All UTV's Robby's new monster truck

Long Travel Ind.

Human Welding Machine - UTVUnderground Approved
it going to be a few late nights to get this thing done in time for vegas monster jam


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bad ass! Its coming a long. I have been following this topic on a couple of ther sites...

Kyle the frame was built by the same guy who builds a lot fo the top Monster Truck chassis. I believe it is the same one that the Grave Digger trucks run. But RG and it looks like LTI will be doing all the assembly from here on out...
bad ass! Its coming a long. I have been following this topic on a couple of ther sites...

Kyle the frame was built by the same guy who builds a lot fo the top Monster Truck chassis. I believe it is the same one that the Grave Digger trucks run. But RG and it looks like LTI will be doing all the assembly from here on out...

Actually Joey the chassis is A CRD design he did Rob's Pro 2's as well, my friend Frank that has racing monster trucks for years is spearheading the project and us and the guys at RGM are hammering it out to try and make it to vegas next weekend I will shoot some pics on the progress for you guys
gotcha...I though I read on one of the Monster Truck forums that it was a common MT platform. Either way I am sure its going to be super sick! I hope you guys get it ready in time. I am sure RG will do work in it!!
we were on track to get it to vegas when the call came in and I guess Robby forgot to ask if he was invited !! It sounded like a lot of the other competitors were pissing and moaning about letting him in to the finals without doing any other races in the series So now it will give us some time ..


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we were on track to get it to vegas when the call came in and I guess Robby forgot to ask if he was invited !! It sounded like a lot of the other competitors were pissing and moaning about letting him in to the finals without doing any other races in the series So now it will give us some time ..

bunch of whinning biotches!! dont they watch NASCAR? if they did they would know Robbie is not a shinning star in that series.

they should make it a grudge match for fun. he can race the winner for shits and giggles.
dude you would be blown away at how many guys have monster trucks and compete around the US. They take it very serious and they were not happy when they heard that RG was just going to show up at their super bowl and compete when they only allow like 20 some trucks and a 100 other trucks want in. On the other hand some understand the star power RG brings and they dint mind just like they didnt mind Pastrana. If they were smart they would be bending over backwards to make sure RG was there because he can blow that sport up!!!

Hey Brian, what shocks are you guys running....did Robby make his own?
Robbys Truck.


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