Road to the Hammers

This will be my 5th year at this race and it is one of my favorites. It is a great time and it never fails to challenge every competitor. As Jeff stated earlier, preparation is the key to finishing and enjoying this race.
If we can help any of the teams prepare for the race please let us know. We can take care of you with parts and accessories or advise on how to prepare for KOH. We carry winchs and everything else you need to make your car legal to race.
Let us know I we can be of any help in your preparation for KOH.
Great weekend of practicing.

The girls did an awesome job getting through the fun little course Jay planned out for them. Made it through every obsticle with just a few bumps and bruises. The new winch also got a good work out.

We'll be back at it again next week in OW. :cool:
That is a fun place, are you guys going again this weekend? I think the Pro Armor guys are hosting a fun event near there this coming weekend.
The more and more that we talk about it at the shop, the more pumped I am getting about this!!! This will be my first trip personally and I am really looking forward to it :D
Hi all! I say it's about time to update on what's been going on. So, here it is - Episode 2.

Our first go-'round practicing was quite an eye-opener. After filling ourselves with some delicious carne asada, we decided to make a run on some of the obstacles in the S-22 4x4 the light of the moon. :eek: First few obstacles were easy peasy - a series of logs - check, pipes and tires - check.

Then, we get lined up to do a series of concrete pipes where you essentially have to hop over each one in the series. I've been known to have a heavy foot and most have learned not to say "Hit it!" around me, especially if you're in the path of travel. So, I didn't have too much trouble punching over this one, although the RZR might not have enjoyed the ride as much as my co-driver and I did. It was great fun.

The final obstacle we did that night was a series of rocks called "Little Rubicon." Let me tell you, rocks never look as menacing as they really are when you're trying to drive over them. Trying to pick a line that looks manageable and sticking on that line were tricky to say the least. Tucking your thumbs in and holding the steering wheel where you want your tires to go, when they're sandwiched between rocks were also quite a feat. We made it through the course once going clockwise and once counterclockwise with only one break. Phew.
I cant wait!!!!!!!!!

[ame=""]2011 King Of The Hammers UTVUnderground Hi-Lites! - YouTube[/ame]
Well still no car for me this week. So maby next weekend I can swing out for the day to do a ride with you guys.

Waiting on a guage to be instaled , switch plates to be cut and re-wired and tunning / dyno. So looks like next week.. Cant wait to go see you gals run it
So exited! Here is my video from last year.

[ame=""]King of the Hammers UTV Race 2012 Car 3646 - YouTube[/ame]
Well still no car for me this week. So maby next weekend I can swing out for the day to do a ride with you guys.

Waiting on a guage to be instaled , switch plates to be cut and re-wired and tunning / dyno. So looks like next week.. Cant wait to go see you gals run it

We should be out Sun, Mon or Tues through the following Sunday. Hope you can make it. :cool:
here ya go ....

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