sr1 starting build


New Member
im am starting with the build on my sr1 rhino i got the whole frame ready to drop in the motor but im looking for some advice or pictures of how to in stall this motor and keep my stock rhino rear end or what u guys recommend
im am starting with the build on my sr1 rhino i got the whole frame ready to drop in the motor but im looking for some advice or pictures of how to in stall this motor and keep my stock rhino rear end or what u guys recommend

Nice! Welcome to UTVUG! Alot of members here with SR1 rides! You came to the right place for all your questions. ;) Good luck on your build!
Well, first off, if you are using the stock rhino rear end, its not a SR1.

SR1s utilize a specific motor mount setup from Weller racing, with a rear carrier and sprocket setup.

If you are looking at a generic R1 build, then you can put the motor in sideways, and run a drive shaft right off the R1s sprocket, back to your diff. A few have been built this way. But be forewarned, you will need to upgrade your CVs and axles to atleast VW Type 2.

If you are looking at racing in the SR1 class, you better give Weller racing a call, to get the parts you need, so you are legal (its sorta like a spec class, atleast with the motor years/placement).

Start asking questions! We are here to help.
okay so what ure saying is u dont recomend using a stock rhino rear end update my axles so my gorrila axles wont hold?
im gonna be using gorillas with real 300m axles. the actual gorilla axle wont hold. i think the gorilla cv's will be decent, stronger than stock for sure, not sure about the longevity but i will find out. we ran this setup ( 1 rear set ) in our race rhino for a whole season doing double duty at each m4sx round, sxs pro and doubles, a monster jam and some other stuff. then i traded them to trevor (747ink). my motor is a yamaha shaft v-twin. so i will put them to the torque test.
Well, first off, if you are using the stock rhino rear end, its not a SR1.

SR1s utilize a specific motor mount setup from Weller racing, with a rear carrier and sprocket setup.
So you are saying all the SR1 cars racing LOORS has a Weller specific motor mount?
I thought SR1 stood for Stock R1, not anything about the rear end?
So you are saying all the SR1 cars racing LOORS has a Weller specific motor mount?
I thought SR1 stood for Stock R1, not anything about the rear end?

I believe if you are gonna race in the SR1 class, you have to install the SR1 mounting kit that Weller Racing sells. Check out there site and look under SR1: Weller Racing
SR1 stands for Super Rhino 1 - or Super R1 - it's what we named the car, and subsequently, the class.

If someone says they are building an SR1, it's going to be assumed from everyone that it's a race car, and will need to be in spec for the race class. However, I know a number of people who are building SR1's just to drive around in the dunes and have fun....not necessarily making a race legal car.....

If you are racing an SR1 in any SR1 class, it has to be built in accordance to the SR1 rules. Here is a link..... SR1 Rules

The main requirements for the SR1 as a race car are the spec motor mounts, no FNR boxes (straight chain drive), R1 motor between 2002 and 2008.....

Also, the required mounting kit itself is not a lot of $$.......if someone wants to make their own rear carrier/drive setup, that's just has to be a chain drive setup with no reverse and the other rules need to be followed...
Ah, I found the rules while you were posting apparently. I saw that it said "spec motor mount" But I couldn't find the spec.
I figured as much that anyone could build one.
Thanks for the clarification on "Super" not "Stock"
im am starting with the build on my sr1 rhino i got the whole frame ready to drop in the motor but im looking for some advice or pictures of how to in stall this motor and keep my stock rhino rear end or what u guys recommend

you can do this, but like mentioned, it would not be a "SR1". it would be an R1 powered rhino.
or were would i find the flages to run 930 cvs and make it a chain drive at ive been looking for them and cant find them
or were would i find the flages to run 930 cvs and make it a chain drive at ive been looking for them and cant find them

check out the forum on, they do a lot of bike motor powered buggies using chain drive/rear sprocket setups. There are a few manufactures of rear carrier setups, I believe some of them use 930s.

I really like the Weller setup. Its priced right, and takes alot of design and work out of the equation. It uses Type 2 CVs which are plenty strong.
try metaltech products

they weld a rhino stub to a 930 cv cup but you will need to modify your rear control arms to fit the 930 cv

Local shop up here in Reno has a stock R1 with the stock Rhino rearend too btw. He did a sick job on it. street to sand

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