Wayne, it is 8" longer on wheel base overall. The problem I have with keeping the dif. in the original position is, with the 4" longer wheel base in the rear, my CV angle is such that I only have 3/4 of an inch of inner cv cage movement from outer clip to bottom of the housing. With the 20" of wheel travel, I need 2-3/4 inches. I had no issues with CV angle with the fronts with the front 4" forward and 20" travel as far as angle goes with the control arm setup. The Rear dif. also had to be lowered 2 5/8". My favorite saying is " 1 modification leads to 10". Ha Ha I have decided after the Teryx build I am done with build projects. I am getting too old to be out in the shop 24/7. I told my wife my next project is going to be bird houses out of pop sicle sticks, and her response was, " RIIIIGGHT".