Testing the 2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat X

Thanks Noel. I know you are always an honest man with your comments and also not working nor sponsored by the manufacture! :p LOL

I guess Ill need to drive the wildcat 4 for myself now cus I just cannot get over how long that bad boy is!

And with this new 4 seater stupid law, a manufactured 4 seater is the route I gotta go. And I know daymn well I aint going with a XP 4 nor a kawi 4!

no problem. Get you butt out to Glamis over President's and take it for a spin. Artic Cat will be out there.

I am in the same boat as you as far as needing a 4 seater. I keep trying to convince myself I can get a way with a 2 seater cause the wife does not go on rides that much.

I too just cannot pull the trigger on the XP four seater. My issue is I know I will have to spend money on suspension and cage to get it to ride and look like I want it to. The do look awesome all done up.

I am waiting for the Maverick 4 seater before I make my decision. I know the Maverick will haul ass, but I want to know how it rides.
LMAO! Hi crazy Steve! Hows is going? How is your buddy Blue / scorrs-racing doing? You miss the 4 1 1? :rolleyes: Haha

Lol the only thing I miss is the rhino guys giving me a hard time, that and the bbq's lol

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no problem. Get you butt out to Glamis over President's and take it for a spin. Artic Cat will be out there.

I am in the same boat as you as far as needing a 4 seater. I keep trying to convince myself I can get a way with a 2 seater cause the wife does not go on rides that much.

I too just cannot pull the trigger on the XP four seater. My issue is I know I will have to spend money on suspension and cage to get it to ride and look like I want it to. The do look awesome all done up.

I am waiting for the Maverick 4 seater before I make my decision. I know the Maverick will haul ass, but I want to know how it rides.

Well see about making it out for Prez weekend.

I am also waiting to see how the mav4 will do in the real world AND a shoot out on all four 4 seater UTVs battle it out! :cool:
Lol the only thing I miss is the rhino guys giving me a hard time, that and the bbq's lol

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Thats one thing I will give you Steve, having a good sense of humor! The other RZR clowns were a bunch of butt hurting man-ginas! Haha

And the BBQ was a joke cus your buddy Blue planned it out and then bails on and never showed his face! What a beech! LOL
Jonathan, the reasons behind not wanting to go with a XP4 is the two piece frame is a lil sketchy and scares the crap outta me! Also the minimal leg room in the rear as well as a few cases of units catching on fire, steer me away from it.

And as for the kawi, with only equipped with a 750 FI engine and no long travel kit? If kawi were to add more in both those departments, I would probably be sold on a kawi 4.

Dont get me wrong, both manufactures are proven and make great units. Thats just my honest take on both.

And also, I am not completely sold on the Wildcat 4 either. Just looking at the selection being offered by the different competitive manufactures.

I got a 4 month old and now need to get a "legal" 4 seater for the fam. And now with the helmet law coming into effect towards the middle of the year, I probably wont take my son on a ride with a helmet on, in a UTV, til he is about 2 years old, which is when I plan to make a purchase AND cant wait to see whats available by then since the manufactures keep pushing out better and more improved units each year to suit and fit our expectations! :)

I thought i was going to buy Rzr 4 xp bc in my honesty it was the only performance 4 seater but man the wildcat 4 looks so tempting. The two piece frame can be beefed up easily which doesnt bother me. The wildcat always intrigued me but lacked power with wet clutch. Now they solve that i am really interested. I also want to see how the maverick max4 rides. It doesnt look as sporty as an xp4 or wildcat4 but it might be fastest. The helmet law does suck for kids. Im not sure what im going to do and open for suggestions as i have a baby on the way. The weber might be traded for an offroad station wagon. Lol

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Thanks Noel. I know you are always an honest man with your comments and also not working nor sponsored by the manufacture! :p LOL

clearly I am a huge liar who is paid by Arctic Cat to post positive comments... :rolleyes:

So that Dan can hear some of the negatives (that Arctic Cat also pays me to post) Braking could be improved across the entire Wildcat lineup, uphill acceleration isn't too thrilling, while it is fun to drive it is a bit tough to throw around in tight trails, you can get it done but on long runs it is fatiguing.

