Dear S&S Headers, Inc., Customers and Vendors:
This is one of the most difficult letters I have ever had to write. Due to the ongoing poor economic conditions and continued shortfall of revenue, it looks like we are becoming yet another casualty of this recession/depression. Our building owners worked with us as long as they could but unfortunately have now chosen to pull the plug. They have exercised their right to change the locks and demand all past due rent in full, which we are unable to provide at the present time. Therefore, it is with great disappointment and regret that we announce that our business is currently closed.
We are trying to legally regain control of our physical property so that we may satisfy work-in-process orders and return property that belongs to our customers. I will keep you informed of our progress.
Thank you so very much for your continued support and the many years we have worked together. It has been a 41-year journey for S&S, and we deeply appreciate all of our customers and vendors and wish you continued success.
Betty McCalla
S&S Headers, Inc.