Great news!!! We finally got this thing dialed in and its finally done!!!!
We really had to do a ton of work to get it working right and with the help of some awesome people it's dialed in just about perfectly. I'll give you guys a quick summary of what went into it, but as we all know a few pictures and paragraph do not do the work justice. It took literally months of planning and research to even get it started and the hours and hours of fab time. Did the first chunk of it in May, then had to dial in a few more things and buttoned it up early August.
First off, I need to thank Dean Kuhn of Race Cars by Dean Kuhn and Jonny Garcia of J5 Design and Fabrication, if any of you guys are in or around the San Diego area, these guys do amazing work for an unbelievably fair price.
As I mentioned in the previous posts in my thread, we found that I needed to have the steering wheel near flat in my lap. This is where I could get most of my strength to the wheel, making my reactions much quicker and not having to rely on as aggressive power steering. This was a huge problem earlier because one, the u-joints were binding bad, and two it would be impossible to get me in and out of the seat with the wheel in my lap. We had to figure out a way to make it adjustable and figure out something to do with the steering shaft. After much, much research we found a right hand drive machine box to help us with our steering shaft-to-wheel problem, and long story short Jonny found out how to make the wheel set-up easily sway up to get me in and out. Believe me, this set up is trick, I could write pages on how detailed it got and the pictures still dont do it justice.
We then had to get the plumbing all redone for the power steering, to get a fresh start. We took it to Lee Manufacturing and these guys went to town on it, they really focused on keeping the fluid temp low because we are running such high pressure it gets crazy hot. There are coolers in the lines and reservoirs and filters everywhere, it actually turned out pretty sweet, I have never seen so much stuff going on in a small machine like this. Anyways, long story short again, the power steering runs awesome now. We just had to play around with some pump pulley sizes, got that figured out and we're good to go.
Next was the throttle/brake. I was originally running daily driver hand controls that are attached to the foot pedals. They were terrible, super sloppy and not precise at all. I wanted to run a lever directly to the brake master cylinder and throttle cable. We just got rid of the foot pedals all together, moved the brake inside, and again long story short started fabbing. It works unreal for me now, it feels so natural and I now get a ton of leverage on the brakes so I can lock up the car effortlessly.
Safety was a pretty big concern for us too. I ended up ditching the PRP suspension seat for an aluminum bucket seat. We filled it with fast curing foam and molded it to my body. I'm held in so much better, but now I really feel it when I bottom the shocks haha. We put in bars to hold my legs and are in the process of making straps. One issue I have had since I got hurt is that I cannot sweat to regulate my body temperature so I overheat very easily. We ordered a CoolShirt and put it in. It's an on-board ice chest that pumps cold water through a shirt with tubing through it to cool off your core temp. It is the greatest thing I've ever bought, I'd recommend it to everyone. It lengthens your riding season by months. We also had a huge problem in our first test, the tail of my lap belt got caught in the power steering pulley

that hurt!!! haha. We the put sheet metal over basically every moving part underneath the seats so that wouldn't happen again. Last, we are getting ready to do a race cage, this stock one scares me haha.
Here are some build pics from May...
Stripped down and ready to go
Gas and brake in progress
Steering servo getting there
Eyeballing out the steering box
Holding my legs in place
All put together
Gas and brake shot
2 a.m. after a long week of work, we all know how good the finished product feels
I'll post up some more detailed pics from our first test day soon, but like I said.. these do not do it justice. Truly one of a kind