Anyway, back to my fable story telling and manufacturer check cashing... lol

Hey Dan, tell your boys Blue & Kyle hello for all of us! 411 4 LIFE! :D
clearly I am a huge liar who is paid by Arctic Cat to post positive comments... :rolleyes:

So that Dan can hear some of the negatives (that Arctic Cat also pays me to post) Braking could be improved across the entire Wildcat lineup, uphill acceleration isn't too thrilling, while it is fun to drive it is a bit tough to throw around in tight trails, you can get it done but on long runs it is fatiguing.

Anyway, back to my fable story telling and manufacturer check cashing... lol

Hey Dan, tell your boys Blue & Kyle hello for all of us! 411 4 LIFE! :D

Did Polaris pay you to say that? Lol JK Joey!

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I thought you were paid by Caterpillar! :D

Joey since you have driven the XP, how does the Wildcat X compare to the XP? Just curious if the X is close.
I thought i was going to buy Rzr 4 xp bc in my honesty it was the only performance 4 seater but man the wildcat 4 looks so tempting. The two piece frame can be beefed up easily which doesnt bother me. The wildcat always intrigued me but lacked power with wet clutch. Now they solve that i am really interested. I also want to see how the maverick max4 rides. It doesnt look as sporty as an xp4 or wildcat4 but it might be fastest. The helmet law does suck for kids. Im not sure what im going to do and open for suggestions as i have a baby on the way. The weber might be traded for an offroad station wagon. Lol

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

Ill be honest with you, at one point, I also thought my only option was the XP4 for the fam BUT glad we are starting to see more standard 4 seater being available, as they should, since the manufactures pushed for the new 4 seater law! LOL JK (Lets see how much crap I get for saying that)
And yes, the two piece frame can be beefed up BUT I don't see why you should be having to do that on a new unit?
Sucks about these new laws and how we have to adjust to them, just to take the family out on the weekend....
clearly I am a huge liar who is paid by Arctic Cat to post positive comments... :rolleyes:

So that Dan can hear some of the negatives (that Arctic Cat also pays me to post) Braking could be improved across the entire Wildcat lineup, uphill acceleration isn't too thrilling, while it is fun to drive it is a bit tough to throw around in tight trails, you can get it done but on long runs it is fatiguing.

Anyway, back to my fable story telling and manufacturer check cashing... lol

Hey Dan, tell your boys Blue & Kyle hello for all of us! 411 4 LIFE! :D

"Clearly" you misread my quote and decide upon yourself to act as if I was referring to you! LOL Relax big pasta! I never even knew you got paid to post, thought you did all this stuff on your own dime and what's made with vendors fees?

There are a lot of people in the industry that will praise on a turd simply because the are sponsored by that manufacture AND that is who I was referring to. I apologize if I offend anyone reading this BUT that's just the way I feel.

Thanks for posting the negatives. Not all units are "bulletproof" as we all know. Guess I will need to take one for a spin to better determined which suits me better....

And my boys Blue and Kyle? Beyond the forums, I have never even meet Blue because he never care to join us in a group ride. He was always into racing, which I could care less for. Kyle on the other hand would take the tyme to set up annual group rides and hang out. You maybe able to get CrazyWatson / Steve to get you in contact with Blue because they seemed to be buddy-buddy. And I am sure you know how to get a hold of Kyle AND while your at it, tell your boy Jim Conner I said what's up!

Specking of rides, whatever happened with the annual UTVUG Ocotillo Wells trips?
You're all good. I misread and thought you were commenting towards me. No one pays me to post however that would be bad ass if they did. lol

We need to get back into an annual trip to OW but with as busy as I am trying to cover the racing scene and all the other enthusiast based events it makes it really hard. Hopefully this year I can hire someone to help me with the day to day stuff and I can free up some time to do more event planning for our members.
You're all good. I misread and thought you were commenting towards me. No one pays me to post however that would be bad ass if they did. lol

We need to get back into an annual trip to OW but with as busy as I am trying to cover the racing scene and all the other enthusiast based events it makes it really hard. Hopefully this year I can hire someone to help me with the day to day stuff and I can free up some time to do more event planning for our members.

I will take the free demo rides and paid trips off your plate. Its the least I can do for a guy who might hook me up with some beadlock rings.

Lol never met Blue. he was kind enough to sent me a bunch of stuff for the ride to raise money for utv's for wounded warriors but thats the only contact I have ever had with him. Ill probably meet him at a race some day maybe.

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