The Comment Period and Petition Acceptance Deadline was January 31, 2009.
I don’t mean to dampen your spirits since this is a very important issue for the OHV community and our Armed Forces, but the accepted comment period for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping process deadline was January 31, 2009. Public comments must be received by the close of the scoping period to be considered in the Draft EIS.
Draft EIS: Spring 2010. The Draft EIS analyzes the potential environmental effects of the proposed action and alternatives.
Notice of Availability: Spring 2010. The Draft EIS will be available. Public meetings will be held during the 90-day comment period to receive comments on the Draft EIS.
Final EIS: Winter 2010. The Final EIS Documents will be prepared.
Notice of Availability: Winter 2010. The Final EIS Will be available. Interested parties have 30 days to review and submit comments on the Final EIS.
Record of Decision: Spring 2011. After considering environmental effects of the proposed action and alternatives, other factors such as cost and feasibility, and public comments received on the EIS, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy will select a course of action and sign a Record of Decision document.
If there is a transfer of land from Public to Military lands then Congress must still pass it.