Silver State 300 race day

Congrats to the finishers. Looked like a ton of fun and quite the drag race. Polaris back to domination of the podium after a very short absence. Confidence is back and pressure is off... whew getting worried...NOT. :D:p:eek:

Looking forward to the 500 and battling to retain the SCORE championship.
Another strong showing by Branden Sims. 3 races this year and 3 podiums is a great way to start a season.


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Amen !!!!
Team South Motorsports 1922, we had been fighting an electrical gremlin on the mag side fuel injector prior to the race, Friday we found the ground wire was almost broke causing intermittent missing. Fixed that and we were good to go for the race. As some of you know we are a 3 man team, and split the driving. This race Michael was starting the race and getting out at pit 3 roughly 100mi in. At aprox rm 30 he hit a bush and the same injector started going in and out again! We started 11th off the line and by rm100 we were 3rd on the track. Michael did have the fastest split time in the first 100mi but everyone knows you can't win a 300mi race in the first 100. After pit 3 Russell got in and started a good pace but the belt let go on him and took 10min to change, less than a mile after the belt we had a flat tire, likely from pulling off track to change the belt. Got that swapped and made it to pit 6 where I was getting in. My wife got in with me to navigate, she's ridden with me before in RallyRaid but this was her first desert race, just after leaving pit 6 the course line disappeared from the GPS, I decided to keep going and just follow the markers " BAD IDEA" after 5 miles I ran into a flag man that said you missed your turn aways back! Turned around got the gps working and back on track, all the while the car was missing and backfiring with the injector problem. At rm250 the car started running perfect and we were on the rally style roads hauling the mail, no dust whatsoever beautiful scenery! Smooth sailing until a mile before the finish, the bad injector quit all together and we limped into the finish. 8th place but our confidence is up knowing we at least have the speed to compete once we sort out all our bugs. Had a great time, look forward to V2R!
Great Race Everybody
Thank You Polaris, UTVinc, Lonestar Racing and Thank You to everybody Racing and their Support Teams and all the Media People for the coverage and Casey and Crew for putting up with all of us. It was our first race and so much Fun we learned a lot...
Team South Motorsports 1922, we had been fighting an electrical gremlin on the mag side fuel injector prior to the race, Friday we found the ground wire was almost broke causing intermittent missing. Fixed that and we were good to go for the race. As some of you know we are a 3 man team, and split the driving. This race Michael was starting the race and getting out at pit 3 roughly 100mi in. At aprox rm 30 he hit a bush and the same injector started going in and out again! We started 11th off the line and by rm100 we were 3rd on the track. Michael did have the fastest split time in the first 100mi but everyone knows you can't win a 300mi race in the first 100. After pit 3 Russell got in and started a good pace but the belt let go on him and took 10min to change, less than a mile after the belt we had a flat tire, likely from pulling off track to change the belt. Got that swapped and made it to pit 6 where I was getting in. My wife got in with me to navigate, she's ridden with me before in RallyRaid but this was her first desert race, just after leaving pit 6 the course line disappeared from the GPS, I decided to keep going and just follow the markers " BAD IDEA" after 5 miles I ran into a flag man that said you missed your turn aways back! Turned around got the gps working and back on track, all the while the car was missing and backfiring with the injector problem. At rm250 the car started running perfect and we were on the rally style roads hauling the mail, no dust whatsoever beautiful scenery! Smooth sailing until a mile before the finish, the bad injector quit all together and we limped into the finish. 8th place but our confidence is up knowing we at least have the speed to compete once we sort out all our bugs. Had a great time, look forward to V2R!

Congrats and Great Job
Thank you and yes I was smoking but nobody told me I was not allowed to stop for a smoke break during the race .. but you know my codog was busy changing tires and belts so I figured id have a cigarette
Team South Motorsports 1922, we had been fighting an electrical gremlin on the mag side fuel injector prior to the race, Friday we found the ground wire was almost broke causing intermittent missing. Fixed that and we were good to go for the race. As some of you know we are a 3 man team, and split the driving. This race Michael was starting the race and getting out at pit 3 roughly 100mi in. At aprox rm 30 he hit a bush and the same injector started going in and out again! We started 11th off the line and by rm100 we were 3rd on the track. Michael did have the fastest split time in the first 100mi but everyone knows you can't win a 300mi race in the first 100. After pit 3 Russell got in and started a good pace but the belt let go on him and took 10min to change, less than a mile after the belt we had a flat tire, likely from pulling off track to change the belt. Got that swapped and made it to pit 6 where I was getting in. My wife got in with me to navigate, she's ridden with me before in RallyRaid but this was her first desert race, just after leaving pit 6 the course line disappeared from the GPS, I decided to keep going and just follow the markers " BAD IDEA" after 5 miles I ran into a flag man that said you missed your turn aways back! Turned around got the gps working and back on track, all the while the car was missing and backfiring with the injector problem. At rm250 the car started running perfect and we were on the rally style roads hauling the mail, no dust whatsoever beautiful scenery! Smooth sailing until a mile before the finish, the bad injector quit all together and we limped into the finish. 8th place but our confidence is up knowing we at least have the speed to compete once we sort out all our bugs. Had a great time, look forward to V2R!

Brett, I don't know why you keep leaving us out.

As long as you guys keep top 10's and we DNF, we are one big team. Now if that reverses I am not saying I won't jump ship.

JK. Awesome job from all 3 of you guys again and once again an awesome trip.

I smell a podium before the end of the season.

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It was lots of fun watching you on IRC tracking....the new guy kick some butt out there! I think you were leading up until the 1/2 way point. Congrats on a great 1st. race.
It was a long day for car #1929, we had a sensor issue and were limited to 6500 rpm for the last 180 miles. We are still 3 for 3 on finishes for this year and me and my son are having a great time. Cant decide if we are up for V2R.
Congrats to everyone! Congnito, good job bring home a win on the maiden voyage.

So many good cars & great teams, tight tough competition, this is how racing should be.

Smoothest race course ever. My motorhome could have made the first 40 miles no problem.
great job to all at cognito!!!!well deserved win and the car looked great !your lap time was very impressive, not just beating the sxs's but a shit ton of the entire race field(class 1s and trucks) post that on race dez and let the games begin LOL.
great job to all at cognito!!!!well deserved win and the car looked great !your lap time was very impressive, not just beating the sxs's but a shit ton of the entire race field(class 1s and trucks) post that on race dez and let the games begin LOL.

We probably could have gone a little faster but our clutch tuning was a tad off and hurt our top end throughout the day

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