning people say we are Pre-madonas, and we are we are a small group of only probably 900 members that are steady truck crane rental hands in a union that has over 9000 in so cal alone


its all good its dope you take pride in what you do best and all your projects show it very well............not many people like that out there they want like you said a paycheck ,paycheck is good but if you dont like what you do you wont last doing it......
i will bro he works messed up hours as well so ill talk to him has he approved you yet...

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