Soboba GP

I guess I am kinda late on this one..... I was out on my Harley yesterday. But here is my 2 cents....

Last year was my first race ever.... All stock motor with the MTS Kit. The most dangerous part was the start... 50 Rhinos going for the hole shot. I came into the first lap about mid pack..... then going into the was someone hit me from behind. Since my Rhino is not a Race Rhino and it is my everyday ride and it was my first race I pulled off to the side a little and let everyone go ahead of me. I was behind Code the entire race. We just hung back and waved as we passed the broken Rhinos and the Rhinos sitting on their roofs. I finally was able to get around Code on the last lap, I pushed it a little hard to get around him and snap... I broke a rear axle. Code was able to pass me right before the finish line. Code was stock with only Afco Shocks. I was happy with 14th place out of 50 for my first race.....

My point was this.... Everything was ok until I pushed it a little too hard. The track is rough and built for carnage. So on the very few long straight aways the built motors have the advantage... but after an hour lets see if they are still able to finish.....

Run what you brung..... It is a fun race for sure.
Unfortunately, Im not going to make the race this year. My motor wont be together in time, and Im waiting on UMP to build me a custom filter setup to better match my new found HP.

Im seriously bummed, as Soboba 08 was my first race in the rhino, and it was a blast. I will be out at the race spectating though, so if anybody needs any help or anything, let me know.

Good luck to everyone who races! Youll have a blast. Thanks to the guys at Soboba for putting on such a good race and putting up the huge prize moneys!!
I am trying to work it out so I can get down there and take some pictures of the utvundeground group for the magazine. Where is everyone meeting?

I have some good sneek peeks pics but can't find my usb cord to the camera, will pick one up tomorrow and have em up for you guys.

Well, all that and my pics suk, I am by no means a photographer. Any how heres a couple to check things out. Tuesday I have some guys coming out to shoot video and some stills will be much better. My pics don't do me justice.
1. dub,dub,dub 2.whoops 3. camping 4. table 5. start ine atop spectator hill.
Everything is raw and not cleanded up yet. Start is abot 1000 ft incline.
DUde...I messed up...Jacob had pics and I tried to enlarge them and my smart azz accidentally deleted them! I know, smart guy! I PM'd Jacod to repost them.....I am a retard......Sorry.......
I will give you a phone number to call me.......If you decide to come PM me this weel and I will hook you up so you can get a hold of us, pick up a shirt, and get you some decals!!!

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